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Everything posted by Jimbo.Automates

  1. You can disable motion detection completely which should help battery life, and in special options set "Buffer multiple" so they push out temp/hum updates less often, and change "Receiver Mode" to "Lower Power Mode".
  2. Not required, this creates custom messages as described in the doc https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-notification/blob/master/POLYGLOT_CONFIG.md#messages New option to send notifications to UD Mobile app, I need to update the doc for this still. The opt1=val1 will cause and error, I guess you took that verbatim from the doc, it's meant to tell you to add your options and values, and all the options are described. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-notification/blob/master/README.md#isy-network-resource The easiest way to send a message is with https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-notification/blob/master/README.md#short-custom-content Using "Send Sys Short" on your serivce node. Make sure to read both docs: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-notification/blob/master/README.md https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-notification/blob/master/POLYGLOT_CONFIG.md (This should be shown on the Configuration for the node server page, along with lots of hints about how to format your network resources. As to why the Node server still says Disconnected, that could be anything. Do a "Download Log Package" and PM that to me.
  3. Something must be overriding it or setting it back because I use this method extensively at our Lake House. I created an "AwayExtended" Climate Type and have a program that sets it to that Cand Hold as Indefinite and it works great.
  4. Yes, would be ideal to fix the source, and understand it can take a while. The slider works great on a dimmable light, haven't tried the Picker. I have no programs controlling these fans. Now the very odd thing is I just tried it again while not at home and it looks like it worked perfectly, I will test again when back home and connected to the LAN.
  5. Ok, maybe I'll poll users of the Kasa NS to see if anyone objects to just change the it. Ok, bummer. Should it just be changed in the ISY source profile? Strange, I tried another Fanlinc and it had the same issue. They both respond file to KPL and RemoteLinc's.
  6. Yeah, it's a timing issue with the startup of PG3 so eventually on the next report it will get fixed. 3.5.2 fixed the initialization value so it shouldn't toggle on startup like you noticed. You can always check for new versions manually by going to the store page and click the update button. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  7. @garybixler Try 3.5.2
  8. The Polyglot Version 3 Node server for ELK Security Version 3.5.1 is released. See the Release Notes Please make sure your Polisy is up to date by running Upgrade Packages in the Admin Console -> Configuration -> System section. See the README for more information, including information on moving from PG2. If you have issues or requests please check PG3 ELK Github issues to see it has already been listed. And if you want to thumbs up an issue I will try to prioritize fixing the ones with most votes.
  9. Great, glad it's kinda working. I don't have a zone with temperature so it's hard to test it thoroughly. I'm not sure if the zones need to be polled, of if temperature changes will be pushed. Please set log to "Debug + Modules" then query the node, wait for it to go back to -40 then download log package and PM that to me. Although I've heard that PM might be broken now on the forums, so you can email it to me, same as my user name here at gmail.
  10. PG3 Node server for CAO Wireless Tags version 3.1.7 is released, see the Release Notes.
  11. In ISY Systems settings do you have request status options enabled? Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  12. @Javi Great job on the widgets! Just started using them. Would it be possible for the slider to show the value as you slide it? The Kasa NS uses 0-255 for brightness which works fine in a slider, but maybe I should change it to use 0-100 so it shows percentage instead of the number? I'm not able to add the load button for an Insteon KPL. Can that be added? See pic. It works fine using the default type. I tried the picker for Insteon fan motor, which pulls up the off/low/medium/high but it doesn't actually change the device when I select one? UD Mobile.is now becoming a great app to control everything with IoP and Polyglot! Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  13. That's possible, I was a little distracted at the beginning of the call. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  14. Most of the time was geared towards hub users, which is understandable to give those people a little confidence. ISY was mentioned many times by Steve, in a good light, and said the Hub will never be as good as the ISY, just that the Hub user is a more simple user. Ken said shipments of products are arriving soon and will be in the on line store, wouldn't say which ones. Ken said many times that they want to be different and work closer with 3rd parties, like UDI. But they only took question submissions thru the Zoom ask questions interface and I put all questions asked here out there and nothing was said about PLM plans, improving failures, or a public API.
