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Everything posted by MaddBomber83

  1. Hello! For the last year or so I've taken a break from ISY due to moving and such. What did I miss? I have the ISY with the Z-Wave addon board. At one point the developers were trying to get that to communicate with ZigBee (maybe through a second ISY). At my new house, the security system is installed with ZigBee devices (motion, glass, window/door, locks, cams). Now its time to research additional ZigBee devices to add. Then it is time to see if my power meter supports ZigBee as well. I also picked up an EcoBee3 ZigBee thermostat. Last item is Cox Home Life (security system). Anyone with experience running a controller in parallel with that? My wife is going to be pissed when she sees me at a coding screen again .
  2. Swapping to HTTPS resolved it for me. Now to troubleshoot my firewall stuff. Thank you Michel / LeeG and Techman!
  3. Hello; I recently moved the ISY / Modem to a different location in my home and it seems to have messed with the Event List and Device Status somehow in the Admin Console. I can't see the status of any device, and hitting Query does not bring up the pop up window anymore. The event list, when set to level 3 / communications (or any other level) never shows any information. This was on the prior (official) release and has made it through the upgrade to the 4.2.21 version as well. The devices themselves do respond to commands from the UI (hitting on makes the light turn on); but no event, and no status. I cleared out my logs and did some Query / Device operations, and then exported the logs below. Thank you in advance for any assistance! Log: Errors
  4. That fixed it (IP). Thank you! Its interesting that some of the data made it through... Firmware/UI is 4.2.5
  5. You could have a heartbeat put on your router that sends a REST request to the ISY. The ISY could then take action if it does not receive the update (router failure) or the router sends a failed ping (internet failure). As others have mentioned, this is likely something best to leave on the router though.
  6. Thanks for the tip on Autovoice. I'll need to get both up and running to decide.
  7. Hmm, I did not show any errors in sending. I've uploaded a copy to my Amazon S3.
  8. I wish I was at the app coding level to make something like this . I'm still working on getting my feet wet with themes.
  9. Oh wow, I need to clear that thing out. 3.5 mb text file is never a good thing. Sent, and thank you for looking at it.
  10. From the HAM site, this is my actual forecast: THURSDAY Jul 17 Chance Of T-Storm Hi:90°F Lo:65°F DAY: Mostly cloudy. Slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the morning...Then a chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs around 90. South winds 10 to 15 mph shifting to the north 15 to 20 mph in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation 50 percent. NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. A 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms in the evening. Lows in the mid 60s. Northeast winds 10 to 20 mph.
  11. Hello; For the past two weeks I've been missing some weather information. I've tried a few of the stations around me and they have all stopped showing a lot of the temperature information. This is also causing the irrigation requirements to stay at 0. I noticed the problem when the grass started browning ; ). I am currently using this weather station: http://wx.hamweather.com/?pands=KGNC Current Weather Last Update Time 2014/07/17 12:54:31 Cloud Condition Cloudy Temperature 75 F High Temperature 0 F Low Temperature 0 F Average Temperature 0 F Feels Like 75 F Humidity 69 % Pressure 29.83 psi Dew Point 64 F Wind Speed 13 mph Wind Direction E Gust Speed 0 mph Total Rain Today 0 inches Light 62 % Evapotranspiration 0 inches/day Irrigation Requirement 0 inches Yesterday's Water Deficit 0 inches Forecast for Next 24 Hours 24h Cloud Condition Cloudy 24h High Temperature 0 F 24h Low Temperature 0 F 24h Average Temperature 0 F 24h Humidity 0 % 24h Rain 0 inches 24h Snow 0 inches Forecast for Tomorrow High Temperature Tomorrow 0 F Low Temperature Tomorrow 0 F Avg. Temperature Tomorrow 0 F Humidity Tomorrow 0 % Wind Speed Tomorrow 0 mph Gust Speed Tomorrow 0 mph Rain Tomorrow 0 inches Snow Tomorrow 0 inches
  12. Another thing to consider is how badly you need to know the second it is done. If $State_WashingMachine.Power > $Int_WashingMachine.Average Then Wait 2 minutes Send Notification
  13. Hello; Commandr for Android has been updated. For anyone not familiar with this app, it allows voice control through "Ok Google" to Tasker Tasks. The update is significant in that it no longer requires "Take a Note" and it is also instant (rather than that bar you see when you set an alarm). If you have mobilinc, then you just create a tasker task, such as Turn Hall Light On; then hit a toggle on Commandr. Then, you say "OK Google, Turn Hall Light On" and your hall light will turn on. If you don't have mobilinc; there are a few forum posts here, but you can use just tasker alone and have it issue a rest command in your task.
