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Everything posted by bpwwer

  1. Joe, I posted a link to my web page that uses javascript and the weatherbug info to generate charts. Some of the ideas should be applicable to what you want to do too http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=2295
  2. I think you can boot linux on a Mac using boot camp. I've seen references to people doing that but I've never tried it. Another idea is to use VMWare or Parallels on the mac to run linux distributions. I've been using Parallels on my Mac Mini to run Windows XP and it works really well. The only issue I have is lack of memory. The current Mini only has 2Gb of ram so it tends to swap a lot. That's how I've been doing all my development lately. The virtual WinXP machine is usually running Visual Studio, HomeSeer, and MainLobby concurrently. You'd have to check, but there might even be support for 64bit OSes in the virtual machines.
  3. As a data point, on my Fedora 8 machine, I get this error when trying to change timezones: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-3" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer I have Sun's Java package installed.
  4. intellihome, If you have questions about how the HomeSeer plug-in for the ISY works feel free to post them here or in the HomeSeer forum section dedicated to the plug-in. http://board.homeseer.com/forumdisplay.php?f=919 I think there's a thread or two over there about how people are using the combination that you might be interested in.
  5. Ahh, That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.
  6. I'm seeing the same thing. ISY-26, PLM v52. I upgraded from 2.6.12 directly. All three of the motion sensor devices show up with blank status and if I try to query any one of them, I get nothing. No messages in the log (set at level 2). I tried changing the advanced options to "Device Reported" and did a query of My Lighting and again, no entries in the log for the motion sensor. I'm also seeing the same behavior for the EZRain zones. All my other devices are queried just fine.
  7. If it's failing, it's not displaying any error messages. The upgrade seemed to go flawlessly, just like every other upgrade I've done. After the upgrade, everything was working fine except the motion sensor and the the version number. I too first thought the upgrade didn't actually happen or that I had the wrong version. At least until I noticed the motion sensor wasn't working. That's why I tried so many times. edit: Just saw that 2.6.10 was released so I'll give that a try later. Thanks for such a quick response (to the posts and the release!)
  8. I just updated to 2.6.9 and had to downgrade back to 2.6.8. After upgrading the Help->About box still said 2.6.8. I performed the upgrade 4 times and downloaded the version 3 times. All 4 attempts were successful. So I think the version number didn't get updated. This is for the ISY-26 After upgrading, my motion sensor shows up as an unknown device like reported elsewhere. This is why I'm pretty sure that I really did have 2.6.9 even though it reported itself as 2.6.8. After going back to 2.6.8 the motion sensor is correctly identified.
  9. Ah, that maybe explains what I'm seeing. I was going to ask about this. I just got a motion sensor a few days ago and it shows up via the web services as and the Smarthome docs say it should be (I think) so I was wondering if the ISY was just reporting it wrong or if the docs were wrong.
  10. Yeah, Ctrl-C
  11. You can grab a copy from my website, http://www.bobshome.net/isy/isylogger.zip It's pretty simple, unzip the program, open a command prompt, execute the program with your ISY's ipaddress, username, and password as arguments. Not fancy auto detecting of the ISY.
  12. Ok, I made it leaner (but not any meaner). It is now built against .net 2.0. I replaced all the web services calls with more generic http request calls. Usage and output remain the same. http://www.bobshome.net/isy/isylogger.zip Usage: isylogger Output looks like this: ISYLogger version 1.2 Copyright(C) 2008 Robert Paauwe Get Nodes Config. Start Subscription. ISY is Idle. Bedroom Chest...................... at 0 Bedroom Control - 1................ at 0 FR Control - 1..................... at 0 FR Control - 2..................... at 0 FR Control - 3..................... at 0 Office Fan......................... at 255 Kitchen Nook....................... at 0 Dinning Room....................... at 0 Hall / Family Room................. at 0 Living Room Floor.................. at 0 Hallway #1......................... at 0 Front Porch........................ at 255 Hallway Keypad..................... at 0 Living Room - Hall................. at 0 Bedroom - Hall..................... at 0 Bedroom Floor...................... at 0 Family Room Accent Lamp............ at 229 Family Room Table Lamp............. at 216
  13. Was the first problem related to the .net framework version? If so, maybe I would be better off not using the web services framework. That would allow the app to run with .net 2.0 I'm going to blame the crash on Michel, he convinced me to use web services instead of writing all my own code - just kidding Michel It looks like this ISY is sending more data in a HTTP packet than what the default message size allows. I can configure that setting so I just bumped it up to 4X (256K). That should be large enough. But my setup doesn't have enough device/scenes to exceed the 65K size so I can't really test it. I just updated my website with a new version. Let me know if it works. Anybody else have any other feedback?
  14. Ok, here's version 1.0 of a command line event viewer app for Windows. It does use the web services to subscribe to the ISY and thus needs Microsoft's .NET framework version 3.0 or later. Also, it's only going to work with ISY firmware versions 2.6.6 and 2.6.7. Open a command prompt and run: isylogger It will log device status changes and the events associated with button presses. Other events will probably be logged too but they won't be formatted. You can grab it from here: http://www.bobshome.net/isy/isylogger.zip
  15. Would a windows command line utility that did this be helpful? Not that I need more things to do but this seems pretty simple. Even a GUI based app wouldn't be too hard, I have most of the code to do this in one of my plug-ins already.
  16. bpwwer

