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Everything posted by JSP0511

  1. Ok, =< makes sense! So I'll repeat all programs while adding the weather module IF statement to each and go from there. Thank you! EDIT: Done, seems to be working when I switched from AWAY MODE to NORMAL MODE. Thanks again!
  2. Here is a sample of one of my codes: If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 6:50:01AM To 2:00:00PM (same day) And Status 'Main Floor / Thermostats / Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat And Status 'Main Floor / Front KPL / FKPL C -Away Mode' is Off Then Set 'Main Floor / Thermostats / Thermostat - Main' 62° (Heat Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Could I simply write the code as such?: If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 6:50:01AM To 2:00:00PM (same day) And Status 'Main Floor / Thermostats / Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat And Status 'Main Floor / Front KPL / FKPL C -Away Mode' is Off And Module 'Climate' Temperature > 15 °F Then Set 'Main Floor / Thermostats / Thermostat - Main' 62° (Heat Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') and have the same set of programs but for "COLD" which would read: If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 6:50:01AM To 2:00:00PM (same day) And Status 'Main Floor / Thermostats / Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat And Status 'Main Floor / Front KPL / FKPL C -Away Mode' is Off And Module 'Climate' Temperature < 15 °F Then Set 'Main Floor / Thermostats / Thermostat - Main' 64° (Heat Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Could I run into similar issues where at the threshold the programs can't decide which to run? As far as the tstat set point changing within a given program time to time frame, I don't see much of a need for that. The outside temps where I am in NY don't seem to move that quickly that the next program start time wouldn't catch. I simply want to automate that if it's a bit colder outside, let's bump up the tstat inside to keep the house a little warmer.
  3. Michael, I don't understand what you are questioning. In my quote I mean that I can't have one program, if triggered, temporarily change the Then of another. My goal is to keep the amount of programs written to a minimum so I'm asking the forum how they think I can achieve this with as few programs as possible. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hello everyone, I currently have a tstat folder for programs set up to run at various times for morning wake up (67), day time (62), evening (67) and sleep (62) and on weekends i throw in (65) during mid-day. I'd like to have the weather module thrown in for days where the outside temp is 15degree or colder. When the outside temps drop below 15, I'd like each set point to bump up 2degrees. I thought at first that I could have the ISY recognize the outside temp then adjust the set point for each program but quickly realized this was not possible. I was then going to create a separate folder with identical programs except the set points would be 2 degrees higher and have folder one run when outside temp is >15 degrees and the other folder run when <15. I know there are multiple ways to get this going but wanted to know if any of you would offer up a more efficient way to do this, possibly with variables? Thank you, Jerry
  5. Our LG is gas and the power as far as the LED screen is concerned is on the entire cycle. Once the cycle is complete, it plays some pretty music and completely shuts off. Thats when I want my notification which seemed to work last night at 10 watts threshold (lowered it to 5 today).
  6. I only think that this would be necessary if the washer/dryer for some reason consumed power intermittently when not in use. I don't think they do this, but there are lots of brands with lot of different ways they function. I do know that the amount of power consumed while in use goes up and down by a lot depending on what cycle and if it is in one of the short pauses between cycles. Perhaps all of these issues can be rectified by simply fine tuning the power threshold that synchrolink sees as "on" or "off". I agree. I currently have the threshold set to 10 watts which could be why a full cycle didn't net multiple off notifications. I have an LG front loading washer and dryer, both about a year old. I'm assuming since the unit is completely off when not in use that i could technically set the threshold down to 1 watt to avoid any issues. I may test that first if I start getting false off notifications.
  7. I could test this as well. So far, for my one wash and one drying cycle, the simple if off, then send message worked through 30min or so cycles. This doesn't mean the program will work perfectly every time but I will obviously monitor it and make any necessary changes. Thanks again everyone!
  8. I will monitor this. Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. After adjusting the synchrolinc, your program suggestion seems to work. Thank you.
  10. The way "status" conditions work is that they trigger on any CHANGE in status. In other words, this would trigger from off-to-on and from on-to-off. Once triggered, the evaluation would be true (run then) when on-to-off, and false (run else) when off-to-on. Since there is nothing in the ELSE clause, nothing will happen when change status to ON. I believe this will do what you asked for. Should I change the IF to Status is "Responding"? Then add what you stated prior to the then and else statements?
  11. The synchrolinc basically has a status of on or off. If I use the above program, would the system see the on state back to off and count that as a new message trigger? The synchrolincs will be off 99% of the time since we do laundry a few times a week.
