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Everything posted by chrishick

  1. One more question Michel, I don't have a recent backup of my system. If I make a backup now will I be re-introducing some of the same corrupt files back into the system after I replace the sd card and restore? Hopefully I don't have to rebuild everything from scratch.
  2. Thank you Michel, I'll try that this weekend.
  3. I've been troubleshooting a few issues and I noticed that when I open my error log it only has data from 6/10/19 till 12/15/19. I tried to clear the log, but every time I re-open it the same dates are there. If I open the event viewer when I clear the log I get the following 2 errors. [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/LOG/ERRORA.LOG] (a) [FileOpen ] Open failed for [/CONF/VARINIT.1] (w) Is my file system corrupt? Where do I start?
  4. Nevermind. I was out of available links. Upgraded to Pro and problem solved. I hate beating your head against the wall for hours only to find the answer was so simple and an easy fix.
  5. Hey guys, I'm having some linking trouble on a few devices. I've got a new keypad linc 2334-632 that I am able to link, but I only get the main on/off button and none of the scene buttons. I've got a new fanlinc 2475F that will not link at all. I get "cannot add insteon device" I'm on 5.0.14 It's been awhile since I've added any new devices so I'm probably doing something stupid. Any ideas?
  6. I've done something similar to MWareman. The doorbell push button is connected directly to an IOlinc, there is no actual doorbell. I have a RPi with Kodi that plays an MP3 file via a network resource for notification (it currently says "Ding dong. Somebody is at the front door"). I also have a windows PC running Blue Iris that will text me a picture of the front door via another network resource on the ISY. The only problem I'm having is that when i trigger the program manually on the ISY I get the notification on my phone via pushover with the text picture from Blue Iris, but when somebody actually rings the doorbell I don't get the photo. I'm still trying to figure that one out........
  7. Hmm, I've never noticed mine being hot at all. I'll have to check it when I get home tonight. I've heard great things about the Asus routers and may upgrade in the future mainly because I don't like the DD-WRT interface. It looks like asuswrt merlin is much more user friendly.
  8. Yeah I thought about that, but it would probably be too difficult to bridge the moca/ethernet on the router and anyway I have 2 spare moca/ethernet adapters that require zero configuration. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I finally got things working, it's been online for 3 days straight now without a hiccup. Since I am on FIOS I have an ONT (optical network terminal) on the outside of the house with a coax MOCA connection to the router which locked me into using the FIOS MOCA router. I called Frontier and had them disable the MOCA port on the ONT and turn on the Ethernet port. I then ran a new cat5 line inside and hooked up my Netgear nighthawk AC1900 router. Tossed the FIOS MOCA router into the trash and problem solved. I've been wanting to migrate to an all ethernet network anyway so it was a win/win.
  10. Yeah I have wireless turned off on the 1st router and only use the wifi through the 2nd router. The 2nd router just acts as a switch and all DHCP is handled by the 1st router so I don't have any clashes to deal with, they get along well. Maybe as a test I'll switch wifi back to the 1st router and remove the 2nd router all together just to see if there is something going on that might be affecting the tag manager. I doubt it since I have close to 100 other devices that work perfectly, but it doesn't hurt to try at this point.
  11. No, I gave up trying to get it to communicate through the Actiontec router. The email support I was receiving from CAO just stopped so I guess they gave up? My new plan is to configure the Actiontec to bridge mode so that my Netgear router becomes my primary behind the bridge. I tried that once and failed, but I know it can be done. My current config Verizon ONT-------------->Actiontec router w/ethernet switch and DHCP server-------------- >Netgear router in wireless access point mode New config Verizon ONT-------------->Actiontec router in bridge mode------------------------------------------>Netgear router w/ethernet/wifi and DHCP server The Actiontec passes all traffic through and the ISP assigned IP address becomes the WAN address of the Netgear router.
  12. The second tag manager that I brought to work has been running strong for close to a week so I know it has to be something in the Actiontec router configuration.
  13. There are multiple options on the router for logs but I have not been able to capture any traffic from the tag manager yet for some reason.
  14. The screenshot shows maximum security as checked, but I only use medium security so there should be no blocking of outgoing ports. Yes the Actiontec WAN port (coax MOCA) is connected directly to the Verizon ONT (Outside network terminal) I keep returning to this from the manufacturers web page. It still doesn't make sense that the router is blocking outgoing ports 80 and 6667. "You have to open out-going port for TCP 80 and 6667 (IRC) connection. Some firewall will initially allow IRC connection but cuts it after a while."
  15. Also, if there was any type of outbound blocking going on I would expect the tag manager to never function. As it stands now, sometimes it works for 15 minutes, sometimes it works for 24 hours. So it is connecting and functioning properly, but it randomly disconnects.
  16. My primary router/modem (Actiontec) handles DHCP, port forwarding and firewall functions. Wireless radio is disabled. My secondary router (Netgear) acts only as a wireless access point and network switch. It is configured as access point mode. It is connected to the primary router via cat 5 cable. I use this router for wireless access because I get better coverage than with the Actiontec. The tag manager is connected to the primary router via cat 5 cable. I have no outbound traffic restrictions configured on the router. If you look at the attached photo, medium security allows all outbound traffic. I don't even have the option to limit outbound connections unless I set security to high first. This is why I don't understand why I am having so many problems.
