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Everything posted by arw01

  1. Have a sample link for the waterproof one? Nope, nope, that's nothing dear (as you kick the box back under the desk)
  2. For the one wire reader on the Pi, check out the sheepwalkelectronics.co.uk site (google that) for the RPI2 module. It's the one IOguy bought and uses now. Alan
  3. I would add, that there are few devices out there as bullet proof as the ISY. We will have some pain coming with a new major release giving us a lot of new features, but these devices run years in some users home. I've never had mine lock up, ever. The weak link will always be the smarthome products themselves. The isy cannot start or change the parameters of the programs 1-4 on the ex-flora, and currently you cannot change the amount of run time in the program with a variable in a wait statement based on outside factors. There is a full irrigation module that can be purchased, and the author is on the site here to ask questions of. Next major release may have the feature to set a wait time to a variable, which will add a whole layer of additional capabilities. Alan
  4. Thanks to Ben over at iguanaworks, the usb transceiver is back up and running. A little bitty change to their daemon was needed as the updated packages were no longer telling their daemon the usb transceiver had been unplugged or plugged so it would not find it. Changing the shebang to be !#/bin/bash is supposed to fix the issue. In the mean time stopping the daemon, unplugging and replugging the usb transceiver and restarting the daemon got me back up. I've been learning more on the init scritps and did not realize that all the time I spent making my own lircrd and irexec starting scripts were for not as the standard lircd scripted started them also. I just found the hardware.conf config file and have put the appropriate driver=iguanaIR in there instead of un-configured and that should allow the pi to start up all the daemons I will need. Next will be some configs to the output of the isy_var-monitor so I can just dump it's text output to a file on my harddrive I hung off the pi to become my new in house linux server vs the one that died from a close lightening strike. Don't know if it was the MB or the scsi drive, or the scsi contoller, but was able to move the files off the second linux drive successfully. When the 60 megs of music files finish copying here in an hour or two will test out a reboot. Now just need to fix the dreamdns.pl routine to keep my ip address updated at the domain level controller (something up with the pi's ssyleah-crypt implementation). Alan
  5. arw01

    Insteon's future?

    From my perspective, only Leviton with it's RF line seems to be a competitor in the "hobbiest" market. I don't know what Control 4 and that ilk use for devices, UPB? Far as I can tell you are talking $100 a switch for them. For peets sake you can buy a phone for less that that these days. All the kickstarter babies will go away long before insteon does, it's not perfect, but the company is a lot more stable than any startup. With their expansion into international markets with the 50hz 220 items, I suspect you have many years yet. Perhaps someday we would have a true rocker switch that stays in on or off and moves on it's own, has a touch sensitive display that could show me anything I wanted, relay or dimmer depending on how I configure it, and a back-end that my wife can figure out.. Alan
  6. http://techcrunch.com/2013/08/29/tivos-roamio-platform-gets-opera-sdk-support-bringing-html5-web-apps-to-tivo-dvrs/ one of the multiple web stories about it.
  7. I read something about Opera browser and firefox supporting some two-way communications extensions from a Tivo pre-release for a new developer interface.. might be worth checking out.
  8. Look into a raspberry pi ph sensor and then use the rest interface to talk to the ISY..
  9. Now the question has been does the tag manager do that on the local internet connection or only through the cloud, and what happens if the cloud goes away, or you prevent it from talking to the cloud ever? When I asked them on the phone they said it would que about 100 or so temp readings if it could not talk to the cloud, and then he thought it would start the drop them off. His solution for the cloud "issue" is a $2500 server they can set up that talks only to your tag manager. Tempted to play with them anyways, but I am not convinced this company aka "cloud server" will be around in 18 months! Alan
  10. Well just doing an upgrade to a lot of the packages via an apt-get upgrade completely broke my lirc with the iguanaIR driver. Cannot get it to compile now at all, either with the special apt-get or from the source I used a few months ago either. Off to wait for technical support! Alan
  11. Maybe the bulletin board here is taking out the %20 in the address of the nodes here, you might try posting the rest commands with the Code button above and put it between so we really know. Also, I hope you have changed your password from the basic you posted above, someone nefarious could find you. Alan
  12. What WILL one be using, if not REST? For telling the camera what to do, it's just the network resources. Therefore if you have a motion sensor or doorbell press that the ISY detects, it issues the network module resource to "tell" the camera to do something, provide the cameras themselves have the ability to listen, unlike most teenagers! That is where you need a camera that can issue a rest command to set a status variable or cause a particular program to run. From reading the boards, light changes from clouds going by, have been an extreme challenge to the camera "motion" software and has been a pretty much non-starter over the long term. Some sort of true motion sensor would be my tact at cracking that, but not aware of a camera with a real PIR built right in. Alan
  13. Black friday sale is normally 20% off on all insteon. Saving up for that one since all these other sales are just a tease. Ecobee myself, commercial version and the EMS module as well.
  14. just an update post that i changed my wget commands that set the rest variables to have the -q option so that I no longer get hundreds of files in my / directory from every response the isy gives to the rest command!
  15. Ah good, like it when I have it figured out in my head. I agree the perl modules are heavy for one off communications vs just doing it straight. However, in the long term the pain to get two way communications has been worth it. Someday may figure that out deeper and clean a lot of the fluff code out of it. need to go read the watchdog manual and see if I can use that to restart the perl module with the --monitor command line which is what I use from one linux machine to the other. Need to move that startup function to a boot routine or something next, but my lirc procresses did not startup properly on the last reboot of the pi. Put a delay in one of them to see if it was a race condition.
  16. Pretty slick, could you break down the program a bit, I think it takes the current status of the light from a rest command, then decides to turn it on or off based on that status? I try to do the same sort of thing with just variable values and let the isy determine if the light is on or off and make the swap. The perl module is "heavy" but is allowing me to have 2 way communications now via the subscription, rest and watching for variable changes. Excited for the new variable enhancements to come, perhaps I can pass text back and forth. Alan
  17. Michel, is progress still being made to implement a method that we can get the weather data from other sources? Sorry so vague, I don't recall the thread to refresh my memory if it was part of the 2 way network feature you guys are working on, of it was more related to a different weather api you had found to implement. e.g. our backyard stations could update this other site and it was more reliable to get the ISY to talk to it. Ultimately I would like to be able to run a weather station on a pi or something and have the isy get that information directly from the station or my own internal server I could have control over. Someday I will win a Davis system off ebay for the price I want to pay!
  18. Wow, that's a whole lot of programming! I have several kpl's that monitor the garage door (based on the wiki setup), and unless the kids get to pushing the button over and over or in rapid succession, they are never out of sync with the actual io linc sensor. If I find them out of sync, I go look. I had to go look a lot, before I got the insteon system. Never, ever knew for sure if it was closed and had many a night when the wife would wake me up asking who was in the garage. and then you HAVE to go look of the wife is pissed and convinced the whole garage has been stolen! Now in your scenario that the power going on or off or a reboot opens the garage, look at run at startup. I think all but your status checking program should be marked do not run at startup. My relay status is always wrong in Mobilic, and maybe that was fixed in ISY 4.0.5 as I have not moved up yet, however, the garage door icon itself is accurate as to open or closed, and if I was unsure, a refresh has always been true. I may have put a program out there that does an occasional query of the io linc's normally closed sensors, but I found THOSE to be the key to making it reliable. (the io linc normally comes with normally open sensors, which is backwards for how it sets up after a power cycle)
  19. arw01

