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Everything posted by JSP0511

  1. Hi all! I recently installed the Insteon thermostat and quickly realized that the Insteon tstat shows about 3 degrees warmer in temperature than my original digital thermostat. Unfortunately, I do not have a third tstat to determine which one is accurate but in the winter, the old tstat seemed comfortable when set at 67 where if we had the Insteon tstat installed, we would have needed 70? to be comfortable. My questions are: Is this a common issue with the Insteon Thermostat? Can the stat be calibrated to read correctly? Thank you! Jerry
  2. Hmmmm, is there some trick to exporting or copying ISY programming? I have a hierarchy of programs in subfolders that I'd like to copy and paste on this forum as examples of how I've used variables to control my thermostats. But I've only figured out how to copy each individual program and it doesn't include any hierarchy info so its tough to post a complete program that is hierarchically organized and have it be comprehensible to the reader. Screen shot? Lol
  3. Well thank you both. The more the merrier!
  4. Thank you Xathros, I'm looking forward to seeing them. It would be cool if there were more informative videos on youtube regarding ISY, programming and how people are using these devices. I'm more of a visual learner and always open to the ideas of others.
  5. Hello mountainman3520- Many of us us the same approach as you have. It does make things more flexible. -Xathros I have been programming the ISY on and off (more off) for about a year now. I understand what a variable is, but I'm not sure if I understand how to program a variable in the ISY and use it for programming purposes. My fear is that I'll be creating messy programs when I could simply be using variables but not realizing it. So sad....
  6. Thanks Lee!
  7. Using one of your programs as a basis - modify the rest as follows: Week Day- If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 7:01:00AM To 3:30:00PM (same day) And Status 'Main Floor / Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat And Status KPL-G is Off Then Set 'Main Floor / Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' 57° (Heat Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Then add some away programs: Away-Thermostat- If Status 'Main Floor / Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat And Status KPL-G is On Then Set 'Main Floor / Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' 62° (Heat Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Away-Lighting: If Status KPL-G is On And Time is From Sunset +1 hour To Sunrise -1 hour (Next Day) Then Set scene Foyer Light On Else Set Scene Foyer Light Off -Xathros Xathros, Now that I have my "Away" mode set up, we were able to use it this weekend while we were out. Of course we forgot to turn it off and while I was out again (wife was home) I wanted to turn the away mode off using Mobilinc but I could not. I could not seem to change the status of my KPL button, I could only view it and since the Away mode is a mix of various programs I could not seem to press one button on Mobilinc as if I were standing at the KPL. Thoughts?
  8. The blaster works, but you need all your devices to be in the same area. In my case they're all over the house, zoned with IR distribution hubs. By putting an Emitter out into the hub(s) you are able to control any device without running additional wires/blasters (Goes through the existing system). Much cleaner and no line-of-sight requirements. io_guy, would you be open to posting some pics of this setup? While I get the idea, I can't envision it in my head.
  9. Question: If i use Control is On or Status is 100%...does that do the same thing essentially, in this case? There is no Status "On" option in the drop down. Although, there is an "Off" in the Status drop down.
  10. I understand! I'll just add it to each program and remove it from the folder.
  11. I went ahead and applied the "If" to the Thermostat folder which includes all of my normal operation temp requests since "FKPL B is off" would have to be true for any of them to take effect. Folder Conditions for 'Thermostats' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If Status 'Main Floor / Away Mode- FKPL B' is Off Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. I then created the "Away" program and put it in it's own Away folder: If Status 'Main Floor / Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat And Control 'Main Floor / Away Mode- FKPL B' is switched On Then Set 'Main Floor / Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' 62° (Heat Setpoint) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This is just one of the regular tstat settings: "Week Day" If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 7:01:00AM To 3:30:00PM (same day) And Status 'Main Floor / Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat Then Set Scene 'Scenes / Tstat (Work)' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I haven't tested any of this since temps here in NY have been hovering in the 90's though I'm assuming this should all work as planned. Any adjustments necessary?
  12. Ok... Here is my attempt at this and where I am a bit stuck (or just tired...or both) Button H on my KPL is the only responder to the Garage Door Status scene Garage Opener Program If $i.GD_Status is 1 Or Control 'Garage / Garage Door Opener KPL- H' is switched On Then Set 'Garage / Garage Door IOLinc' On Wait 1 second Set 'Garage / Garage Door IOLinc' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Garage Door Status If Status 'Garage / Garage Door Sensor' is On Then Set Scene 'Scenes / Garage Door Status' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') What works: 1) I set the "Run Then" as a favorite on Mobilinc as desired 2) I can press H on the KPL to open the garage door and the light on the button stays lit while the door remains open 3) I can press H on the KPL to close the door and the light on the button will turn off once the door is closed 4) I have the Garage Door Sensor saved as a favorite to tell me the door status (Off=Open, On=Closed). Should or could I use a program as a favorite to show the status (so it stands with the opener program in my favorites). What DOES NOT work: 1) When I open the garage door with my Mobilinc favorite, my KPL H button does not recognize the status change from the door sensor thus does not light up (I didn't expect it to as I have nothing written in a program to tell it to do so...but I do not know what to add to get this to work). I would want the KPL to light up even when I open the garage door with the standard button in the garage. 2) My KPL LED's are all white. I've seen videos where when people used the KPL for a garage door, their button lit up red indicating the door was open. Do I need to replace the light in the button? If so, when the button is not in use I currently have the off LED brightness set to 1 so you can see the buttons at night. Can I have the off set to brightness 1 and appear white, and when on, the light is brighter and red? Any other thoughts of suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone! ~Jerry Edit: I think I got the KPL button to react to Mobilinc or garage button use. I simply added the "Else" line. A quick test shows that this seems to be working as planned. My thought is that the Else tells the KPL that unless the sensor is "Off", set the scene to "On". Some of you veterans may think otherwise, please let me know. Garage Door Status If Status 'Garage / Garage Door Sensor' is Off Then Set Scene 'Scenes / Garage Door Status' On Else Set Scene 'Scenes / Garage Door Status' Off
  13. Test Post: If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From 11:01:00PM To 5:00:00AM (next day) And Status 'Main Floor / Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat Then Set Scene 'Main Floor / Thermostat / Tstat (Away-Sleep)' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Sweet!