    Event viewer codes

    ST = Status (current device on level (0 - 255) OL = On Level, the level the device will go to when switched on RR = Ramp Rate. The Web Services output does define some (maybe all?) of the stuff you'll see in the log but it's not really in an easy to read format. If you want to try, point your browser to http://your ISY's IP address/WEB/udiws10.ws and you should get some XML that describes all the methods, parameters, constants, etc. supported by the ISY. Buried in there is some information about what you see in the log.
  17. I just checked and double checked and I'm not seeing any problems. When I subscribe, I get a node status event for each node and then start getting the _0 heartbeat events. It's working for both my plug-in code and if I just telnet to the ISY send the subscribe XML. I didn't have to change anything in my code after upgrading to 2.6.7. I am using the reuse socket and timeout infinite values for the subscription.
  18. Michael, I used the PLC plug-in for a while and then played around with the PLM plug-in beta. But now, like you, I don't have either connected to the ML machine. Currently, the plug-in allows control of devices using commands like MLISY|Hall Light~DON~200 It also keeps a set of variables in ML synced with the current status of each device. So right now, you could create rules that fire things off when a variable status changes. I had forgotten about the ability to assign ML commands to buttons inside the plug-in. That should be possible. Of course this means I'll have to figure out how to create and manipulate databases using .net so I can save all this type of info. I'd say I probably have an alpha quality release right now. The features that are there work, but it is missing things. Also, the installation is all manual right now.
  19. Michael, Before you go spend any money on another PLM... I've been working on a plug-in to allow interaction between ML and the ISY. It's still got some issues so it's not yet ready for general testing. Can you explain and/or post an example of how you're controlling the whole house audio via Insteon? I do have a Russound hooked up to ML so maybe I can test this out and make sure my Plug-in can provide equivalent functionality to what you have now.
  20. Where's the best place to make announcements about new 3rd party products? Maybe there should be general/announcement forum in the 3rd party section?
  21. I do have an extra PLM, but I won't be able to unplug the current one until tonight. However, it is still mostly working. I am able to control devices via the web interface and bring up the admin console, as long as I don't re-boot it. If I do, then I'll have to power it down for a couple of hours before I can use it again. As soon as I do anything that requires a re-boot (switch back to using DHCP, firmware update, etc.) it thinks the cable is unplugged and I have to power it off for a while. I think this is consistent with a problem I've had with this box for a while. For the past few firmware updates, I've had to power cycle it to get it working. It would do the firmware update, reboot, and then it would not be accessible until I power cycled it. It's just getting worse now. A quick update to note that it wasn't the upgrade itself that failed. It seems there may be a heat related issue with the network hardware itself. After sitting unplugged all night, I plugged it back in on a whim and it worked ... for a little while.
  22. A quick update to note that it wasn't the upgrade itself that failed. It seems there may be a heat related issue with the network hardware itself. After sitting unplugged all night, I plugged it back in on a whim and it worked ... for a little while.
  23. Both MEM and ERR are flashing on 2 seconds off 3 seconds. The link light on the ethernet port is lit. After a power cycle, all the lights flash and it seems like it is communication with the PLM because it's light and other insteon devcices' lights are flashing too. This happens for about 1 minute and then it goes back to flashing the mem/err lights as above. It doesn't appear to have requested an address from the DHCP server at any point. Ahh, connection up the serial port provides a bit more info. it's displaying "network cable disconnected or DHCP server error" over and over. Resetting the router/dhcp server makes no difference Manually configuring the network on the ISY makes no difference Replacing the network cable makes no difference. Switching to a different port on the router makes no difference.
  24. On my ISY26: Something when wrong when I updated. I downloaded the zip file and manually updated. Now the box is dead (well not accessible via the ethernet port). I've tried power cycling it and it still doesn't come back. When I say not accessible, I mean it's not sending the UPNP broadcasts and it's not responding on the IP address previously used. I don't have physical access to the box right now so I can't see the lights. When I do get back home, is there anything I should check before trying to factory reset it?
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