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Everything posted by Whitehambone

  1. @EKauffman Just trying to help, are you going to the right place on the web page? When you sign into your account, instead of going to My Profile, you have to go to My Products and then Modules.
  2. I upgraded from 5.2.0 to 5.3.0 with Z-wave devices and had no problems! Congrats @Michel Kohanim, @Chris Jahn & all at UDI! I bought my ISY at the beginning of 2014, and it has been rock solid and improved by UDI continuously. I still have my first backup of 4.0.5. I don't know how they continue to develop the ISY at its price point, but I am glad they do. This constant improvement is one of the big reasons I bought my Polisy; I knew I had to support this group.
  3. Did you try what listed on this page? Scroll down to Polisy Keeps Beeping. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide
  4. Has anyone compared Phillips Warm Glow to Cree's Soft White? Years ago I tried about a dozen different brands and had the best luck with Cree. This was back when Cree's LED bulb was rubber coated glass with a metal heat sink base. Since then it appears they went to the solid plastic body style. Back then, I found Cree's dimmed the best and had a natural incandescent color tone when dimming. They did not dim well when a fixture had multiple bulbs or if you had several fixtures, like Top Hats. So do the Phillips Warm Glows have that same problem? I even used a Aeotec Bypass on the one fixture and it still flickers or goes out (starts to flash) at certain dim levels with a 2-wire Insteon Dimmer Switch. Maybe it is time I upgraded my LED's, I switched the house over pretty early. Perhaps the technology is better now. https://aeotec.com/z-wave-low-voltage-dimmer/
  5. When I saw the note in the 5.1.0 release about needing the 500 Series Z-Wave board, I quickly purchased one. Of course, that means I miss the discount, but that is ok. The upgrade was as smooth as silk. I first followed the instruction and upgraded the Z-Wave board, and once I confirmed that everything was working, I upgraded to 5.2.0. I find that doing a right-click on the My Programs folder and Copy Folder to Clipboard can be very useful if you run into programs with issues (in Yellow). I just paste into Notepad and save it with the normal backup. A big Thanks to all at Universal Devices for the continued improvements! I am excited to see what my Polisy Pro will do in the future.
  6. @DaveYHZ See if this post by @hart2hart helps.
  7. I am running Mac OS 10.15.6 and Java 8 261 without any problems. However I have seen this reported before in another topic. If you read back through the post, he or she had one Mac that worked after the update and one that did not. Also they found this:
  8. Ain't that the truth! I can't tell you how many hours I have spent looking at PLC programs I wrote years ago trying to figure out what I did or why. Even with device names, comments and notes it can be a challenge.
  9. Nice set up! I see a few leaves on the ground, I assume you live in a climate with all 4 seasons. Does that system require winterizing? I never tried to configure a Scene they way your describing. I noticed there is an Adjust Scene to Ignore in the Program Action, but I never used it. Perhaps that is a way of disabling the Scene after it triggers quickly. Then maybe use two Scenes, one enabled and the other set to ignore? Just thinking out loud (or in writing).
  10. @KPuza Did you try admin / admin? See section below in the first post in this topic. Does that describe your situation? If not, I seen some other post about a bad SD card.
  11. I did the Java update, have Catalina 10.15, and no problems. Did you try deleting installed applications and applets and then re-download the launcher?
  12. If you switch the driver (or power supply) will you lose your 12 volts at the switch? Curious why you want to switch the driver?
  13. I was poking around the ISY backup file one day and noticed the user names in the 0.UCF file. You need to extract the backup zip file. Then again extract the uuid.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.zip file with 7-zip. You will find the 0.UCF file in the CONF folder. Most of it is not legible content. But I did see the user names in plain text within this file. Yes, I was very board one day. I assume the file extension of 0.UCF stand for User Config File. But I have not found a was to get a list of users.
