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  1. Javi's post in ip whitelist for ud mobile? was marked as the answer   
    Any sub domain at isy.io so *.isy.io
    It is very likley there is another issue, please got to Settings > Systems > Your system.  Press Test Remote Connection, then post a screenshot of the error message.  Be sure there is no personal info shown in the screen shot.
    If you get an error saying your are on a local connection, then expand local connection settings then press the Test Local Connection button, then post a screenshot of any errors.
  2. Javi's post in REST API and eISY - does API work the same in eISY as ISY? was marked as the answer   
    The only difference for State variable request/set is the local port has changed from 80 to 8080. 
  3. Javi's post in Trying to pass variable between 2 ISY's using the Portal was marked as the answer   
    This will work with Portal.  The GET URL is the URL to ISY from Portal with the appended path, i.e. https://my.isy.io/someVeryLongKey/rest/theRestOfThePathHere
    You will need to use basic auth in the Header with your Portal Credentials in Network Resources.
  4. Javi's post in View eISY Log File was marked as the answer   
    Currently the log/error-log are not available from UD Mobile.  Both are available from ISY Portal without using Admin Console. my.isy.io > Select Tool (next to system UUID) > Logs
  5. Javi's post in Single click of a program in favorites? was marked as the answer   
    By default UD Mobile does not request program status at startup.  Change this behavior in Settings Tab  > Systems > Your System > Program and Variable Settings.
  6. Javi's post in UD mobile crashing - iOS was marked as the answer   
    Hi All,
    I believe we located an issue in UD Mobile. Version 1.1.25 was released to the App Store and should be live within the next 24 hours.
  7. Javi's post in Sensibo Node UD Mobile Display was marked as the answer   
    Have you tried rebooting the system?
  8. Javi's post in Folder function from text only icon was marked as the answer   
    It appears like you are looking for tabs.  I've added to our list although not sure on timeframe.
  9. Javi's post in Moving Favorites from Polisy to new Eisy in UD Mobile was marked as the answer   
    Most favorites can be migrated assuming the node addresses are the same. Go to the existing system's  settings from UD Mobile >Settings Tab>Systems> Your System, scroll to the bottom and click clear UUID.
    If you have local connection settings, set the Local IP Address for the new system.  If the app did not force you to select the system from Portal correct the remote url.  In Remote Connection Settings click the search icon next to the remote url  and select the new system. If using a different portal account delete the portal account from remote from remote connection settings and login to the new account.
  10. Javi's post in Notification Badge broken in 1.1.19 was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for the report. Fixed in 1.1.20
  11. Javi's post in Initial value of state variable on UD Mobile startup was marked as the answer   
    Settings Tab> Systems> System > Program and Variable Settings 
  12. Javi's post in Local IP Address? was marked as the answer   
    The app is trying to use Local Connection Settings.  This is a manual override setting as Local Connections are not setup by default. 
    Was this error automatically shown on the on the Home Screen or trying to issue a specific command?  If automatically shown on Home Screen Continue.
    Go to Settings Tab > Systems
    Do you have more than one System listed?
    Select the system named home "Home"
    Expand Local Connection Settings.  
    Is there a Local IP Address?
    Is "Only use Local Connection" enabled?
  13. Javi's post in UD Mobile Group Naming Error was marked as the answer   
    Fixed in next release.  Android 1.1.30 iOS 1.1.15.
    Until fixed a new group can be created without "/".  After update the old group can be deleted.
  14. Javi's post in UOM "Type Casting" Possible? was marked as the answer   
    Thanks, looks like a similar bug.  If you want this tracked please open a ticket. 
    Attach images for <nodeInfo>, <nodeDef>, AC image, and a zipped Backup File for your system (Not a UD Mobile backup).
    Include this as the issue:
    "Encoded Editor missing formatted values in rest/nodes, and Subscription Event."  This causes missing formatted values in Notifications, Emails, and on UD Mobile."
    If you open a ticket send me a Private Message with the ticket number.
  15. Javi's post in Using network responses in a EISY program? was marked as the answer   
    Node Server is still the answer.  We are working on better documentation and have a few examples which can be installed then modified to fit your needs.  See https://docs.isy.io/
  16. Javi's post in Update UD Mobile when migrating to eisy was marked as the answer   
    if you want to preserve favorites then follow instructions above. This basically clears the UUID so the new system replaces the old system and changes access URLs to the new system's local/portal URLs.
    If you don't want to preserve favorites then add the new system, then delete the old system after migration.
  17. Javi's post in Add Harmony Remote icons was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Envirogreen,
    Added ability to set url for icon in upcoming release.
    For example netflix icon at https://images.ctfassets.net/4cd45et68cgf/Rx83JoRDMkYNlMC9MKzcB/2b14d5a59fc3937afd3f03191e19502d/Netflix-Symbol.png

  18. Javi's post in UD Mobile Scene Status - Turning On/Off Scenes with Device Members in other Scenes was marked as the answer   
    Yes. Scenes don't have a status so it is an Estimated status. You can disable if it doesn't work for you.
  19. Javi's post in Certificate Question - Access issue after upgrading to PG3X from PG3 was marked as the answer   
    Try the local http option, not https. http://<address>:3000 
  20. Javi's post in Possible to add an icon? was marked as the answer   
    added door_open (filled) for next production release.
  21. Javi's post in Can't access Eisy thru UD Mobile was marked as the answer   
    If you don't have any favorites setup on UD Mobile with eisy, then delete the system, trash icon at the top right.  The add the system again by following prompts. After login, or portal account selection, you will be prompted to select system. If the system exists on portal select the system when prompted, if not select Add New System and follow prompts to add system to portal.
  22. Javi's post in Error proxy: HTTP error 817 was marked as the answer   
    What hardware is this?
    A System reboot should fix the issue.  The cause is usually a client which fails to unsubscribe.
  23. Javi's post in UD Mobile bug adding Insteon network from Admin dashboard was marked as the answer   
    Thanks, should be fixed in iOS 1.1.5 and Android 1.1.10
    Fixed wrapped button text center. Fixed typos. Moved Reboot to Reboot View for screen-on, and system reboot requirements.
  24. Javi's post in Migration from ISY, no devices only programs was marked as the answer   
    Are you using Safari?  Safari may be unzipping the file but it is possible other browsers have a similar feature. A Google search will show you how to disable this feature.
    Hovering over the link below shows it is a zipped file

  25. Javi's post in Changes to Ecobee settings in ISY interface not "sticking" was marked as the answer   
    Are you pressing the button after changing the drop-down?
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