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Everything posted by garybixler
@wrj0Thanks so much for all the info. i would have a problem with setting up the directory and permissions. Pretty clueless when it comes to linux commands. The file transfer looks pretty straight forward after the NVMe SSD storage is installed and permissions configured. Maybe I will need to wait until an integrated system is available for uploading mp3 files. Per Michel's info on the plugin, "For custom sounds, for now, you are in charge of creating a directory, uploading your music files, and giving read permission either to the plugin user or everyone." I am hoping "for now" means that there will be a system for loading the files forthcoming. Could you recommend the type of NVMe SSD that the eisy requires. I was looking at a 1tb 2280. I don't know if there are specific requirements for the eisy or not. Again thanks for your time and information.
@wrjo hi. I am lost as what I need to do in order to load mp3 files for the audio player. Could you provide some instructions on how this is done or are there instructions posted elsewhere. I would greatly apricate any info. Thanks Gary
All working now thanks Michel.
There seems to be something missing according to the log. Do I need to do a package upgrade? Thanks. 2024-01-19 17:39:58,567 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2024-01-19 17:39:58,567 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI interface initializing 2024-01-19 17:39:58,568 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: User=0021b9026038_18 2024-01-19 17:39:58,568 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Home=/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_18 2024-01-19 17:39:58,568 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Node Server Path=/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_18 2024-01-19 17:39:58,568 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: PG3INIT=eyJ1dWlkIjoiMDA6MjE6Yjk6MDI6NjA6MzgiLCJwcm9maWxlTnVtIjoxOCwibG9nTGV2ZWwiOiJJTkZPIiwidG9rZW4iOiJNJnYycmNlM3RXOXJjJShyIiwibXF0dEhvc3QiOiJsb2NhbGhvc3QiLCJtcXR0UG9ydCI6ODg4Mywic2VjdXJlIjoxLCJpc1BHM3giOnRydWUsInBnM1ZlcnNpb24iOiIzLjIuMTciLCJpc3lWZXJzaW9uIjoiNS44LjAiLCJlZGl0aW9uIjoiRnJlZSJ9 2024-01-19 17:39:58,568 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Loading interface module 2024-01-19 17:39:58,620 MainThread udi_interface INFO interface:<module>: Loading MQTT module 2024-01-19 17:39:59,140 MainThread udi_interface INFO interface:<module>: MQTT module loaded 2024-01-19 17:39:59,379 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Loading udi_interface module 2024-01-19 17:39:59,380 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Loading node module 2024-01-19 17:39:59,380 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Loading custom module 2024-01-19 17:39:59,380 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: Loading isy module 2024-01-19 17:39:59,380 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI interface initialized 2024-01-19 17:39:59,381 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI Python Interface for Polyglot version 3 3.2.6 Starting... 2024-01-19 17:39:59,382 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_18/audio-player.py", line 18, in <module> import pyaudio ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyaudio'
Thanks Michel. Just need to know how to set it up on the eisy. Thanks So much. Gary
Found sites where TTV can be created. Should they be in mp3 or wav format or does it matter? Thanks
Can an example of how to set this up be provided. Also is there any collection of audio files available. Really would like to replace ELK and Alexa as the voice source. Any such capability of text to voice? Thanks. Great addition to the eisy. Gary
@thruster999Alexa will fix the problem after they realize that it is their problem. Been down this road with Alexa 3 times now. The first time was like pulling teeth. The second time they used their screen share to the phone app so I could show them exactly what wasn't working. The last time however I basically told them they had a problem and corrected it within a day. I think they looked back on my previous tickets. They also had me recreate a non working routine just to satisfy their requirements.
@thruster999Did you check you Alexa app and verify that the variable device does actually turn on and off? If it does it is an Alexa account issue.
In my case only devices created from variables were the problem. On/Off contact type. Those devices were used to trigger routines. I could see that the devices were working correctly on the Alexa app but they were not triggering the routine. Something was broken between the triggers and routines at Alexa.
I have had my Alexa routines just stop working but not disabled sever times in the past two years for no reason. Always had to call and try to explain the problem. When finely seen that the problem was with Alexa a service ticket was opened and all my routines were working the next day. Never given an explanation.
I had IoX Launcher issues after up dating my PC to Win 11 from Win 10. My solution was to delete Java and download a new copy. Not sure if you had started from a new Win 11 pc or not.
@oberkcJust tried your config but still I am not getting the zwave device to control an insteon on/off module. If i look at the insteon device it does show that it is a responder to the zwave device but does not respond to the swave device. If I look at the zwave device I do not see that the membership includes being a controller. It was added as a controller and shows that by being printed in red. Does your zwave device show it being a controller in the membership? This is what shows on my zwave device. Just tried adding the zwave first but no difference. All I see is that the zwave does not get added as a controller just a responder to the scene. Event viewer response. Zwave event ignored doesn't look good I am using the eisy with IoX 5.7.1. But this setup of a zwave device being a controller has never worked in the past.
