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Everything posted by barrygordon

  1. I have gotten to the point where I can successfully receive feedback from the 2441 thermostat and process them on my iPads. I notice in the ISY admin console there are commands for moving the setpoint up or down one degree. Are there equivalent REST commands to do exactly that or do I need to send a new ST value that is higher or lower by 1 to effect the change? I noticed that all the variables of the thermostat state have CLIXX controls except for the room temperature. For room temperature the ST control return seems to show the value as opposed to some control such as CLITMP. Is this by design or an oversight? Also I do not see a control value for "Holding" which is a thermostat state. TIA Barry
  2. Thanks for the assist. I believe I now completely understand it. I just have to write the code for the iPads to deal with it.
  3. Okay, I found some of the documentation for the 2441TH, but naturally have a few questions Node Command: CLISPH, CLISPC It appears that you must set 2x the desired temperature. I assume this is to allow for a setting +/- 0.5 degrees CLIFS What is the paramater? Numeric (0= off, 1=on; or string "On" or "Off") CLIMD Same question, what are the legal mode setting parameters (Cool, Heat, Off, On as strings or numeric values, and i numeric what value for what mode. CLIHUM I assume this will be a returned parameter being Humidity (0-100) with UOM being % CLIHCS Is this the reply for Mode? What are the possible values? String or Numeric? CLIEMD"> This seems to be obvious ( 0 = Off, 1 = On) Will a get command bring back the desired value e.g. 6C D6 1/get/CLISPC
  4. Thanks lee, that should get me started. I am sure I will be able to figure out the rest (no pun intended).
  5. A simple example of a REST command to set a cooling set point, or the system mode ( heat, cool, off ) would help a great deal. I. Assume that if I make changes at the thermostat it will show up as feedback if I have subscribed to the ISY. If you provide an example just assume the thermostat has an address of 11.22.33 Thanks
  6. Where can I find information on using the Insteon 2441TH thermostat with the ISY994? I am looking to effect complete control (setpoints (cool, Heat), modes (on off cool heat auto), fan (On Off Auto), etc. I would like to get event notification for any and all changes including current room temp. Just need a pointer to where this info is located. TIA, Barry
  7. If I alter the value of a scenes brightness through the ISY should I get some sort of feedback (Subscription is in effect) for the Scene, or just for the devices in the scene?
  8. Thanks again. Great support! The system I developed for the iPad written in JavaScript using the command fusion system is working just the way I want. I need to do some work on the ISY in the scenes I have defined to eliminate some and organize them better. The system tracks the state of all insteon devices using a subscription. The iPads, one mounted i the wall of each major room, are dynamically updated as things change. Sliders move, bulb icons brighten and dim, etc. I am having an issue with ISY programs, but that has nothing to do with the iPads. Sometimes, a program does not see to run. E.g. I have a program thet turns on the outside lights at sunset and one that turns them off at 11 pm. They generally run fine,but sometimes it appears as if they have not run. I.e. the lights do not turn off or do not turn on. Infrequent, but does semmto occur. I need to track this down. Suggestions on how to do that would be helpful. Intermittent problems are a bitch.
  9. Why doesn't the ISY allow me to send a command directly to a key on a keypadlinc to turn on or off? Lets say the keypadlinc is at address 22 46 C0 so button c would have the address of 22 46 C0 3. If I send a rest command to that address to do a DON or DOFF, the command is rejected i.e. the command does not succeed. Is that by design or a bug?
  10. I often get an error messages when I start the admin console. The messages are in a small dialog box and state e.g.: "Cannot communicate with Theater Remote-B (1C 34 23 1). Please check connections." The remote is a hand held 8 key RF remote, ergo it is not connected to anything. I get this message for one of two remotes (Theater remote or Guest Room remote). When checked the remotes work fine. The messages also come up when changing scenes or other attributes not related to the remote in question. Any advice or assistance appreciated
  11. Thanks for all the assistance. The final problem; subscription feedback; was a bug in my code. Everything is working fine now. The ISY is behaving as I expected it to. Once again, Thanks!
  12. Yes the Firmware and UI versions are now the same at 4.0.5
  13. I understand that, but since the microlink changed state, shouldn't I get a status report regarding that fact from the Insteon microlink / ISY?
