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Everything posted by btreinders
I could not get Alexa to do anything last night with regards to the emulator. Tried over ten times, always got the does not work response.
I am definitely having issues too. She does not understand TV anymore. Just keeps asking what device. I only have one TV command and did not change anything when she stopped recognizing it. Tee Vee, T.V., T. V., nothing works anymore. I had to use television to get around it. That is the only issue I have noticed though so maybe not the same issue you are seeing.
I see IFTTT now has a trigger command. Why didn't ISY think of that?
It is now taking me several discovery attempts to get all the devices as well. I have not changed anything and it used to get them all every time. Amazon must have changed something.
That's what door sensors are for are they not? I also have a camera in the garage and the ISY will not shut it if there is motion and I can see when it's safe as well. mwester, Yes, turn on close the garage door works fine. I just don't like having to say that. Turn off the garage door works too.
Thanks for clearing all that up. I guess I will use whatever is the least amount of words I need to say for each thing I want to do. Leave the easy stuff like turning on lights to the HUE emulator (or ISY Home Control API) and use the skill for more complex tasks. I was under the impression that HUE came up with the control words but I guess that's all Amazon. Is sure wish they would allow Close the garage door! Seems strange that open garage door works and close lights works but not close garage door. Oh well. Alexa, tell Izzy to close the garage door isn't that bad I guess. Now that I think about it, I'd rather say Alexa, have the computer close the garage door than another name.
Ok, I guess I am confused. Why does UDI need to make a second name, skill, whatever it is? Can't they just make Alexa understand things like open and close, start and stop, etc...? Like Alexa, lock all the doors. Or even Izzy, lock all the doors. I thought that was the whole purpose of the portal/skill/whatever. So to do other things related to what the ISY can do I will have to say Alexa, tell whoever to lock all the doors? Sigh. The family will laugh and laugh and laugh at me. More than they already do!
I use a password, works well. Alexa, turn on disarm the house password ......... Would just like to remove the "Turn On" or "Turn Off"
Yes Yes!!! Please! That would be very nerdy and I'm sure everyone here would appreciate it! Michael, these would be my skill additions if possible. Close, like in garage door, does work for other things Open (kind of works now) Turn up and down Change Enter and exit Start and stop Music on or off (doubt this can happen) Volume up or down (again, probably not possible) Arm and disarm Stop and start get and put Sprinkler stations or irrigation Panic Record Kill Input Enable and disable Set Skip, Pause, Select Fast forward, rewind Heat and cool Lock and unlock
barrygordon (I do not believe voice control will work well in the theater other than for starting the activity.) You'd be surprised. I just turned up the Denon to 0 db during the NFL game and she heard every command I spoke. I did speak a little louder than normal but not yelling and I do sit fairly close to it. I assume very intense movie scenes would present a problem though.
I get that same error but if I keep trying it eventually comes up and works. Can take up to ten tries.
No problem, glad it's working. Now if I could just get close garage door to work! Close lights works. It must be a programmed response built into the Echo to put that phrase into a to do list. Please remove it Amazon!
huh, I guess it truncates these hyperlinks. You can see the whole thing if you quote it in a reply.
Should just be http://username:password@ip:port/rest/programs/programid/runThen What is the 0030 for?
Try naming it just "Living Room Shades" and use the command Alexa, open living room shades or close living room shades. It works with garage door. Sort of. Close still needs turn off garage door. Otherwise it adds close garage door to my to do list. So I made two, one called just garage door and one called close garage door. I can say open garage door, turn off garage door, or turn on close garage door. Sure hope the ISY solution will fix this.
The only issue I had with reliability was with the old emulator. There was one program where I would use it only once a day to arm the house at night and it would always say not responding until I would say turn on/off something else. Then it would right after with no issues. The new bridge emulator does not seem to have that issue.
Just thought I'd provide an update about multiple emulators. I am over 100 devices (spoken commands) now with 3 ha-bridges running on one PC with no ill effects to the PC or to the Echo. I guess I will keep going until I find a limit or run out of commands. Looking forward to using Barry's configuration tool if it will work with multiple emulators running on a single PC. It has been trial and error when it comes to deciding what commands to use. Seems Alexa has issues with things named almost the same thing. If I have a TV, a TV inside, an inside TV, a TV outside and an outside TV, she will always ask which one which is annoying because she gets it right the second time. Removing just the one that is TV cures the problem. Having a program to turn on the Directv receiver by saying Turn on ABC resulted in multiple devices as well. I had to name it Ay BC vice ABC or A B C to get her to stop asking which one. ESPN, NBC and CBS were fine. Had to name The Weather Channel TWC because any time you say weather she just gives a current weather status. CNN had to be C N N to work right. She also has issues with anything with music or volume in the command, which makes sense but it sure would be nice to overcome this somehow. Settled on Receiver Up and Receiver Down.
Thanks! Yeah I guess that makes sense. But the reason I run two is because the Echo stopped recognizing after 44. Running a second one allows me to get 44+44 hopefully (66 total so far). I might even try running more than two to get more. I don't have that many devices but I do like to add multiple entries for the same device so the family doesn't have to get it exactly right. Like Turn on the receiver outside and Turn on the outside receiver etc.... The kids are adopting it quickly but the wife still hasn't. I think she'd like to kill Alexa with all the "Discovery is complete....."
Yes, I have two of them running on a single Windows 7 PC and up to over 60 devices now. I changed the port and responding port on the second one to 8070 and 50001. So to start the second one I use "java -jar -Dvera.address=isyaddress:port -Dupnp.config.address=ipaddressofwin7pc -Dupnp.strict=false -Dserver.port=8070 -Dupnp.response.port=50001 ha-bridge-0.4.2.jar" I have the two identical folders for the bridges except the startup script and the database. I do not know what you mean by "nothing is populating from the ISY". You have to use the IP address with port of the bridge to add devices from a browser. The mapper does not work with the bridge that I know of. I could be wrong though. I am using a mix of scenes, devices and programs. One program called panic sets of the home alarm which could be invaluable if a home intrusion happened and the alarm was not set. Would be nice if I didn't have to say "Turn on panic" but I hope the ISY guys will change all that once they get their module completed. I have noticed a couple of issues though. I have to refresh the manual add device before entering it or it will not write it to the database file. Also, when using two of them, you have to discover devices multiple times sometimes to get Echo to recognize all of them. I have 44 on one before it stopped recognizing any more and I have over 20 on the second so far. Also, the test buttons don't seem to work in the browser either.
Can I ask why the RPi's? When you have three servers running? Just curious. Couldn't you get 28x3 more devices by installing the emulator on the servers as well as the RPi's?
Now we just need a SmartThings emulator!
I can only get 9 devices to discover. So I now have 37 total. 28 Hue and 9 WeMo. Weird.
I get 28 and then it stops discovering. Maybe that is because some of my devices only have an off or on command? 44 total commands?
Other than the electric bill, no. If you already have a PC running 24/7 then no other reason at all.
I have found that for the garage door Alexa will recognize "open garage door" or open any device as on but "close garage door" results in her adding close garage door to my to do list. Close any other device that I have works as off.