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Everything posted by Jimbo.Automates

  1. PG3 Notification Node Server 3.4.3 released to Beta (non-production) store. See the Release Notes for more information. On startup it will set the rest server port to 8199, but that will fail if you have the production version running, so change the port number on this one to something else like 8198, save it, add your ISY Portal node in the configuration and restart. Make sure to wait until it has completed startup to open the Admin Console. @brians issue was resolved after waiting then reopening AC.
  2. Great. I did test sounds ony Android phone and they all worked.
  3. Yes, I started working in it, but UD Mobile Push Notifications support in Notification node server took priority. Hope get back to it this weekend.
  4. Ok, it must have an error, please downloas log package and PM that to me.
  5. Odd, that ST driver is managed by PG3 and is mentioned in the node server log: 2022-06-27 20:55:00,893 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO interface:setController: Using node "wtcontroller", driver "ST" for connection status. and in the PG3 log it shows the value is 1: {"address":"wtcontroller","driver":"ST","value":"1","uom":25} Go to the Nodes page and see what the value is for ST on wtcontroller node.
  6. Installing the node server on PG2 or PG3 will not interfere with existing programs on ISY994i. Moving from ISY994i to ISY on Polisy will mess up all your existing programs since the ELK module doesn't exist on Polisy. But, I honestly can't remember the state of ELK PG2 node server. I'm pretty sure it was all working, just doesn't have all the latest updates made in the PG3 version.
  7. @brians Did you restart the AC after the node server was installed and startup complete?
  8. PG3 Notification Node Server 3.4.2 released to Beta (non-production) store. See the Release Notes for more information. On startup it will set the rest server port to 8199, but that will fail if you have the production version running, so change the port number on this one to something else like 8198, save it, and restart.
  9. Thanks @bpwwer I removed purchase option, and trial is 1 month so hopefully it should work for @brians now.
  10. Ok, I was hoping they could install as trial in a new slot for now?
  11. PG3 Notification Node Server 3.4.1 released to Beta (non-production) store. You can now change the REST Server Port in the configuration, and setting if set to nothing then the REST Server will not be started.
  12. Never mind, there is an issue with running two copies at once since the REST server port is hardcoded. I'll need to fix that.
  13. It is released to beta @brians
  14. PG3 Notification Node Server 3.4.1 has been released to beta with support for ISY Portal -> UD Mobile notifications. I would appreciate any existing users of the node server to give this a try, please install in a new slot and test it out. Do not replace your existing version in case there are issues, once it seems stable I will release to the production store. See the README for more information, including information on moving from PG2. See the Release Notes for more information. Please reply on this thread you experiences or issues. Thanks to @Javi and @bmercier for adding this support to UD Mobile and the Portal!
  15. I also use a simple dog bark to know when the doggy door opens/closes, like this, but just one bark https://www.shutterstock.com/sound-effects/sound-11179-big-dog-bark-multiple-2 other than that I use a few of the ones included in Pushover.
  16. Yes of course, I've been speaking with @Javi for a while about this and it's in development now. Hopefully have something releasable for alpha testing soon.
  17. Yes, currently there is no way. Just rename it on the ISY for now. In my other node servers I am adding a parameter called rename nodes, which you can set to true which means the node name source always comes from the node server. I'll try to add this to Harmony some time.
  18. Released 3.3.5 see the Release Notes
  19. 3.3.5 released with a fix.
  20. Version 3.1.6 released to fix this issue.
  21. Yes, this is a bug introduced in the latest version that only happens on new installs. I'm not home until Tuesday but will try to get a fix out soon. Issue created: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-wirelesstag-poly/issues/58
  22. Sorry, been out out of town and busy, I got your PM and I will review.
  23. Issue created https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-ELK/issues/76
  24. Sorry for the late reply, been out of town. This looks like a bug handling Counters. Please set log level to Debug + Modules and restart the node server, then wait a few minutes and download log package and send that to me in a PM.
  25. Sorry, was a result of restructuring the code to fix the other issue. Fixed in 3.0.15.
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