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Everything posted by jfai

  1. … or you could use a version of these programs
  2. Regarding the scaling issues, this worked for me on Windows 10 + Java 8: 1. Find the Java web start executable: Right click on ISY Launcher shortcut More > Open file location In the explorer window right click on ISY Launcher Open file location javaws.exe in your JRE should be selected 2. Change DPI scaling behavior from Application to System: Right click on javaws.exe Properties > Compatibility > Change high DPI settings Check "Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by:" Select "System" As far as I know, Java 9 should scale correctly without scaling performed by system.
  3. Also see https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Z-Wave:_Ordering/Assembly_Instructions.
  4. Quick report regarding upgrading the Z-Wave dongle. There are 4 securely linked devices: 2x Zooz Smart Plug ZEN06 1x Zooz 4-in-1 sensor (ZSE40) - battery powered 1x Aeotec Multisensor 6 - USB powered First restore: only the ZSE40 of the four devices in the mesh were communicating; got many repeated Security Nonce RX events. I tried a few things based on my understanding of the log contents. Sync all didn’t help; network heal didn’t help. Eventually, I did a second Z-Wave>Tools>Restore which appears to have fixed the issues. All four devices are back to normal behavior as far as I can tell. Comm. range appears to be somewhat better - subjectively; didn’t capture any quantitative data. I'm using one of the ZEN06 plugs to check range - the ZEN06 have a feature to indicate the quality of the connection.
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