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Everything posted by brobin

  1. Install was a breeze. Everything came back effortlessly.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply Rand!
  3. I have an ISY-26 with no power supply. What is the proper voltage and polarity? I don't want to fry it with the wrong one!
  4. SOLVED! Rand, Thank you so much for your reply. It was spot on. I followed the directions in the link you provided and the download proceeded perfectly! Now all I have to do is figure out how to use it! I'm off to the WIKI now.
  5. I just purchased and tried to install the Network Module and I keep getting the following error message: "[-140000] HTTP client DNS error" What do I do to fix this?
  6. The program status does show False but all conditions are indeed True. I did check the status of both relays (even after a fresh Query) and they were off and the time was correct but, even running 'If' it still shows False. However, if I run 'Then' then the lights come on and the status changes to True. As for the power failure affecting sunset, I did try resaving but that didn't help. I tried disabling and enabling too. I wonder if there is some remnant left of the Sunset bug that was in 2.65?
  7. I have this set up as a program: IF From Sunset - 30 minutes To Sunrise - 30 minutes (next day) And Status 'EZD1.9.Arm Stay' is Off And Status 'EZD2.A.Arm Away' is Off Then Set Scene 'At HomePM' On Wait 7 seconds Set Scene 'At HomePM' On Else Set Scene 'At HomePM' Off The program works - usually. Sometimes it does not and for no apparent reason. Basically, this program turns on a bunch of lights before sunset as long as the alarm is disarmed. If we leave the house the lights go off when the alarm is armed and when we return they come back on till we arm the alarm at bedtime. The program will run fine for days or weeks and then not run properly. The Program Summary will show 'false' when it should be 'true' and I don't know why. I have tried changing the order of the events and using the parenthesis around the time statement and even around the Status stements. All the iterations work - but only for a while. Sooner or later whatever iteration I'm using will stop working until I change the order yet again. To whatever extent it may make a difference, we did have a 1 hour power outage around lunchtime today. Any ideas on how to make this more reliable are welcome.
  8. Well at least you won't have too long to wait. They are accepting pre-orders now and expect to be shipping in 2 more weeks. http://www.smarthome.com/2420M/INSTEON- ... 20M/p.aspx
  9. I would suggest replacing the 2476D with a 2476S. The S version is a relay switch and acts like the basic switch you replaced. It should allow you to regain the control you've lost by using a dimmer which is not appropriate for controlling the motion detector.
  10. brobin

    False ON result?

    Moved to http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... 1581#11581
  11. brobin

    ISY26 vs ISY99

    Thanks, that's exactly the information I was looking for. My upgrade order will be forthcoming. I don't want to be left in the dust later on!
  12. brobin

    ISY26 vs ISY99

    I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question but here goes: I understand the differences in the capabilities of the ISY 26 vs. the 99 and its various flavors and I know that updates have been available for both keeping their functionality on par. My question is this: Will there a come a time when the two products will meet a fork in the road and only the 99's will continue to move forward? IOW, is there a prevailing reason for one to upgrade to the 99?
  13. You actually don't have to press anything on the switch if you have the 6 digit code from the sticker. Just open "New Insteon Device" type in the code (i.e. 0b.66.3a) and let the ISY go find it and all the links. No running back and forth!
  14. If you don't already have a pair of Access Points then it will make a big difference. Be sure to follow the installation instructions carefully to ensure that one ends up on each leg. Insteon specs require at least two access points, one on each leg, as a minimum configuration to support operation. They are included in the Starter Kits if you bought one of those.
  15. Take the wallplate off and look at the switch. You will see the switch's address on a sticker (you don't have to remove the switch). It will look like xx.xx.xx. Copy it down and go back to your PC and click Link Manangement and then New Insteon Device and then enter the address you copied off the swith and see if that works. It's a good idea to keep an inventory sheet of the addresses and locations of all your devices. it will save a lot of running around to verify what's what and saves the hassle of having to do the manual linking.
  16. The Cable/DSL Modem's IP address is till delivered to DynDYS so that does the job.
  17. I have some of the Panasonic cams myself and use the time server function. In the box for the NTP time server just enter: time.nist.gov That's it. Now you won't have to worry about losing or gaining more than a second for the next 60,000 years.
  18. If an undefined From or To were assumed to be midnight that would solve the problem i.e.: IF Time is From Sunset +10 OR Time is To Sunrise -10 THEN... whatever The above would be True from Sunset +10 TO midnight AND From Midnight To Sunrise -10 regardless of what day it is or when the program started. The key here is to use the OR statement rather than the AND statement which could never be true. The AND statement would still be used to define a time bracket other than midnight occurring on the same day.
  19. I think you're right about that. I didn't exercise it through all conditions.
  20. Hmmm, I had a program that was IF A and B or C or D and it apparently worked as I wanted it to which is IF A and (B or C or D) not (A and or C or D, but after reading this I went back and added the parenthesis around (B or C or D). I'm wondering why it worked correctly without the parens.
  21. Is there no collision detection/avoidance function in the PLM or the ISY? X10 devices from ACT and some from Leviton have "Polite Mode" where they listen for traffic before sending. It would be nice if the ISY or the PLM had that.
  22. A question on the replace feature: I'm running 2.6.3 and in fact, I DO have the replace feature and it does work. There is a limitation though and I wonder if it could be 'fixed'. When I replaced a SwitchLinc Dimmer with another dimmer there was no problem but when I replaced a SwitchLinc Relay with a SL Dimmer, I was not able to select the dimmer and had to delete the relay and build the dimmer back in. I do realize that there is a difference between the two but it would be nice be able to get all the links in place through the "replace" feature. The only thing that would "confuse" the system would be the lack of ramp and dim level in the SL Relay. Perhaps the ISY could handle that by just ignoring them if replacing a dimmer with a relay or setting them to minimum ramp and maximum level when replacing a relay with a dimmer.
  23. Under the Commands for X10 there is "Preset Dim (4)" and "Preset Dim (12)" and I'd like to know when to use one or the other if there is a difference.
  24. I just upgraded my 26 to 2.6.3. My PC is hardwired to the router and is running XP Pro. Problem: Several hours after the upgrade I started getting Null Pointer Exception errors. I rebooted, cleaned the temp files in the Java console again and was presented with a new error on about 4 out of 5 command attempts. The error was "No Such Session, Login again" and continued logins produced the same result. SOLUTION: I closed the browser and used Telenet to change from Port 80 to another port (2340). Now the problem appears to be gone. I have a number of other devices, namely 7 ReplayTV units that all use port 80 so I think, and this is just a guess since I'm no network genius, that there may just be too much traffic on port 80.
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