  15. That's odd because those errors are from PG3 itself, not the Node server so unsure how any could be working. Near the very end of the PG3 log it shows errors contacting the ISY: /20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] debug: [PUBLISH: udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:21:b9:00:ef:c2_2] {"shortPoll":{}} 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] debug: [MESSAGE_PUBLISHED] Client pg3_client has published message on udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:21:b9:00:ef:c2_2 to broker pg3_broker 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] error: No code in error response 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] warn: ISY Response: [Try: 1] [00:0d:b9:53:2b:bc] :: [401 - OK] :: 11.024519ms - 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] error: No code in error response 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] warn: ISY Response: [Try: 2] [00:0d:b9:53:2b:bc] :: [401 - OK] :: 6.935924ms - 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] error: No code in error response 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] warn: ISY Response: [Try: 3] [00:0d:b9:53:2b:bc] :: [401 - OK] :: 9.455622ms - 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] debug: ISY Response: [Try: 1] [00:21:b9:00:ef:c2] :: [200] :: 56.488285ms - 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] error: No code in error response 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] error: ISY Response: [MAX TRIES EXCEEDED] [00:0d:b9:53:2b:bc] :: [401 - OK] :: 18.126119ms - 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] info: ISY node server configuration update required 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] debug: Scheduling to group system 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] error: Error: GET Failed :: 401 - OK 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] error: getExistingNodeServers :: Error: Received no response from the ISY. Check your ISY IP Address at Object.getExistingNodeServers (/var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3/lib/modules/isy/system.js:91:13) at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:60:5) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:533:9) at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:507:7) at async /var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3/lib/services/isy.js:80:21 at async Promise.allSettled (index 0) 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] warn: verifyNodeServers (00:0d:b9:53:2b:bc) :: ISY has no node servers installed, skipping 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] debug: ISY Response: [Try: 1] [00:21:b9:00:ef:c2] :: [200] :: 114.915795ms - 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] info: [00:21:b9:00:ef:c2_2] 'Hue' installed into ISY successfully... 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] debug: >>>>>>> Got isy ready event >>>>>> That is a problem, change the emulated hue to a different port when using IoP. It doesn't matter what as long as it's greater than 1000 but just use something like 8081. I need to change the NS default since IoP decided to use the port that I was using as a default. And you never answered @bpwwer Make sure you are on the latest version of PG3 which is at 3.1.10 now.
  16. There are tons of errors in the PG3 log about permissions communicating with the ISY: 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] error: Error: GET Failed :: 401 - OK 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] error: getExistingNodeServers :: Error: Received no response from the ISY. Check your ISY IP Address at Object.getExistingNodeServers (/var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3/lib/modules/isy/system.js:91:13) at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:60:5) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:533:9) at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:507:7) at async /var/polyglot/node_modules/@universaldevices/pg3/lib/services/isy.js:80:21 at async Promise.allSettled (index 0) 9/20/2022, 20:14:30 [pg3] warn: verifyNodeServers (00:0d:b9:53:2b:bc) :: ISY has no node servers installed, skipping
  17. It goes to where ever your browser is configured to place downloads. Yes, I saw that error in your post, but that doesn't help, I need to see the PG3 log, not the NS log to see what happened before that error.
  18. For either issue "Download Log Package" and PM it to me.
  19. Added issue to support zone specific trouble reporting: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-ELK/issues/86
  20. There's no way to do battery monitoring, but the Elk does send a system trouble for low battery of a zone, which will show up on the controller low battery, but it will not tell you what zone had an issue. That's difficult to test since I'll need a way to force the Elk to report the trouble. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  21. Easiest way to send log is download log package from node server log page and PM that zip file.
  22. Log into Polisy and: sudo tail -f /var/udx/logs/log Then in AC do a Upgrade Modules and see what it says. Mine is showing a weird error that Michel is looking into.
  23. Yes, it's possible, will try to make time to add it sometime. https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-kasa/issues/9
  24. It will only discover devices if broadcasts can go across vlans, otherwise you would have to manually add them, but the NS doesn't currently support that. Sent from my SM-X808U using Tapatalk
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