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Everything posted by oberkc

  1. Sharing with Alexa could probably be done with a QR code, but the nest hub has that option built in directly, and it worked for me. Furthermore, while I cannot confirm it, I suspect this may be the method that puts both (echo and nest) matter (thread) routers into the same network. No, I generated a new QR code specifically with the intention of trying to link with UD mobile. This would not be the same QR code that one would use for Alexa or Apple or whatever. Yes, but your trick might very well work. I found it interesting that the iPad app for nest hub did not include the sharing-via-QR-code option. Only the android version did this. I also found it a little disappointing that the UDMobile app did not include the option to add matter devices via manually entered (or copy/paste) numeric code. The two devices I have include a sticker, as well as being printed directly on the device.
  2. I agree...it is not intuitive to me. I tried adding it directly with UDMobile scan. Error. I then added it to nest hub (worked) and shared it with Alexa echo hub (worked). Unlike the Echo, google home can share connected matter devices via a generated QR code (Alexa can share only with a numeric code.). When I use UDMobile to scan the QR code generated by Nest Hub: Error. I also notice that the nest hub app only generates a code with the android version. And iOS version of UDMobile is not quite ready, I understand. This means that to do all that I tried one needs to have two android devices in order to share a matter device with ISY. I keep hoping I am missing something. I am glad I am not anxious to get a matter device to work. As far as I can tell, matter is not ready for prime time.
  3. As far as I can tell, my router is still using IPv4 addresses (192.168.0.xxx). The does not seem to affect my google nest and echo hub from being able to connect to matter devices (but these devices seem to loose connection to the hub and nest after some time). I think I have the IPv6 option selected on the router (netgear orbi) but I may not have enough knowledge to determine whether there are other addresses, public, private, or otherwise.
  4. I have tried scanning two different devices (Nanoleaf bulb and Cync bulb) both factory fresh and after added to matter hub (google home android version generates QR codes to share). No success so far. I have also read somewhere that there is a relationship to matter and IPv6 network addresses. Not sure how this all works together or whether this is even relevant.
  5. Not here. Trying Nanoleaf bulb (thread) and GE bulb (wifi matter). No luck so far. As far as I can figure out so far, the only way to add a matter device to the ISY is through UD mobile. And the only way to add through UDMobile is via QR code. So far, I have had no success scanning any QR code with UD Mobile (error "could not get matter QR code rendezvous Type: 500"). I have tried QR codes that came with the devices, as well as QR codes generated by nest home app on android (iOS version does not seem to have the ability to generate QR codes for attached matter devices.). UD mobile, as near as I can tell so far, does not provide the ability to manually enter the code and only allows scanning QR codes.
  6. Don't get too impatient. Even on Android, the only matter capability appears to be cosmetic: menu items that now make mention of matter. I have yet to be able to actually "add matter devices". Neither have I seen any indication here that anyone else has been successful. Hopefully, I am just missing something.
  7. On another thread someone had said that the iOS version is now available.
  8. Did you download the new version of UDMobile? Don't disagree
  9. I second that motion. The only message I need to see is the "failed writing...." There is a communication problem of some type. What devices do you have that are plugged into the same outlet and circuit as the PLM? Do you have any UPS or electronic gadgets/power supplies? Do you use any filterlincs? If you get a long extension cord and plug the plm into another outlet on a different circuit, does this solve the problem?
  10. The only thing that comes to mind that would suddenly and globally affect all battery devices would be RF interference or some global change (such as a PLM replacement) where the changes failed to write (are there little green icons for the battery devices on the device listing?) It is hard for me to imagine battery or device failure striking all devices simultaneously. Can you move any of the devices closer to the PLM and see if this helps?
  11. I cannot be much help with log files. I would be tempted to restore individual devices. Specifically, any of the devices that are misbehaving or part of a scene that is misbehaving. It may (or may not) help, but it is at least a simple step that could.
  12. There is an update to the Android UDMobile app that one must download. As of yesterday, I don't think the iOS app has been updated (but soon, apparently). I don't see any options to connect with thread routers. The new app has a matter option now, as does the Admin Console. They only claimed that they had "laid the groundwork" for moving away from the Java interface If (when) you get the updated UDMobile app (and configure your IoX settings for matter), you will see an option to add matter devices from a barcode. I suspect this is for matter wifi devices. Not sure if it works. Not sure about thread devices.