  14. I just picked a device not doing anything, tried it, and it worked. I unplugged the 'Christmas Tree" (On/Off Outdoor Module) then Queried the device. You just need a program to query the device at some given interval. I sent a message with the Push Node Server. Push Test - [ID 0024][Parent 0001] If 'Christmas Tree' Responding is False Then Set 'Nodes / Push / Garage' Message Don't forget! Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  15. Has anything changed? Have you checked the Error Log or regular Log? When you say "even manually", does that mean you are right clicking the program and selecting Run Then?
  16. I don't think there is a v5 specific manual. Take a look at the Cook Book for a bunch of good information. "ON" is the current device status. I believe the view of "Click to Specify" is the default status. Once you click the arrow, you can specify the level in the drop down and the device will go to that level. You will see that just above in the Status section. The "ON LEVEL" is the level that you want the device when you turn in on by pushing the physical switch or the ON button below. The Ramp Rate is how quickly it will get to the On-Level. Double tap on switch goes to full brightness fast. Insteon device can beep, although my mature ears usually can hear it. You can have several switches beep when some event happens. I believe the numbers are like the volume. Just ignore the Backlight for devices like LampLinc. It is nice to be able to turn down the brightness on dimmer switches at night. Especially in the event it is positioned so it shines in your face at night.
  17. I can help with the SSH utility. I use this on windows: https://www.putty.org Or you can use Terminal from a Mac by typing: ssh user@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. User being the user name and the X's being the IP address of your Polisy. Then it will ask for your password. I have not had the beeping problem, so that is all the help I can offer, sorry.
  18. @asbril I thought I remember reading that the number at the end was the ID number, I might be wrong. Do you have something in Network Resources with ID 50?
  19. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Errors_And_Error_Messages
  20. @gduprey See if this helps. Right click your master programs and copy to clipboard. Paste it into Notepad and it gives you something like this for ALL of your programs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smoke Alarms - [ID 0018][Parent 0017] If 'Support Devices / Smoke Alarm / Smoke Alarm-Smoke' Status is On Or 'Support Devices / Smoke Alarm / Smoke Alarm-CO' Status is On Or 'Support Devices / Smoke Alarm / Smoke Alarm-Test' Status is On Then $Notifcation_Smoke_Alarm = 1 Set 'Scenes / All Lights' On Else $Notifcation_Smoke_Alarm = 0
  21. @nickster When Universal Devices updated their site, the serial numbers are now the full Mac address. You have to re-add your device using that number.
  22. If this has been covered, I am sorry I missed it. I might have a bug or something wrong. Perhaps I have two problems, or they are related. I had experienced this before and thought I might have done something wrong. But recently, it happened again as I was testing PiCamMonitor by @markv58. If you have Blue Iris software, you should check out PiCamMonitor; even my wife loves it. I created a simple program that calls for PiCamMonitor, pretty simple. But it stopped working, and the log in PiCamMonitor was not getting any request. I could see the Blue Iris Nodes changing status in the ISY, and I could set the PiCamMonitor features manually from the ISY. Then I remember I had this issue before. I changed all the Blue Iris Node values to FALSE in the IF statement and saved the program. Then flipped them back to TRUE and saved again. Problem solved – the program works. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I had it happen one other time with a porch light. Took me a long time to figure it out. The above happened in 5.0.16b and another previous version that I can’t remember. Also every time I open the Admin Console, go to programs and hit save, I get this: It happens on v 5.0.16b and 5.0.16c for me. It also happens if I open the Admin Console, modify a program, and hit save. It first tells me it is deleting a program and then saving. It will not happen again until I re-open the Admin Console. I have seen it on different computers as well.
  23. I was just wondering the same thing as I am upgrading my NodeLink/Polyglot RPi to a 4. I am sure @io_guy will comment.
  24. Does that mean in the future NodeLink will run as a NodeServer in Polyglot? Or just run as it does now on the RPi, but just on Polisy?
  25. Logged into NodeLink and seen this. Is this a problem with my internet connection, a update bug in v0.10.1, or is the server down? 2019-11-04 09:10:09 - Auto-Update: Error updating file: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
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