  12. Hey everyone! How would I go about setting up a program to notify me when the sychrolinc has sensed the washer and/or dryer as going on then off signifying a completed cycle to them text me? I already have the text address and subject setup, just not sure how to set up the program to recognize the on then off to trigger the notification. Thanks in advance! Jerry
  13. I change my therm programs to call for set points rather than scenes. This seems to have fixed the program. I believe I used scenes at first because I thought I would have way more tstat programs but that is not the case. Setting the program up with setpoints will work just fine. Thanks again. Jerry
  14. Haha tell me about it! My wife and I bought our house about 1.5 years ago. We have 2 20-25lb dogs and they set off any motion they walked by. Our alarm company recommended new sensors which I paid a pretty penny to have installed only for them to work just as poorly as the previous ones. The excuse was that they didn't realize we had 2 dogs, not 1. They re-replaced the sensors but still from time to time we get a false alarm. Usually when they jump on the couch (we usually block them from the living room when we are not home but there was a time we didn't) or when they run up/down the basement stairs (will relocate the sensor when i'm done tiling down there). We have since had our external sirens muted if not, we would have been excommunicated from the neighborhood by now. For now I refuse to purchase battery powered sensors for $30 a pop when I have sensors I'll eventually be able to take advantage of.
  15. What I really can't wait for is getting an ELK M1 Gold so I can use the current motions and door switches to trigger events. Alll of those sensors are wired in so no battery issue. I can integrate my security system sensors right?
  16. Rolled my own laundry monitoring with a combo of some MT-800 current transformers and a CAI Web Control board. As for the locksets, it depends on the lockset I guess. I have a few BE599's From Schlage that work well with the ISY alpha Zwave and have been pretty good in terms of manual use and battery consumption. I have a Schlage BE469 deadbolt that I haven't been able to use with the ISY (yet) but I think in a few weeks that will be resolved with the beta. The 469 has what they call a touch screen (actually a backlit membrane keypad). Its working great so far but I have a feeling that the keypad is the weak link on this unit. I suspect the plastic outer membrane will degrade with weather/UV exposure and once it cracks, it will be all over for that keypad. Of course, all of these locksets have manual key override so a dead battery is not the end of the world (as long as you have your key...). I expect I will be able to monitor battery status and alert will in advance before they quit. after about 6 months installed, I had to change batteries in the oldest 599. That one gets the most use but I think the replacement name brand batteries may last longer and since the kids have gotten over the newness of that lockset, It's seeing alot less usage. -Xathros Haha, the kids and your new toys. Good stuff!
  17. Very cool! I have maybe 25-30 including some lamp and powerlincs for seasonal lighting and the garage kit of course (seems to be a default lol). 1 KPL for now. Once smarthome offers a some type of deal I'll grab a few more switches. I need a microlinc for a RAB Motion light I just installed. Would like to know when it goes on between certain hours, get a text/email for that and syncrolincs for the washer & dryer. Eventually would like to add a lock set but not sure my brain can take on adding Zwave to my system lol. Also, not a fan of the battery powered lock sets, what are your thoughts on those?
  18. Out of curiosity, how many devices do you have installed?
  19. Ok I'll play with it. As of now, this is not an emergency. For the most part, the called for temps will work but as a "just in case" I'd like the option to change the temp, more for the wife.
  20. I've done this as well and it does revert back after a minute or two. When away mode is set, that program calls for a temp (62), not a scene and it still reverts back as well.
  21. When I press the away button, that programs simply tells the Tstat to call for 62 degrees, not one of the pre-set temp scenes. But if you notice in my regular programs, one of the determining factors that a temp scene is used is if my KPL Away mode button (FKPL is OFF. Once I turn Away mode on, the other tstat programs are deactivated therefore would not change the 62 degrees setpoint back to "Work", "Day", "Sleep" or "Wake up". I also just tested this from my phone. With Away mode on, set point is 62. When I change the setpoint with the phone to anything other than 62 but then hit refresh, it goes back to 62, similar to when any other tstat program is running. Pretty much, which ever program is running overrides my manuals change almost instantly. It seems I would have to some how tell the program to allow a manual adjustment until the next program is called for?
  22. Xathros, One other thing. I posted some of my programs early in the thread. When i manually change the tstat temp either on my phone or at the unit, shortly after it reverts back to the temp that the program is calling for. Is there any way to tell my programs to hold the setpoint that is set manually if the temp lets say my wife is calling for is different from the temp of the program?
  23. Worked like a charm! Thank you. ~Jerry
  24. So I am not setting the variable up ahead of time? The code simply takes care of it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Yes! You can use a substitution variable in the email notification to reference the thermostats Status (temp). The would look like: $(sys.node.11 22 AA 1.ST) where 11 22 AA is the addrrss of the stat. -Xathros Xathros, Could you explain how I would go about setting up this variable? My Tstat address is 22 17 8E I tried to simply add $(sys.node.22 17 8E 1.ST) to the body of my email and as I expected, it did not work. I tried setting up a variable but after naming the newly added variable, I didn't know how to set up the init or value.
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