  13. My complaints of matter are much broader than UDI. Problems with matter seems to be a global issue. My only problem so far (very limited exploration so far) with the matter support in UD is being unable to figure out how to access any device through a border router (one of the claimed enhancements).
  14. I just noticed the new app version for android. The version that I use on iPads does not have an update showing available. On android, I did not immediately get the option to add a matter device but found that there is something under settings regarding matter that led to rebooting my Polisy. We will see if this does anything. The whole matter thing, for me, has been a disappointment. I have been able to add a matter (thread) device to an echo hub and share it with a google hub, but this device seems to disconnect from the echo after a few days. I have not figured out how to share border routers so far. I find the whole thing underwhelming. We will see what the ISY update give us, if anything.
  15. Upgraded here. It took not much time, probably less than 20 minutes. All appears well, but I have not tried anything other than logging in and noting that the Admin console looks normal. (I don't see anything related to matter other than the ability to enable it under the configuration tab). Now...time to see if I can figure things out.
  16. I believe one needs to be on the same network to use the Java interface to IoX. That question strikes me as apples and oranges, especially since you originally said you were "implementing a new ISY-994i" (and not, interestingly, a new EISY). UD Mobile is a remote android/iOS app to the ISY-994 (no longer produced), the Polisy, and the EISY. I don't believe it provides the full spectrum of capabilities available from the Java interface to the ISY/Polisy/EISY.
  17. Can be mixed, but light will behave only based upon to which switch it is connected. Responder levels for each responder in a scene can be unique to each controller device, and to the scene, itself (basically think of it as the EISY/PLM being the controller device).
  18. I believe I have tried this in the past, with the same lack of success, but perhaps I will try again. The use of the "basic association" nodes was in response to the post from peterathans who apparently had success using these nodes.
  19. It is possible that I am doing things wrong, or it is possible that these particular devices don't support it. I have added four zwave devices into a scene. For each device, I have only added the nodes "Basic Scene Ctl 2" and "Basic Assoc 2". There are two of each type of node and no other nodes in this scene, for a total of four nodes. Each device is added as "controller". I believe a couple of those are zooz devices, one being an outlet, and one being a dimmer switch. Two devices are likely other brands. I could find no combination of controller device that would allow selection of a "native", including trying to link the two zooz devices natively.
  20. I have tried, but not as hard as you. One of the things I recall may be required is that the link type must be Z-wave and that not all z-wave devices have this capability (I was able to achieve it only with one device I own...a motion sensor). I have given up on trying to make this happen. Hopefully, someone else has had better luck and can help.
  21. I have suddenly been curious about matter and reading up on a lot of terms…border routers, edge routers, matter controllers, matter bridges, thread, mesh. I percieve, for example, that (at this point) alexa border router/controller does not automatically link to a google router, but an alexa border router can share individual matter devices with a google matter router. Thread and wifi are, of course, different. From what I have read about the ISY, my,perception is that matter (wifi) devices will iintegrate natively with IoX. Matter (thread) devices will integrate only via a nest hub (gen2j or apple home. Interestin to me is that they did not mention any thread enable routers from amazon. I am also assuming that, at this point, IoX is not exposing nodes to other matter controllers via a matter interface. For now, I am assuming that this will still require a portal account. Maybe this will change in the future. Maybe my assumptions and perceptions are all wrong.
  22. I got several months out of the cheapest 9v battery. (In retrospect, I probably should have sprung for the better versions of the 9v.). The current generation sensors use the lithium 123 battery and I get a little more time out of those.
  23. Based upon what I have seen, matter is not ready for prime time. I would not assume that we know much about how it will work, whether thermostats are supported, or whether it will stay linked for more than a few days. (Though, in fairness, I base my skepticism on thread, specifically, rather than matter as a whole.)
  24. While not Canada, temperatures here (Ohio) are currently -5F. Winters can get pretty cold and summers can push 100F. I would not reject Insteon motion sensors. I protect mine from above from direct contact with rain, but otherwise they are fully exposed.
  25. I support this statement. You need to get the motion sensor disconnected from the micro module and control everything programmatically. Assuming an Insteon sensor, configure it to send ON only commands, and use a program to turn the lights off. I tend to set the motion sensor time out to be short, so that continuous motion sensing retriggers the motion program before the program turns off the lights.
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