  14. Oops, not quite resolved. I have subscribed to feedback. In the scenario described above both the KPL and micro link work correctly but i get no feedback. If I send the rest command directly to the micro link status feedback comes in on the subscription port as expected. Any help advice appreciated.
  15. Thanks Xathros, That resolved it.
  16. I have several keypads installed all working, or non working in the same manner. Lets take one as a typical example. These are 8 button KPL's. One of the buttons is cross linked to a microlink. If I use the KPL button to control the microlink the microlink responds correctly and the light on the KPL button tracks the state. If I address the ISY (REST interface over TCP) to control the microlink, the microlink operates turning on and off correctly, but the KPL button does not track the state of the microlink with its light. The same condition also exists of I control the microlink directly from the ISY using the Admin system. The above is true for all such situations for multiple keypads, some being 8 button and some being 6 button. I am running the version v4.0.4 of the ISY firmware and version v4.0.5 of the UI according to the about dialog box. Your assistance is appreciated.
  17. As usual you are very helpful. Perhaps some background is in order: I control my home with Homeseer. I have been a Homeseer user for about 11 years and my home automation is based upon it. The user interfaces are wall mounted iPads (5 of them, one in each main room of the house). I have just converted from X10 to Insteon and no longer have any X10 devices. I need to put them on eBay! There is an excellent interface between Homeseer and the ISY written by a Homeseer user. It is known as the ISY plugin. Using this plugin I am able to do exactly what I want. The plugin provides the mechanisms to run programs, scenes, command devices etc. The iPads communicate both with Homeseer and with specific devices in addition to Homeseer for which there is a TCP/IP interface. Homeseer handles all devices with serial interfaces. I write the ISY driver for the iPad and am contemplating its general release. It provides the complete command interface a Scene interface and I am going to write the program interface this week. When the iPad app starts it queries the ISY for complete configuration and status. It then uses the Subscription capability of the ISY to keep in sync. It is working very well with a rich graphical interface for the user. Most of the time the iPads issue commands directly to the ISY and the ISY plugin keeps Homeseer upto date with current state information. I also use Philips Pronto PRO hand held remotes for controlling all the A/V in the house. I like the hard buttons! The Pronto's will sometimes send a command to Homeseer to set the lighting, generally through a specific scene or a Program on the ISY. This was convenient as The Pronto's and the PC that controls the Theater never really knew about X10, just the names of lights to control or scripts to run to control scenes. This made the transition from X10 to Insteon relatively painless. The next step will be to convert my Security system which is controlled by Homeseer. They have de-committed support for it (Napco Gemini) and I will probably go with an ELK unit Sometimes I get lazy and just ask a question rather than doing the proper research, and for that I apologize. Right now I have no outstanding questions/issues with the ISY operation, but I am sure I will eventually. I don't remember if the ISY SDK covers the running of programs through the REST protocol, but I will look.
  18. In programs If I just want to be able to run the program with no conditions can I do this? That is have a program with no if else conditions. How do I run this? i.e. do I run the Then Block? In a scene is there any way to include another scene? E.g. I have a scene for each room to turn all the lights off in that room. I want a Scene to turn all the lights off in the whole house. I tried a program but I can't seem to make the program run (See above)
  19. Thanks Lee you have been very helpful. I think all my issues are resolved. Spent the last couple of hours setting up scenes, and then labeling switchlincs that are in multi-gang faceplates. Next week I plan to Label buttons on keypads.
  20. Once Understood, Makes sense
  21. Solved. I did not realise that the set button had to be pressed to put it in linking mode before it would be seen by the ISY
  22. That much I know and I am not using button grouping (I can read). However what is the operational difference between toggle and non toggle mode?
  23. I can not get the ISY 994i to recognise this unit. Is there something special I must do?
  24. I just tried the same action with a microlinc On/Off and it behaves the same as a OutletLinc. It does not respond to a brighten or dim activity at the keypad, only to a touch.
  25. I am confused as to exactly what the button grouping and button toggle command buttons do. They are seen on the admin screen when a keypad button has been selected.
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