  17. OK tried that, it went almost 24 hours before it lost connection again. I'm not sure if I did it right and I'm not sure I understand how this would help when I don't have a static public IP address. It's frustrating to troubleshoot because it takes so long to test the changes each time. I may try bridging my router again this weekend. That would pass all traffic though the Actiontec to my secondary router Netgear AC1900/R7000 running dd-wrt. I failed last time but I was very close. I was able to get the secondary router to get a dhcp IP address from my isp, but I couldn't get online.
  18. Ok I tried that. After reboot I lost internet connectivity on my laptop. I disconnected/reconnected to the LAN a couple of times with no improvement. My router and my computers network connection monitor both told me I had internet connectivity. When I changed the router back to NAPT I immediately had internet again. I have my phone set to receive connection alerts from the tag manager. During the time I was messing with my computer (maybe 5-10 minutes) I was getting connected/disconnected alerts about once per minute. This is interesting behavior and leads me to believe you might be onto something.
  19. "Route" and "NAPT"
  20. I'm not sure what that is or where to begin troubleshooting. I'm almost ready to give up. I've got over 50 devices connected to my LAN, all with DHCP reservations, many with port forwarding rules, many cloud connected, and this is the only device I'm having problems with. I've tried setting my router security level to low. I've tried a DMZ for the tag manager I've tried turning off the Internet Connection Firewall on the router I'm not sure where else to go. I have been exchanging emails with the manufacturer so maybe they will be able to help.
  21. Thanks Paul, but those instructions are for incoming port forwarding at which I am very skilled. According to CAO I need to open outgoing ports, which on my router at medium security, all outgoing ports are supposed to be open. Thanks Larry. This is most definitely a router problem as the problem goes away when I use my work router. I would like to replace my home router with a better more configurable one but because it is FIOS I am stuck with the Actiontec because of the MOCA WAN connection. The firewall is built into the router. I disabled it this morning and have not lost connection to the tag manager yet. If it turns out to be the Actiontec firewall blocking outbound port 6667 then I may just leave the router firewall disabled and insert a different firewall between the router and my network. I'm not sure even that would work though because my LAN is mixed MOCA/ Ethernet and the new firewall would only protect the Ethernet portion of the LAN. The MOCA shares the same coax cable as the WAN and could not run through the firewall.
  22. Yes, it doesn't make sense to me. I've turned off the firewall this morning for a test. I also increased the DHCP lease time from 24 hours to 30 days to see if that makes a difference. I have the firewall set to medium security which is supposed to allow all outgoing connections. What do you mean by "allow the IP address of the tag manager to pass"? This is from the support website. I just can't find a setting on the router to open 6667 because on medium security no outgoing ports are blocked. "You have to open out-going port for TCP 80 and 6667 (IRC) connection. Some firewall will initially allow IRC connection but cuts it after a while. In such case, you may get "Your Tag Manager is not connected to the Internet" even if the green "cloud" icon is lit."
  23. Hi guys, I apologize if this is not the right sub-forum. I couldn't find anyplace else that seemed to fit. Anyway, I know there are a lot of networking gurus here on the forum so I thought somebody might be able to help me. I can't keep my tag manager online. It seems like it was fine for a week or two when I got it (I don't remember how long it worked exactly) but now it goes offline randomly sometimes after 10-15 minutes, sometimes after 12-24 hours. If I unplug the network cable and plug it back in it will go back online for awhile. I did contact support and they sent me a new tag manager but it has the same problem. I brought the old one to work today and plugged it into my Comcast Business router and it has been online all day with no problems. This all leads me to my home router as the cause of the problem. The manufacturer's FAQ says some routers block outgoing traffic on IRC port 6667. They say the router will work for awhile initially, but then start blocking traffic on 6667, which doesn't make sense to me. Why would the router allow traffic for only a few days then block it? Anyway, they say to telnet to their server on 6667 to test connectivity which I have tried and failed every time. But I am able connect to other IRC servers using my IRC client with no problem so I don't know if that would be the problem since I am able to make IRC connections. I have FIOS with an Actiontec MI424WR router. The tag manager has a fixed IP reservation on the router. I have tried port forwarding on 80 and 6667, port triggering and also a DMZ for the tag manager with no success. Is anyone familiar with the Actiontec router or the port requirements of the tag manager? I could use some help here please.
  24. And the Pi was super simple if I remember right. I know nothing about Pi's but I loaded the OpenElec image to an sd card and plugged it into the Pi. It auto boots into OpenElec. I think I had to load driver for WiFi dongle and set fixed IP address. Load the audio files onto the sd card and you're done. Network call to play audio file or set volume. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. For instance watching a great movie using my Sonos Playbar, an announcement comes through, the movie keeps playing but no sound. I've got to fumble around to find my phone, open the app and resume play. Too annoying for me but YMMV Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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