  14. Does the button press on your kpl simply run the program? Or does it turn on the "scene" which is iolinc "on", with the program then recognizing the iolinc "on" status and turns it off (after 1,2 or even 5 seconds, whichever you choose)?
  15. I am not currently controlling a scene for the garage door. Would you suggest I do so to make everything work easily and quickly?
  16. That would work for me. In my Mobilinc Pro, I have the IoLinc as a favorite. When it is off, if I press it once it turns on and opens the garage. Once it's in the "on" position. I have to turn it off then back on to close the garage. Any thoughts there?
  17. Xathros, Are you saying that I should set up a program that changes the status of the IOLinc to "Off" after it sees that it's been "On" for 5 second? Not sure I understand completely.
  18. Hello all, I seem to be having an issue with my Garagelinc that I had for a brief moment when I first installed the unit a year ago and has since returned. When I trigger the garage to open, the Garagelinc status moves to "On" but no longer reverts back to "Off" after 20ms (current setting). I have also had it set to 1 second but that did not seem to help. I have "Momentary A" selected as well and have also tried all momentary settings with no change. I normally wouldn't care but I am installing an 8 button KPL upstairs and would like to be able to open and close the garage from one of the buttons. If the Garagelinc never reverts to "Off", I'm not sure how easy it will be to correctly use the KPL. I'm thinking a unit reset may be in order but wanted to run it by you to see fi this is an issue that has been seen before. Thank you, Jerry
  19. Yes! As long as all of your thermostat programs include a From-to time range AND the KPL-Button status in the If section. What happens when you toggle the KPL button On or Off is every enabled program that includes the status of that button in it's IF section is triggered and evaluated. When turning off the KPL-G "Away" button, the single Thermostat-Away program is triggered and runs false (else) since the button is now off. All of the other Home Thermostat programs trigger most run false because you are outside of their time range and one will run true because you are inside it's time range AND KPL-G is Off. It is important to note based on you above comments that while the Away mode button is on, the Stat will stay set at 62 for however long the button is on-. Hours, Days ... Years, does not matter. The other (home) programs will still trigger at their start and end times but will all run false until the KPL button is turned off. I do something similar but my house has three modes: Occupied, Vacant and Away. Occupied = Your Home mode. Vacant I suspect = your Away and Away for me means for an extended period (Vacation, weekend away etc). Vacant locks my doors, sets back HVAC to moderate levels, enables security cams. Away sets back the HVAC further (keep pipes from freezing/fish from boiling), locks doors, enables security cams AND runs some randomized lighting to simulate occupancy during the evening/night. My Occupancy/Vacant status is automated - Away is set via program from my iPhone. -Xathros Understood. So in all of my regular stat programs, I will add the "And Status KPL-G is Off" to each one with the away mode including "And Status KPL-G is On" and the temp setting we want.
  20. Xathros, You were correct in your initial post. When away (most likely at some point during the normal evening setting of the thermostat), we would select the KPL button on the way out and want the thermostat at 62, always. When we are away for work, the thermostat programming already takes that into consideration, same for Sleep. When we return, let's say at 9pm where the thermostat would normally be at 67 and we turn off the KPL (turn off away mode), will the thermostat revert back to the normal programming (67) or will it stay at 62 until the next program kicks in ("Sleep" at 63 at 11pm)
  21. Ah Xathros sneaked in there. Thank you both for your assistance with this. I am trying to finally get into the programming functions of the ISY. I have a few simple ones like light on at a certain time and garage left open text message but nothing with multiple things going on.
  22. Thank you Lee. I am going to get that keypad linc installed and start messing with it. From what you said, it seems as though I will have duplicates of each thermostat program with the differences being that one is on with the KPL at one temp, the other is on with KPL off at another temp. THey could be labeled: Week Day KPL On Week Day KPL Off
  23. Thank you Lee. I am also going to set up an eight button Keypadlinc where one of the buttons is set to run an "Away" program. I'd like to be able to either press the button on the way out of the house or run it from my phone if need be. I'd want something like: Turn on Foyer light to 60% 1 hour after sundown Set thermostat to 62 degrees (and hold until "Away" is turned off, ignoring normal thermostat program) Randomly turn on and off "Study" light Once I turn the program off, I'd like the thermostat to return to whatever the settings should be at the time the program is stopped (revert to regular program). Also, if i turn the "Away" program on at lets say 10am and I do not return until 11pm, is there anyway to tell the ISY not to let the regular thermostat program to change my "Away" program? At 3:30pm or so, the regular thermostat program calls for 67 degrees. If possible, I would be ok with the Foyer light staying on, but the random light turning off at time of "Away" deactivation. Any thoughts on how I can go about setting this up?
  24. So it should read: If And Status 'Main Floor / Thermostat / Thermostat - Main' is Mode Heat ?
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