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Everything posted by ctviggen1

  1. Thanks. I used what you recommended above, then ran just the "then" part (I think by right-clicking the program and choosing "run then" or something like that). This seemed to work for the 15+ lights I had on there (though not all of them were bright after the power outage). I'll have to think about turning the LEDs up and down, and for which ones I'd do this. For the bedroom, bathroom, and hallway areas, to me, if it's night, you want them low. If it's day, you can tell whether the switch is on or off because the corresponding light would be on or off. There are a bunch of these switches in the kitchen and living areas. Maybe dimming those at night would be good? I'll have to test that.
  2. That did work. It's Z-wave, synchronize nodes, all (or at least I used "all"; there's also "new & deleted", which I did not use). Even though I only have 4 nodes, I forgot what a pain this is. Three nodes are fan controllers, which I find strange (they have three entries). And then I have to remap everything to the programs and to Alexa.
  3. I might have to open a trouble ticket. I took the ISY apart to ensure the new z-wave board is installed correctly. As far as I can tell, it is. Then, I went to the menu I show above (z-wave, remove a z-wave device), but the system begins to search for z-wave devices to remove...which it doesn't find, even if I perform the actions on the devices necessary for them to link to the ISY. I could right click on the devices themselves and choose z-wave, remove failed node, but then I get a warning saying "z-wave devices are normally removed from the z-wave network by excluding them". But I see no option in the Admin console to "exclude" z-wave devices. I'm running in circles.
  4. What I did was ran "remove a z-wave device", then went and performed linking operations for these. Nothing happened.
  5. Sorry, I'm finally getting back to this. Here's my menu: Should I just remove all my Z-wave devices and then re-add them? I only have 4 (three ceiling fan controls, one door.
  6. Interesting. I have a variety of switches. Most / all lose their LED settings. Just had the power go out last night (60+ mph winds), and most of the ones I care about come back with the LED on full blast. The switches I care about are in the bedrooms, bathrooms, and hallway between these. Now how old these are, I don't know. I went to buy more from Smart Home this past Black Friday, and everything was sold out. But I guess even if I did that, I wouldn't be able to test, since those are for other rooms. The only rooms I've not done with insteon are the "dining room" (an office for us) and the "playroom" (now also an office). For those, I wouldn't care about the LED brightness. Francis0, that is a really good idea. How many light switches did you add? Could you add them all with no delays? For instance, I have 15 switches just for the bathrooms, hallway, and bedrooms. Since the power went out, I'm revisiting this. I will set it up as per Mr. Bill (thank you for that), to run when the system starts. Is there any way to run whenever you want? There are no conditions, so maybe control it via Alexa (which I think enters at the "then" part).
  7. Following the instructions in the manual for my three ceiling fan controllers, then zwave, add a device, then pressing the paddles on the controllers... nothing happens. There's a dialog box that says it's searching for zwave devices, but they aren't found. I don't see a way to exclude devices, at least under the z-wave drop down menu. If I right-click on the z-wave device that no longer works, I can remove it. But if I try to do that, it says I should exclude it...but I can't find the exclude menu. Can you tell me where the exclude menu is?
  8. I did move from a 300 series board to a 500 series board. Shoot, I did not see the Z-wave/tools/backup, or the restore. I tried the restore, but there is no file. Why doesn't a backup of the ISY also store the z-wave configuration? Should I be backing up the z-wave configuration in addition to the normal ISY backup? I only have 4 things on Z-wave. I assume I can just rebuild the z-wave network? I can't remember how to do that, though. Is it like Insteon, where you have to hit a button on each device?
  9. I had to upgrade my Z-wave board from a relatively recent board. I believe I did the installation correctly. I upgraded from 5.0.16c (I think?) to this new version. Questions: 1) Since I already had a z-wave board and module, do I have to pay the $1 for module? 2) If I do have to pay $1 for the module, can anyone point me to where this is? Every time I link from the admin console to the UD store, it takes me to a page that does not offer the module, and I cannot find an option to pay for the module anywhere. 3) My Z-wave no longer works. How can I debug?
