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Everything posted by ferdies

  1. Hi, I am having problem with Switchlinc 2876DB Icon Dimmer (which I had also encountered with 3.3.7). Using ISY console, if I turn the switch ON - no problem occurs. However, switching it off will always results to a communication issue.
  2. Thanks a lot. It works like a charm.
  3. Would it be possible to use KPL as an indicator for a device? The following is what I would like to I have done and hoping to use KPL as an indicator. 1. Instead KPL in masterbedroom (KPL 2487s, 4 button) 2. Button #1 - included in "Kitchen" screen as a controller (i.e controlling 3 lights). The same scene has Remotelinc and Controlinc added as controllers. 3. Scene is obviously working if controllers are ON/OFF (e.g. turning ON and OFF via KPL, Remotelinc, and Controlinc) 4. However, if a controller is not used and 1 light within the scene is turned on or left being ON, I would like to see KPL button lit, thus I will indicate to me that one of the kitchen lights are still on. Is #4 possible? Could you change the status of a KPL button using an ISY program? System used: ISY99IR Pro, firmware ver. 3.2.6 Thanks.
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