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About drprm1

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Community Answers

  1. Yolink now has a pool temp probe. Been using a regular probe for pool for the last few years. Works much much better than wireless tags did. Yolink is solid and not expensive
  2. drprm1

    Random on

    I see you experimented with deleting switch then adding it back…Did you happen to hard reset it a few times to get rid of any links before adding it back. Go to programs and using find/replace make sure the switch isn’t in any programs.
  3. Well I’m trying to get only on commands so just make a program and specify it I run then if I need to reset all
  4. Again I haven’t seen the phantom on behavior since I removed the motion sensors from scenes.(it drove me nuts before realizing that some command was sent even though the area hadn’t been tripped) I did specify in programs that motion sensors only use the ON command. This has to be changed in AC or UD MOBILE. Realized early on that after restarting nodeserver it changes back to send on and off commands. Panda suggested using a program to change the motion sensors to sending only ON commands which I did. i got this all sorted out when most of my devices started to go offline for long periods. Sent note about this to Yolink support. They wanted to know my hub’s EUI number. I guess it was an early model because they sent me a new hub. Have a lot of Yolink devices that all work great again.
  5. I was having exact same issues after deploying about ten Yolink motion sensors. Was having phantom ons like you but it was only sensors I had that were controllers in scenes. Took all out of scenes and used program triggers.This took care of my phantom ons…….
  6. Did you try hitting the set button on one device? Then restarting nodeserver and AC?
  7. Are there nodes showing on the PG3x dashboard. Have you tried restarting the AC? Dont know how long the interval to report is for the leak sensor but you might try hitting the set button on the sensor then restarting AC to see if it shows up.
  8. I did, but I had them switched….. thanks
  9. Installed after reading this thread. Time data is fine but sunrise and sunset doesn’t populate. It’s all zeros…? Thought I’d waited long enough for the long poll. Thats prob it.
  10. Got the update and everything works great as far as using Yolink to replace my Insteon motion sensors. i have noticed that if the nodeserver restarts for any reason the command actions associated with each device reverts back to ON/OFF. I have to go through all and reset to DON, which is what I need out of it. Would like to see this changes so they don’t reset everytime. Thanks Panda!
  11. Sorry I asked about them
  12. Working great. Thanks for helping me with that profile issue.
  13. The two buttons don’t force a motion event nor does running the then event in a program containing a motion or no motion command. At least I can’t get it to. I can get it to only send on or only off commands but the buttons I would think would override the setting. I’ll jack with it more.
  14. Much appreciated. Would love them to work like and be programmed like Insteon MS. I’ve had a recent ALLON event and would like to take the Insteon MS out of loop and try and use YL.
  15. Doesn’t show up as doing anything. No triggers are sent when using these in programs either.
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