I have found that if a secondary button is part of a scene it will respond to the scene status of on or off by being lit or not. I did try an Insteon on/off module and had the same results. The z-wave device does not become a controller for any device in the scene even if added as such. No idea if that is by design or an oversite.
It appears that a z-wave device can't be added as a controller even though the option is there and appears to be added that way.
I have a scene set up with a Z-wave nano on/off switch and a button on an Insteon 8 button wall switch. Both are defined as controllers. If the scene is executed both device respond as expected. When the button on the switch is turned on the z-wave device also comes on as expected. However if the z-wave device is turned on the scene doesn't get turned on so the button never gets lit. The z-wave device does show on in the scene. I am using a program to have the scene turn on/off from the state of the z-wave device. Was wondering if this normal for mixed intsteon z-wave devices or am I missing something? Tried many settings with no results. Thanks for any info.
Support Thread for: IoX 5.7.1 (Nov 12, 2023)
garybixler replied to Administrator's topic in IoX Support
My issue has been solved by reinstalling Java. Upgrading from Win 10 to Win 11 seemed to cause problems for Java. Also i think the original Win 10 version of Java was 32 bit. But after installing a new Java App all is working great. -
Support Thread for: IoX 5.7.1 (Nov 12, 2023)
garybixler replied to Administrator's topic in IoX Support
I think my issue has to do with my desk top PC upgraded to W-11 or the latest Java update. When using my lap top PC everything works fine. Lap top is also W-11 so no clue why the difference. Thanks -
Support Thread for: IoX 5.7.1 (Nov 12, 2023)
garybixler replied to Administrator's topic in IoX Support
After upgrading to 5.7.1 on IoX and PG3 the AC is hanging when in the programs screen. Sometimes while loading. Tried package updates and power reboots but always the same. Tried deleting Java files several times. I have to use Task Manager to end task. Was there anything else needed to be upgraded besides packages like bios? Hanging at Create Scene Widgets. -
I am finding that it does work. I needed to select off even though it showed off as selected before clicking Party Mode. So if I select On and click the Party Mode button it does go into party mode. Then selecting Off and clicking the PM button it will go off. Thanks so much for all the added features. Gary
Testing with Network Resources I found that this command did turn on party mode with that zone becoming the master. EVENT C[1].Z[3]!PartyMode ON\r
After looking more closely a space may be needed after the OFF in the event command. 2023-10-09 20:05:12,208 Command udi_interface DEBUG russound_main:Send: RIO: Sending b'EVENT C[1].Z[3]!PartyMode OFF\r\n'
Also if party mode was started on another zone the party mode off doesn't seem to work. This was the log. 023-10-09 20:05:12,207 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message command 2023-10-09 20:05:12,207 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING command 2023-10-09 20:05:12,208 Command udi_interface DEBUG zone:process_cmd: ISY sent: {'address': 'zone_1_3', 'cmd': 'PARTY', 'value': '0', 'uom': '25', 'query': {}} 2023-10-09 20:05:12,208 Command udi_interface DEBUG russound_main:set_param: sending Zone:C[1].Z[3] level:0 2023-10-09 20:05:12,208 Command udi_interface DEBUG russound_main:Send: RIO: Sending b'EVENT C[1].Z[3]!PartyMode OFF\r\n'
All seems to work except party mode. I captured the log when party mode was set to on. I think what may be missing is the master choice. On the keypad you click master to start party mode from that zone. On other zones if party mode is active you can choose master or off. If a zone's party mode is already off you can then choose on to join party mode. I think this should work. EVENT C[1].Z[3]!PartyMode master \r Thanks Gary 2023-10-09 19:16:02,140 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set zone_2_8 :: ST to 1 UOM 25 2023-10-09 19:16:10,266 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message command 2023-10-09 19:16:10,266 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING command 2023-10-09 19:16:10,266 Command udi_interface DEBUG zone:process_cmd: ISY sent: {'address': 'zone_1_3', 'cmd': 'PARTY', 'value': '1', 'uom': '25', 'query': {}} 2023-10-09 19:16:10,266 Command udi_interface DEBUG russound_main:set_param: sending Zone:C[1].Z[3] level:1 2023-10-09 19:16:10,266 Command udi_interface DEBUG russound_main:Send: RIO: Sending b'EVENT C[1].Z[3]!PartyMode ON\r\n'
@dbwarner5 Thanks that also works well for changing volume level.