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Everything posted by mfranzel

  1. I am trying to AVOID going into the power panel! ;P do NOT need to get electrocuted!!
  2. Teken, my dryer doesn't have a LED but does have a buzzer. How could I use this?
  3. I did not see this... Thank you Jon. Probably not going to work. Going some other routes... My machine doesn't have a light when it is finished, but it does have a buzzer. Could I wire that into an IO link somehow?
  4. Thank you all for the input! For what it's worth, I think the easiest thing for me is to get the Z-Wave card from UD and use the Aeon Labs z-wave energy meter.
  5. Can I add a z-wave module to the ISY? Mine doesn't have one.
  6. Hi all, I use the SyncroLinc to monitor my washer, but my dryer has the large 240 plug. Is there anything I can use to do the same thing with the dryer? Thanks all!
  7. Thats the one problem I suppose... I could go back in while the wash is running to throw something in maybe? So programming would have to say ONLY when the wash has been off for 10 minutes THEN...
  8. Hi all, I have a program that senses if my washing machine is running or not and when done, sends me a message. It is as follows: If Control 'Laundry Room / Washing Machine' is Switched Off Or Status 'Laundry Room / Washing Machine' is Off Then Wait 10 minutes Send Notification to 'Cell Phone' Else None My problem is that when this happens, I forget about it and it sits there. I also have the door to the laundry room set up so when the door opens, the light turns on. So, what I want to do is have this message sent to me every 30 minutes UNTIL the door is opened i.e. I open the door and walk in the room and take out the laundry. Does anyone know how I would go about programming this?
  9. Does anyone know if I have the Z-Wave module installed if the Aeotec Smart Switch 6 or Smart Energy Meter will work with ISY the way the iMeter SHOULD work i.e. show energy used and calculate costs?
  10. I simply added the iMeters to the ISY then linked the display to each iMeter individually. It works... not great but it works. Not worth the money... I am probably sending it back. I think I am going to do what Teken suggested and just get some Z-Wave energy monitors and use them with my alarm system.
  11. The only reason I like the iMeter devices is because I can monitor individual outlets. I don't need energy monitoring on the whole house. Just my server rooms and media centers. Are there better ZWave devices out there that can do this in a better fashion?
  12. Hi all, I purchased 4 iMeter Solo devices and the energy display device so I could monitor server energy usage in my home. Much to my surprise, they don't work very well with the ISY. From what I have read, all the ISY will show me is the energy usage, I have to query it myself and I have to reset it myself monthly or when needed. On top of that, the energy display doesn't connect at all. Is there any way to make it work better? Or even better, are there any other devices that integrate better into ISY for displaying energy used for certain outlets? Thanks all!
  13. It is an electric dryer, so it has a giant 240v plug. I have no problems with my TriggerLinc setup. I simply got a 1.5v power supply and hooked it up to where the battery goes in and it works. I usually dry the laundry either when I am out or at night when I am sleeping. When I am home, it really doesn't interfere with the rest of the system. As in what device? I was going to use a TriggerLinc This is sort of what I want. I want it to finish and send me a message every 15 minutes until I open the dryer door using the TriggerLinc.
  14. I want opening the dryer door to turn off the alerts because that means I went to the dryer and took the clothes out!
  15. When programming the SyncroLinc, I turned the washer on programmed it for the ON amount of power. Then turned it off and programmed that.
  16. Hi all, I have an open/close sensor inside my dryer so that when it stops running, I will get a notification. I have the following program: If Control 'Dryer-Opened' is switched On Or Control 'Dryer-Opened' is switched Off Or Control 'Dryer-Opened / Dryer-Closed' is switched On Or Control 'Dryer-Opened / Dryer-Closed' is switched Off Then Wait 10 seconds Send Notification I have it set like this so that when the sensor and magnet are not passing each other ie the dryer has stopped, I will get a notification after 10 seconds. And, on the off chance the magnet stops right on the sensor, I will get the notification as well. However, I always forget to actually get the clothes out of the dryer. I want to set it so that it will send me a message every 15 minutes until I open the dryer door. So I would add another open/close sensor on the door of the dryer. What other rule can I put in here to basically say "send notification every 15 minutes until dryer door is open"? Thanks everyone!!
  17. Hey all, I was wondering if I could get some help with my SyncroLinc. I cannot for the life of me get it to work correctly. I have it hooked up to my washing machine so it will tell me when the load is done. I followed the instructions that came with it to program it for when the washer is running and when it is idle. However, I don't think it is great. Then I have a program that says the following: If Control 'Washing Machine' is Switched Off Or Status 'Washing Machine' is Off Then Wait 10 minutes Send notification to 'Cell' content 'Wash Finished' Else -No Actions I have it wait 10 minutes because the washer has some pauses in the cycle. Long story short, the program never triggers and when the washer is on its state is "1%". Anything I am missing here? Thanks!!
  18. Hi everyone, I was curious how to use the energy management features of the ISY. From what I have read, I can purchase a module called a Utility Meter Module and somehow connects to the Smart meter on the outside of my home. Is this correct? Then I saw something saying I could use a Brultech meter as well. Basically, what is all of this and how can I manage my electricity?? So confused here! THANKS!
  19. mfranzel

    Ubi and ISY

    Xathros, I don't suppose you know how to get the ISY to interface with the Philips Hue? I have a very complicated set up with the two just to make the light change to blue and flash at 7pm then go back to white. I know the Hue bulbs are capable of working with the ISY, but I cannot figure out how to make them work properly and do what I need, such as the above.
  20. mfranzel

    Ubi and ISY

    Xathros, Thank you for your help! I do have to ask though... why did I have to remove the leading 0? Will I need to do this to all ISY device addresses like this? And yes, when the command goes through and executes, the lights turning on and off is simultaneous with the followup utterance. I just wish the command would go through faster...
  21. mfranzel

    Ubi and ISY

    I actually already had that follow up utterance in there... I give Ubi the command, but it is a good 30 seconds before the command is done and Ubi tells me the lights are on. Why is there such a delay when I speak to Ubi but not when I use the TEST button from the Portal?
  22. mfranzel

    Ubi and ISY

    I dropped the leading 0 like you suggested and it works when I hit the TEST button, but when I speak to the Ubi, nothing happens. Also, how do I turn OFF the lights?
  23. mfranzel

    Ubi and ISY

    I pasted the URL into a browser and got the following: I am using this: http://XXX:XXX@ 7D 06 1/cmd/DON
  24. mfranzel

    Ubi and ISY

    The request IS coming from the Ubi locally.
  25. mfranzel

    Ubi and ISY

    I checked the firmware and I am running firmware starting with 0.xxx !!! How can I update?? The reason The ISY is running on port 8181 is because my web server is running on port 80 because I run a website and I need port 80 for it, therefore the ISY cannot be using port 80.
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