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Everything posted by RLIKWARTZ

  1. I see enable internet access.
  2. I checked and I have the latest and greatest firmware loaded into the EA4500. I'm really puzzled becaue if I go back to 3.3.2 it's totally stable. If I load 3.3.3 and start using it at some point it hanges wih that socket open failed java.nt.socket timeout exception. No other changes.
  3. I'll look into the firmware. I'm not doing any activity in admin console. I just have it up and displaying the main device screen in most cases.
  4. I think the hanging problem is related to the console being up. When it's down everything is fine. So I checked my firewall and everything is fine. I then went into my Cisco EA4500 router and made the ISY high priority and so far no hangs. I'll let you know if it changes.
  5. I've had 3.3.2 running since yesterday evening and no problem. 3.3.3 would have hung by now. I don't have direct tv.
  6. I'm still continuing to see the problem about the Socket Open Failed java.net.socket timeout. It appears to happen randomly during normal operation and the RX and PWR are on constantly and all the others are off. Then the ISY is hung and I have to cyce the power. If I revert back to 3.3.2 everything is fine. During startup when the ISY is getting statuses it will sometime hang after cycling the power and I'll see the Socket error. I've tried reseting the ISY and the modem still nothing. Going back to 3.3.2 seems to do the trick.
  7. I removed and added the thermostat and it worked fine so I'm not going to tempt fate and assume I could restore it if I needed to.
  8. No, not part of any scenes.
  9. As a followup I've try just restoring things like a couple 2876 DBs and I did them one at a time and didn't kick off both at one time and they worked fine.
  10. Venstar T1800 rev 2.30
  11. I tried a restore on the thermostat and it produced that message. The problem is that is locks the isy up with the pwr and rx lights on and the isy freezes up and I have to pull the power and reboot it. I don't see anything in the event log other than the standard message that shows the restore status like picking i1. I swapped out the modem with a replacement and it still does it. The only way I don't see this problem is by going back to 3.3.2.
  12. I found a problem I had to chase around for a while. When I tried doing a set of restore devices I kept receiving a Socket Open Failed Java.net.socket timeout. I tried reinstalling the 3.3.3 version and clearing java and still nothing. I then reverted back to 3.3.2 and the restores worked fine.
  13. I think I figured it out.
  14. My weatherbug shows zeros for everything.
  15. Never mind I just went in and I can now see the weatherbug information.
  16. I used to see all the current values returned from Weather Bug now the Status box is empty. Am I no longer receiving weatherbug information?
  17. I can't fine the query engine in the drop down.
  18. Thank you. I was curious in case at some point I had to replace my thermostat I would know to ask about it. I have the integrated version.
  19. Is setting the time from the ISY only support on the latest thermostat dongle or can it also be done with the latest thermostat with insteon integrated?
  20. It's very strange I added some scenes, back the config up and the restored it and the scenes were lost. I then reloaded the firmware, cleared JAVA and reloaded the backup and the scenes appeared. I thought I had hit a limit. Everything is fine now. A blip in the night.
  21. Does the ISY have a limit of how many links it can handle or are the number of links limited by how big a SD card is in the ISY? Why I ask is I can't add more scenes so if I increase the size of the SD card will this address it.
  22. It turns out I typed in 0 instead of a D in the address. It was hard to read off the device. As soon as I switch it from 0 to D it worked like a charm.
  23. I'm trying to add a Fanlinc and get the following error "Open failed for [/CONF/14A760.rec]". What is this trying to tell me?
  24. I actually restored from a 3.2.1 backup and that's when it broke. I then reverted back to 3.1.17 firmware and restored from a backup of that config and it worked I then did the 3.2.1 upgrade and I was fine. This morning I tried restoring from a 3.2.1 backup and it worked so I'm not sure what happened.
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