  14. Found one of the threads: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/10986-global-cache-itach-wf2ir-help-needed/?hl=blaster There is the Global Cache WiFi 2 IR Blaster; and also some Raspberry PI solutions mentioned in that thread. The ISY would issue a network command to the IR Blaster that would send the IR signal to whatever you had it pointed at.
  15. I've given some basic thought to this as it is something I would like to do eventually. I believe there may be a 'physical' solution; in that the ISY has IR and I think there is a network device that can send IR as well. From Harmony to ISY would work with the hub / IR Blaster pointed at the ISY. This would allow the remote to issue commands to the ISY. I've not looked much at the other way around though where the ISY issues commands to the Harmony. I had assumed I would go the route with the network blaster to issue IR commands directly to the equipment. Thoughts?
  16. If you have more than a few devices that you would like, it may work better to use state variables. If Device_A is On then $State_Device_A = 1 Else $State_Device_A = 0 If Device_B is On then $State_Device_B = 1 Else $State_Device_B = 0 If (List all Devices here, we just want them in the IF block to trigger this whenever any of them change) Then $State_Device_Count = $State_Device_A $State_Device_Count =+ $State_Device_B Else (Same as Then so it works no matter what the IF conditions are) $State_Device_Count = $State_Device_A $State_Device_Count =+ $State_Device_B At this point, $State_Device_Count will reflect how many devices are on and you can run programs from that. It would also be a good idea to sync Integer versions of the variables to give you program flexibility along with the Init To values for reliability.
  17. Nice, thank you!
  18. I like the new look, have a few other forums I read follow the same layout. Question: Before there was a mark all forums read button; now there is just a mark forum read button for each forum. Anyone know a way to mark everything read without clicking on each sub forum?
  19. I like using all z wave plugs when I have need as they double as power monitoring as well.
  20. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00FKJBUX ... mp_s_a_1_5 I'm not sure what the diff between the two editions are.
  21. That is the one-.-generation two though.
  22. If you have insteon devices on each leg, try making a program that sends a notification on then and else with responding on the if. Assuming that power goes out long enough for the device to know it, like your clocks do, then the isy may be able to notify. Otherwise the dual io link may be the way to go.
  23. What other technologies are you using in your home? There is also a Z-Wave based whole house energy monitor that works identically to the Brutech one mentioned above. The communication protocol used is Z-Wave though, so if you already have a mesh network that can extend to your box this may be a viable alternative. I use android, so I'm not sure how well the MobiLinc does on power monitoring for apple (it doesn't for android).
  24. When you guys are using the Zone Cups could you do me a favor in the name of science? I went the el cheapo route and took some square containers and put those out in the yard to measure my output. I also did a GPH/Area conversion on the specs for my heads. Both gave me similar results. I'm wondering how much of a difference you notice using the specifically designed cups vs an off the shelf container like tupperware. Please note if you decide to do this test you should look for containers around the house that are as shallow as possible with minimal rounding on the bottom.
  25. From the Wiki Evapotranspiration - approximation of the total amount of water leaving via a combination of soil evaporation and plant transpiration. Irrigation Requirement - amount of water to be applied based on the accumulation of previous day(s) water deficits. Yesterday's Water Deficit - total amount of water that has evapotranspired during a twenty four hour window from the day before. You could use Evapotranspiration, but maybe Yesterday's Water Deficit would be better as it would account for any rain in the last 24 hours. To limit the negative numbers I would make sure your Absorption Factor is set properly. If that 1" of rain is applied to a 50% factor then it will start watering again in 5 days. The root of the problem looks to not be a cap on the negative value but more on proper settings / trust of the calculation method. If I may offer another work around. If Irrigation Requirement is Negative Then Set State_Negative_Irrigation_Requirment = 1 Else Set State_Negative_Irrigation_Requirment = 0 If State_Negative_Irrigation_Requirment = 1 Then Wait 72 Hours Reset Irrigation Variables Using the above program would allow negative values, but if it did not water for 3 days due to negative values then it would reset it back to 0.
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