  10. I had no idea.... Thank you! I thought that since "backlight" said zero when the light obviously was not zero meant it did not work. Or possibly I tried it by adjusting the level and then not completing the action. What I did was adjust the level of the backlight and then click the button "write changes". I'll use the "backlight" button. My next question. If we lose power, there are about 10 switches where I manually go to each switch and set the LED light level as low as it will go. Is there any way to run a program on start up that would do that for me?
  11. Supposedly, it's possible to dim the LEDs on Insteon switches by using the Insteon hub. I have a hub but have never used it. Is it possible to dim the LEDs on Insteon switches using the ISY? I don't see an option for this in the admin console. For instance, this is what I get for an Insteon light, but "backlight" appears not to do anything:
  12. Thanks, Mr. Bill. I think that's going to take me a while to analyze. ? And I won't have time to do so until next weekend (going back to work from "vacation", where I installed Insteon light switches). It's weird, because I can have a scene "Watching movies", and select one of two switches for a circuit (and scene) in the kitchen, and that turns off the lights in that circuit. Does exactly what I want it to do. However, the LEDs are messed up on one of the two switches in the circuit/scene. I have temporarily tried to use a program where I select one of the two switches in the scene (of two switches), and this does not work at all. Consider a circuit/scene with two dimming Insteon switches, called "Kitchen overhead lights". In program ode: If no conditions then In "Kitchen overhead lights" set "Switch 1" to Off Else In "Kitchen overhead lights" set "Switch 1" to On This does not work at all. Not sure why.
  13. I realize this is a mixed topic, but both issues are (may be) related. I have just installed Insteon switches to control overhead lights in my kitchen. Three sets of lights, each a 3-way circuit (two switches per circuit). Installed as per the instructions in Insteon PDF. Used dimmer switches for all. For my ISY 994i, I made each circuit to be a scene, and each switch in the scene to be a controller. I did this so that I could go to either switch and dim the circuit. (I assume I had to have both as controllers to do this?) It looks like this (pseudo-code): The scene of "Kitchen Island lights" includes IslandSwitch1 and IslandSwitch2, both as controllers. If I use the switches themselves, everything works fine. That is, I go to one of the switches for "kitchen island lights" and turn it on, and the lights turn on and the LEDs on the switches both indicate the light is fully on. Dimming also is indicated on both lights, as is turning off, even when using one switch. I can use either switch to turn on/off and dim, and everything works the way you think it should. Is this the correct programming for these lights? The problem is controlling by Alexa/echo. I set up a scene called "Kitchen lights" that includes only ONE of each switch. In other words, "Kitchen lights" includes "Switch1" for the scene "Kitchen Island lights", Switch1 for the scene "Kitchen overhead lights" and Switch1 for the scene "Eat in Kitchen lights". I just randomly selected one of each of the two switches in each circuit. Since each is a controller, I thought that I only needed to select one. If I say "turn off Kitchen lights", this works perfectly in that the lights turn off. However, the LEDs for three of the switches (one on each circuit) stay high (the "on" position). The LEDs on the other switches go into the "off" position. (Oddly, the LEDs that stay on seem unrelated to which of the switches are actually in the "kitchen lights" scene; this may be related to which switches have the load.) So, if you look at the lights switches, say for one circuit only, even if the lights for that circuit are off, one switch shows an "off" LED, while another shows an "on" LED. What am I doing wrong? Is it best to use a scene for this, or to create a program for this?
  14. As the original poster, the program I used for checking came up with a notification saying the yearly fee needed paying. So, I tried to pay it but could not figure out how. That's why I posted. Turns out that my payment is due next year...not this year. My mistake. But for those of us who would come to the site trying to pay, it's not easy to find. Even though I have a BSEE and MSEE, I don't get on this site enough -- only for infrequent additions/revisions to my network or paying the yearly fee (if not done by email) -- to know where things are. I can barely manipulate things for Alexa, and my list of things I want to do around my house is so long, becoming familiar with the ISY portal (other than for what I need to do) is waaaayyy down my list. It's all good, though. I assume I'll get an email next year. If I don't, maybe I'll search and find this thread.
