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Everything posted by mfranzel

  1. mfranzel

    Ubi and ISY

    Yes, meant that website, sorry!! The port on the ISY I changed from 80 to 8181 as I run a web server from my home. Regardless or port forwarding or not, because the Ubi is local I just need to specify port 8181, which I did, and this should work... but it isn't. What am I doing wrong?
  2. mfranzel

    Ubi and ISY

    Thanks so much for your reply! I did just that... For now I just entered my UN and PW for a test... But when I try it and send a test command, I get an error that says: I have verified my IP address is correct. My ISY is on port 8181 so I entered the IP as and all traffic to port 8181 is forwarded to the ISY from the router... But that shouldnt matter as it is technically doing this locally. Is this all right?
  3. mfranzel

    Ubi and ISY

    Hello, I have an Ubi device (www.theubi.com). It basically is a little all in one device that lets me ask it things and it does it for me like play music or ask the weather. I know there is support for it in a very limited way... I want to be able to say "Okay, Ubi. Turn on the kitchen lights." and have the kitchen lights go on. It has support in it to work with IFTTT... I can set it up so if I say something specific it can trigger an IFTTT function... Any way to integrate the Ubi and ISY?? I would LOVE voice control for this thing!!
  4. Hi everyone, I got everything set up and commands learned, but neither iLearn or the ISY will actually turn on the TV. I dont even get any errors! HELP!
  5. Eh, that sounds too complicated. I guess I will just program a button on the KPL next to the couch! I just ordered the iTach devices and will get them monday and hopefully all of this will work out. Thanks io_guy. I will let you know how everything goes!
  6. So you would advise using the ir to insteon module for receiving instead of the iTach one?
  7. Yeah I can deffinitely still return it. How does one program the iTach IP2IR to work with the ISY? I just want to be able to press the NIGHT button next to my bed and have the lights and TV go OFF! What do you think of the IR to INSTEON controller? Does that work reliably? or is there an iTach one that is better? And how would I program it to the ISY? Are there directions in the wiki or would you be able to help? Thanks!!
  8. Well, I did that. I added to the scene where my two bathroom lights go on and off and it does nothing, mostly because (I think) it will not get the updates written to it.
  9. I reset the IRLinc again and readded a button while running the event viewer at level 3. It seems as if the button is learned, but then I do not know what to do with it. Why cant I control it like I would a switch so from the admin panel turn the tv on and off? Anyways, I added it to a scene and it seems as if the updates are not writing to it. isy.txt
  10. Okay I got it to work, SORT OF. Instead of learning a new device, I use the option in the ISY admin portal to add a new button the the IRLinc. I send the command I want and the admin portal sees it, but then I get a progress window for 10 minutes and then I am unable to do anything with the new node.
  11. Correct. The Kitchen, Living Room and Nighttime lights all stay lit on the KPL.
  12. I simply made a scene with all the devices I wanted on and off and set the Nighttime button to NON-TOGGLE-OFF and it does what it is supposed to do. No programs involved. BUT, the KPL lights are still on.
  13. Correct. As well as the Nighttime button when set to NON-TOGGLE-ON.
  14. Yes.
  15. I think I have it set, sort of. I have a scene with the devices in it. I have the devices I want OFF set to 0%. I have the devices I want ON set to 100%. But, the devices that go off, they do not turn off on the KPL that also controls them. However, if I set it to NON-TOGGLE-OFF, the lights that need to go to 100% do not go on. When I set it to NON-TOGGLE-ON, it works, but the KPL light is still on.
  16. Yes.
  17. I am literally beyond confused...
  18. I tried everything above with no luck. I tried another 2411T and get the same result. The error is attached,
  19. Sorry for the EXTREME delay in my reply to this! It has been a while since I have changed things around on my ISY. I followed everything you posted and it worked great, Thank you! The only question I have is when I press the button for LOW, it glows and the fan goes at the low speed. However, if I press it again, the KPL button goes off as well as the fan, but the OFF button does not light up. Is there a way to make that happen?
  20. Sorry for the confusion. I simply want a button on the KPL, for this instance, Nighttime. When I press this, it turns off all the lights in the house to turn off, but have the lights on the stairs and bedroom turn on. However, I want to make sure, as someone pointed out, that when I press the button on the KPL, that the light on the KPL does not remain on. Does that make more sense? Thank you!
  21. Also, if it matters, due to another matter, I am using firmware 4.1.1. Could that be causing an issue?
  22. What is an IRLinc TX? I already reset the 2411T by unplugging it, pressing and holding the button while plugging it back in and holding it for 3 seconds. This is just so weird... I JUST purchased the device!
  23. Hello all, I purchased the IRLinc Transmitter 2411T module, but when I try to add it to my ISY, I get a simple error message that the device cannot be added. The system does auto detect that it is a 2411T. I have tried factory resetting the module, but no luck. Any help with this? Thanks!
  24. So if I understand correctly, this code: If Status 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Spots KPL (DB) - A Spots / GR Spots KPL (DB) - F Night' is not Off And ( Status 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Kitchen Lights' is Off Or Status 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Sink KPL - A Cabinet' is Off Or Status 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Island Lights' is On Or Status 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Breakfast Lights (DB)' is not Off Or Status 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Pantry Lights' is On Or Status 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Cabinets R (DB)' is not Off Or Status 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Family Room Lights' is On Or Status 'Great Room / Great Room Devices / GR Spots KPL (DB) - A Spots' is not Off ) Then Wait 4 seconds Set Scene 'Great Room / GR Night KPL' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Will it allow me to turn off all the downstairs lights, turn on the stairs lights AND turn the KPL button off?
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