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Everything posted by Jimbo.Automates

  1. You are welcome, yes, you would have to add them all. There is no way I'm aware of to pull the message sent tot he keypad or log. Someday I could possibly automate creating programs like this but I don't think ELK gives us the info on which zones are wireless... To save some typing, here is the subject: ${sys.program.#.name} and the body: Box Tamper: ${sys.node.#.GV11} Transmitter Low Battery: ${sys.node.#.GV12} Security Alert: ${sys.node.#.GV13} Lost Transmitter: ${sys.node.#.GV14} Fire: ${sys.node.#.GV15}
  2. Here's how to do it with the notification node server.
  3. Download Log package and PM it to me. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  4. The notification node server 3.6.7 is released which fixes an issue with UD Mobile crashing when opening the Notifications. Also, see OP for latest information.
  5. Yes, there are issues that are fixed in PG3 but it's not yet released, hopefully it will be today. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  6. Thanks @bpwwer The node server has custom config information generated on the fly, but I thought it set the initial data in startup to the .md file, but I'll have to check. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  7. Oh, that's not good. @bpwwer are you aware of this issue?
  8. Sorry, I'm not a technical writer... Writing clear documentation is difficult. But I fixed it last night in 3.6.6 to show more docs, You should see the below, but if not the doc is at: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-notification/blob/master/POLYGLOT_CONFIG.md
  9. That's great to hear! If you have any questions/issues with using the notification node server ask here https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/316-notification/ But if it's directly related to UD Mobile then keep it in this sub-forum.
  10. The notification node server 3.6.6 is released, see OP.
  11. The blog that was sent out today details the advantages of using the notification node server. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  12. The notification node server 3.6.7 is released. There are still issues with this version which requires a new release of PG3/PG3x which is not out yet so existing users, please hold off updating. I will update this post when the new version is released to fix the issue. If you intend to only use the UD Mobile node, or convert you existing ones, then you can install and give it a try. The existing Pushover and UD Portal nodes do not function correctly with the IoX 5.6.2 and current PG3/PG3x. This finalizes the support for a new UD Mobile node which will be utilized in the UD Mobile app to make it easy to add notifications. We have also added support for allowing any length of System Customizations to be used, the previous limit was 80 characters. This completely eliminates the need to use REST interface thru IoX network resources. There is now also a "Free" version which has limited features and can be automatically installed by UD Mobile for new users. It does not support failed retries, and is limited to 8 messages a day. Thanks to @Michel Kohanim, @Chris Jahn, @bpwwer, @Javi and @bmercier for all the help getting this done and almost working. There is also an issue for current users of "Send Sys With Parameters" in a program. When you view the program you can only see the ID number of the System Customization you have referenced, but the edit window at the bottom will always show the System Customization ID number one. Then to actually utilize the longer text in a message you will need to edit the program line to set the proper System Customization, and save it. UDI have fixed the Admin console, so in the next release this will not be an issue. Due to the issue mentioned in the first paragraph, you will get this message in the PG3 UI. This version of PG3 3.1.31 will not work properly with Pushover or UDPortal nodes, Please upgrade modules and restart PG3. tisyVersion=5.6.2 isPG3x=True pg3Version=3.1.31 This is because the new version of PG3/PG3x is not out yet, hopefully soon. There is also a bug in the Admin Console which results in the notification name not showing up in the Program line, it shows the notification number. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next release as well. See the README for more information, the news post Instant Notifications!, and Official Documentation
  13. If you already have notification node server installed, you don't have to do anything. You can update to the latest, but please hold off, we just discovered an issue for existing users.
  14. The UDMobile video shows that it installs the "Free" version of the Notification node server the advanced functionality is available with the Paid version. I'm not aware of a wiki page describing how to update PG3 node servers, but one should be created if it's not available.
  15. No it's been an issue for a long time. Was hoping it would magically get fixed when the new version is released. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  16. I still have the issue...
  17. You did nothing wrong. I did. But this will not affect anything. I'll fix it in the next release. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  18. All 3 of mine have been going offline/online during the night and continuing now. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  19. Sorry, just saw this. You should post int he specific node server forum for ELk; https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/309-elk/ Michel had forwarded my a support ticket similar to this so we may have helped you already? The issue in the log has happened to a few people and is not a problem with the node server, the recommended fix is to move to PG3x.
  20. It's in the Polisy/eisy version uom 131 https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy_Developers:ISY:API:Appendix:Units_of_Measure Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  21. I attempt to have my node servers recover from lost internet. So if it's one of mine please let me know. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  22. I had the exact same issue, Bob couldn't figure it out then when I came back the next morning to debug and it just worked. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  23. Is there more info somewhere on how to get this working on eisy? Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  24. UD Mobile in Android auto would be awesome! Especially if notifications came through as well. I currently have to use telegram to get important notifications so they show up on Android auto. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  25. Sorry for your issues, but I had great experiences with them in the past. I've ordered from them many times and they were also very responsive to emails. Sounds like that's changed now which is too bad. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
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