  15. Hmm....Apparently, I paid for 2 years last year, so mine is not due until June 2021. Ugh...Went to my financial program, and the reminder does say it's due in 2021. In my program, the longest I can set up a reminder for is one year. So, for things that are two or more years, I have to "cheat" by setting up a reminder where the text says the actual due date. I can then just "acknowledge" the reminder, and it will show up the next year too. In this case, the reminders are being cut off, so when I went back in and expanded the window, I saw the actual due date.
  16. Interesting. Why would anyone have multiple ISYs? (Speaking from the perspective of a homeowner who only has one and can't really see why I would need two.)
  17. Thanks for that. They should consider moving that somewhere else, as I would never have thought the payment was where it is.
  18. My checking program gave me a reminder that my yearly fee for the ISY portal is due today (June 6th). But I have not received a bill, and I cannot find a place in the portal to pay the fee. How do I pay the yearly fee for the portal?
  19. OK, that's weird. I hit "refresh" on the ISY finder and found the ISY.
  20. I've done this: Launch the 5.0.16 Admin Console and/or Dashboard by going to the following link: - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp On two different computers, and both of them do not find anything on the ISY finder. What is happening? I just updated the firmware to the latest version. I can use a web browser to connect using the IP address.
  21. Thanks. I can make this one large scene, and then have Upstairs, Downstairs, etc., too.
  22. I have started an "All lights" scene. We already have "Downstairs" scenes and "Upstairs" scenes. Can I just copy the Downstairs scene and the Upstairs scene into the All Lights scene? If so, are there problems controlling this with Alexa (I.e., :"Alexa, turn off All Lights.")? Are there any other issues? Or should I just copy all my lights into the "All lights" scene? Thank you.
  23. This is one thing that's always confused me about how to integrate Alexa and ISY: Where do you put the "macros", "scenes" or whatever they are called? For instance, I want to turn off all lights. Do I set up an "All lights" scene on ISY than map to that? Or do I set the "All lights" scene on the Alexa side? The benefit to setting this up on the ISY is that there might be lights you don't show on Alexa. Also, I still have some lights to add to the network (just need the time). Since my wife controls the Alexa side, it's easier for me to add to the ISY side. So, where do you put an "All Lights" scene, the Alexa side or the ISY side?
  24. Thank you. I have four GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Smart Fan Control: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XTKQTTV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 All on the second floor of a 2-story house. I originally had one Insteon fan controller, which did not work. So, I went with Z-wave for that. I have Insteon for everything else, only because I started with them. (I've been using Insteon since they were over the wire only.) Is there such a thing as a Z-wave plug in repeater? Hmm...It seems like it's going to take some research. For instance, this looks OK: https://www.schlage.com/en/home/products/FBE469NXCAMFFFACC.html But I can't find anywhere local that has it, and Amazon only has one finish, which I do not like.
  25. We are about to have two entry doors replaced. I would like any recommendations on outdoor lock sets that (hopefully) have these features: 1) A keypad for at least one of the lock sets, so kids can enter a code to get in, preferably would let us set up temporary codes. 2) Can determine using ISY/Zwave/Alexa whether the locks are closed or open. 3) Can close them with ISY/Zwave, preferably via Alexa (not sure about opening them for Alexa, though). 4) One is for the front door, so it would be nice if this were "fancy" and would fit into our color scheme (dark, possibly black). One is for the basement, so can be less fancy and the door will likely be white. 5) Both should have a handle/knob and a deadbolt. I don't think we need near-field opening (where our phones would unlock the lock when we walked up to the door). I have an ISY994i with Zwave, but only have 4 Zwave devices, all ceiling fans. I have quite a few Insteon switches and the like, such that all the switches in the house will be Insteon once I get the time to install the ones I have sitting in a box. Could anyone recommend lock sets? Thank you.
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