That is the part I am having trouble with I guess...because I figured the same thing, the relay switch should be both a responder and a controller...but it wont let me add it to the scene again since it is already in there a responder.
I am pretty good at programming, PLC's, machine logic, etc. but for some reason I have difficulty wrapping my mind around this controller/responder/scene/group thing. I am sure that once it hits me, I will be like "OHHH... NOW I get it!" but that revelation hasn't happened yet.
Can you give me the quick step by step on how to accomplish what you guys are saying?
Thanks for the help...I appreciate it.
I removed the switchlinc relay from the scene and added it back as a controller....this works perfectly as you both suggested. I am not clear on how it works, since now there is no responder in the scene at all. The Switchlinc is setup as a controller, but still turns on and off. I guess this is how it works...I just didn't realize that a controller responds to commands as well as sending them?