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Everything posted by maxnorth

  1. You have a choice on Synology (depending on your model) of using Docker or the Synology Virtual Machine Manager (VMM). The former is quicker and easier to install, but more laborious to update over time. The latter is harder to install but will give you access to all the features of the Home Assistant Operating System over time. (HA is improving its own voice control capability, by the way).
  2. I believe the basic approach for controlling KPL LEDs is to create another scene with only the LED in it. Then create a program that will turn that scene on or off. When the garage door is open, run the program to turn the LED on. When closed, off. (fwiw, I have mine set to turn the light on when the door is closed. It's sort of a failsafe so I know it is working properly.)
  3. Thanks. On my Mac, it does not remember the path.
  4. maxnorth

    Backup Questions

    I have been making a bunch of changes to my system lately, so doing a lot of backups. This has raised some questions: 1. Why does EISY (IOX 5.8.4) not allow one to set a backup path that is static? All backups would then go to that location, unless changed at the time of backup. (my backup path is five levels deep, so this would save quite a bit of time). 2.Why does EISY not allow one to set backup options, like backup on every close of the AC, or backup every 14 days? Or delete backups older than xx? 3. Why is there no command line option or API to allow one to schedule backups outside of the AC? EISY is the only system I'm using that I can think of that requires me to do a manual backup.
  5. Settings->Devices & Services -> Integrations -> Universal Devices ISY -> Devices. If you don't find it there, I don't know what to tell you. if you do find it, enable it.
  6. Find the device/entity in the ISY integration device list and "enable" it.
  7. Thanks. Will do.
  8. IPG3 am running the Elk NS and Home Assistant. Do I need to have the Home Assistant integration installed to see my Elk devices. I don't and don't. I DO see my Elk NS and my two areas, House and Shop. But there are no devices shown in either area. Just wondering if is intended that I need to install the Elk integration in HA in order to see my devices.
  9. I’m glad it is working for you.
  10. See the screenshot. This updates the value of a variable. Slightly different than the "run" command you want, but the principles are the same. The last bit is the trickiest. Add a header, type "Authorization" and then type "Basic" and then add your encoded password by inserting the variable.
  11. FWIW, I think the new interface is not good. I'd eliminate the "home photo" that appears at the top of various screens, with partial transparency and black text overlaid on the dark photo. Really bad and confusing for the user. It makes the UI look broken or like it is not rendering properly.
  12. I'd be sure to right click on the device in the AC and "update" it
  13. I'm not seeing it either.
  14. maxnorth

    MQTT versioning

    I am currently running v40.2 mqtt-poly from the non-production store. With the production version be updated to 40 from v39 any time soon? I ask because I need to rebuild all my scenes manually each time I switch between production and non-production versions.
  15. It is. Here is the body of one of my pushover messages: "message=The garage door state is ${var.1.7} where 0 is closed"
  16. I had an odd thing happen on my eisy. The system went offline for some reason, which is rare. I powered off and back on, making sure the PLM came online first. It came up fine, but then I was getting some strange behaviors. It turns out that some of my programs that were set to disabled were now enabled. So, they were getting triggered where they should not have been. I also had a couple of programs that weren't working as expected. I fixed those by "updating" them without making any changes. I'm just posting this for informational purposes. I probably could have simply done a restore, but by the time I figured out what was going on, it was just as easy to do the fixes.
  17. Ok, on a second try, status has started to show up now! Perhaps just rebooting the AC again is what was needed. Looks good. I'll post again if I have any further problems with the s31. Here's an example of what's in my devfile: - id: "sSonoffs31POW" type: "s31" name: "WaterHtrLoopEnergy_225" status_topic: "tele/sSonoffs31POW/SENSOR" cmd_topic: "cmnd/sSonoffs31POW/power"
  18. Installed mqtt-poly, which shows as v40.2 as of this evening. My s31 device is still not visible in "status" for programs. Also, installing using a different name (mqtt-poly) is not ideal, because there is no "reinstall" option. This means you must delete your existing MQTT and then reinstall mqtt-poly in the same slot, if you wish to preserve your programs in AC. And you must reconfigure it in PG3. Then, you need to reverse this if you want to revert. Having said that, I appreciate all of your efforts. You need to get paid soon!
  19. A follow up on the s31 issue. Original details are in this thread: s31 energy monitoring updates (e.g., power factor, current power, total energy, etc.) ARE updating fine in the AC. There does not appear to be any issue with adding the device or keeping it up to date. The issue is that the device is not available in Programs. It is not visible in the "If" statement as a "control" or as "status". It IS visible in the "Action" statement, but with the only action available being "query" (as might be expected with a sensor). I'm not sure that logs would be of any use here, but let me know what you'd like.
  20. I can confirm that in v39 "status" is now showing as an option in programs for most devices. An exception for me is s31. I will post separately about s31.
  21. It seems likely the upgrade introduced corruption. Several solutions were explored in this thread. I would suggest you try deleting the existing nodeserver, and then reinstalling it. If that does not work, after deleting it, use MQTT Explorer (as detailed in the thread) to delete all the nodes except $SYS after deleting the nodeserver, then reinstall v39.
  22. You should review this thread:
  23. The "not required" notes in the might suggest no VALUE is required to be entered in those default keys, where in fact the key can be deleted entirely. I ran the thing with blank keys for many months before I figured this out.
  24. A config file glitch I noted previously: BTW, I noticed an odd entry in the configuration help text: ""status_topic": For switch this will be the cmnd topic (like cmnd/sonoff1/power)" I believe that should say "For switch this will be stat/sonoff1/POWER" At least that's the way my devlist is structured.
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