    ISY vs X10

    Could you set the event log viewer to level 3 please Trigger the devices with the normal controllers as you have the programs split up now. Then add back the OR command and trigger the devices again Then copy the log for the level 3 and post it for review please. Since we all have dozens of or statements and they work, one must conclude a different issue here. But as Sherlock Holmes would say:
  20. Follow up post as I fixed my Panasonic remote not triggering via irexec updates to ISY variables. Turns out i forgot to put the repeat = 3 after the button line, which caused lirc to ignore the button presses since they basically repeat 2 or 3 times before you let off the button as is normal on a ir remote control. example: begin prog = irexec remote = Panasonic button = PAUSE repeat = 3 config = wget --http-user=admin --http-password=admin http://isy.ip.add.ress/rest/vars/set/2/32/1 & flags = quit end Now I can also press the panasonic remote pause 3 times and cause my lights to come up in the media room, and hitting play 3 times causes them to go down slowly. This also updates my occupied variable so as to not turn off all the lights in the basement if no motion, remote, switch activation occurs. The motion is completely unreliable though, as the motion detectors can go hours, or days even without the ISY getting notice of an event. This appears to be a lot better in the last new motion sensor I bought in the spring, but they are still triggered by the pets jumping on the sofa, and therefore not an entirely reliable method of keeping the lights on. My next struggle is to make sure that a reboot or power up of the pi results in all the lirc related programs starting up automatically, and then to make the modified isy perl module startup eventually without my manually doing it. Alan
  21. I am on 4.2.2. on my phone. I seem to recall your thread on the certificate installation on the phone. So what's the "best" way to start down this rabbit hole. And then I assume I can just use a normal https:// rest call?
  22. I do love the testimonials! I assume you are using Tasker with your droid and use the shake to open up autovoice? Have any photos to go along with the story on the skimmer and the koi pond?
  23. I wonder if a micro-module with the existing or changed to momentary switches might be a better solution long term? I have not bought one yet to examine how tight the case looks to be, but they are so small, that my thinking is, less surface area means less moisture condensation! Alan
  24. That and with strong IR emmitters to light up the dark corners of the driveway and cars with no visable light to the intruders. I suppose ability to track motion too if you would want it and some zoom capabilities with facial recognition so it zooms on that section of the perp instead of the waste of his coat or something like that. Alan
  25. AH, that would be very true. Maybe the motion software for linux would run on a Pi and could be configured, not sure I want to mess with that as it's not very easy for someone else in the house to understand and tweak should it go awry while traveling! What we need is a camera with high resolution, a built in pet immune pir, responds to ip commands, can send rest commands etc, and doesnt' require a cloud to do it all, AND doesn't break the bank. I've never found a good website that reviews security cameras, I want to see WHO is getting in the car at 4:am, not that they were wearing a black hoodie in the dark!
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