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Everything posted by Jimbo.Automates

  1. Released 3.3.4 see the Release Notes
  2. Yes, PG3 only automatically refresh once or twice a day I think.
  3. Sorry, my bad, we are required to update the version in 2 places and I missed one. New zip file uploaded but will only fix it for new upgrades. But don't worry, you have the latest release.
  4. Thanks guys, I tested the best a could by faking out a invalid_token failure and it seems to work so I have released 3.0.14.
  5. Released 3.3.3 see the Release Notes
  6. No authorization issues overnight for me, so I can either release it and if you can upgrade which will risk complete failure since I haven't seen the issue yet, or I can wait to see a failure. @stevehoyt have you seen any issues with the current release?
  7. PG3 Node server for CAO Wireless Tags version 3.1.5 is released, see the Release Notes.
  8. Added support in 3.1.5
  9. Never mind, don't worry about sending a log, I found an issue. My test instance had been running great for a couple weeks with no issues so I had shut off notifications while I was on vacation so I didn't see the issue when mine failed. I see the problem and have a fix implemented and running. I'll let it run overnight and try to release tomorrow.
  10. Do a discover again, and check the PG3 and NS Logs for errors. Might be an illegal character in the device but I thought I was removing all of them.
  11. You'll need to send me a log file on the day it happens. You can setup a notification which monitors the Node Status and Authorization Status to see if that is causing the failure. The auth status will go to "Not Authorized" periodically, but the node server should recover, if it doesn't, please let me know. Put Log into Debug mode will help me if the problem does occur.
  12. I currently have some Insteon devices unplugged and notice every time I startup UD Mobile that the AC throws up the "Cannot Communicate With ..." errors. Is it expected that UD Mobile queries devices to cause this?
  13. I don't remember how it tells you the tag manager connected status, I'll have to check after vacation. The app on Android tells me when tag manager goes offline so I've never worried about it on ISY. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  14. Thanks, that was my suspicion, just when you said random I wasn't sure. It should set status during nightly query, but not send DON/DOF I will fix that when I return home. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  15. Can you define random? Put log in Debug and when it happens download log and PM it to me. I would test but on vacation and won't be home for another couple weeks. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  16. Ok, setting to true should initiate a discovery and add them, if not try restarting the NS. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  17. Yes, I'll work on a node server if possible in a couple weeks after vacation. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  18. Each tag manager has a "Monitor Tags" option which is False by default. Did you set it to True? Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  19. /topic/34059-pg3-release-status-3062-rc2-scroll-to-bottom-for-latest-update Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  20. Released 3.3.1 see the Release Notes
  21. Thanks for the offer on the Perl code, I wish node servers were in Perl, that's language I use at work a lot more than Python! But all the new kids love Python... This issue should work properly in 3.3.0.
  22. IMPORTANT: Starting with the 3.2.0 release it uses a new feature only available with ISY On Polisy 5.4.2. It should still function on older versions, but there may be issues loading the profile on older versions which will make programs using at least the Area nodes have issues. The Polyglot Version 3 Node server for ELK Security Version 3.3.5 is released. See the Release Notes See the README for more information, including information on moving from PG2. If you have issues orvrequests please check PG3 ELK Github issues to see it has already been listed. And if you want to thumbs up an issue I will try to prioritize fixing the ones with most votes.
  23. Thanks, I'll leave it here for now and see if there are any more comments or opinions from Ecobee node server users.
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