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Everything posted by tritip.films

  1. Getting this too. 20-40 times per day, just started recently. note- I updated software via the AC about a week ago.
  2. IoP was working fine for months; some very long-standing programs either stopped running or slowed down dramatically (several minutes between event firing and status-checking program executing). Poked around the AC and noticed "Out of Memory" errors under the program status display. Anybody else experiencing anything like this?
  3. @bpwwer Thank you. Wiping egg off face now. ?
  4. @geddy any suggestions on getting node servers to appear in IOP? I can install but can't get them to show up in the AC. This all used to work nicely on ISY994. Tried the following to no avail: Deleted all node servers in AC, reinstalled from PG3 store Pressed the front button/waited for three lights to re-initialize polisy. Restored a Node server-less backup from the old ISY99 and tried to build from there.
  5. @MrBillThank you; I saw the admonition from @Michel Kohanim. If you review the entire thread you'll see this was about problems installing ISY on Polisy. You can't press the "Upgrade Packages" button until ISY on Polisy is running.
  6. @geddy thanks, it's not a router problem. I agree the launcher on Mac can be flakey which is why I suspected it to be the cause. I finally gave in and factory reset the polisy. Problem seems to be solved for now.
  7. @techman I appreciate you asking: Running on Mac OS with latest Java - Caches have been cleared. Polisy upgraded to latest versions (the "classic" way - via pkg installer) I'll delete the ISY finder, reset all Java caches and try re-downloading. Thanks. Attached is an example of some of the odd behavior. - C
  8. Some of us can't get the ISY finder to find the Polisy version of ISY reliably. And I assume this only applies to ISY on Polisy.
  9. bumping… Any resolution for this issue? I can confirm similar behavior using the web interface between iPad and both rPi and Polisy versions of Polyglot.
  10. I should have known better but I made the mistake anyway: If you're on a mac and experiencing the file browser issue, you'll need to use methods "c", or "d" in order to install the upgrade. The version of the applet served up by the ISY still has the file-browser issue. duh.
  11. Hello, Any update on the Macintosh OS X 10.8.3 file chooser issue?
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