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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. Hey Dougos2 - I have a Thermostat Adapter v.24 here was well, and have once or twice had the current state change to 0 and received an errant notification - but not consistently. I am able to adjust the set point and mode without issue in general. Is this happening every time for you? If you can give me an exact scenario, maybe I can test for it here as well.
  2. This is what I do with my office thermostat: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... thermostat
  3. MikeB

    Erroneus scene links

    A controller is always a responder.
  4. Shouldn't this program also check to see if the light is "NOT OFF" already in its conditions?
  5. It is. All these smart phones suck as phones. It amazes me how slow and sluggish it is sometimes on my Treo 750 when all I want to do is pick up or make a phone call. Phone calls should be priority #1! Everything else should stop, but it doesn't. It's becoming the norm, however, so people will get used to it. It's not uncommon for me to have to yank my battery and reboot my Treo 750 once every week or 2. Reminds me of one of the things I liked about AmigaOS - the user was #1 priority. When you used the UI, everything else running would take a back seat to the user - the user comes first. Something Microsoft hasn't figured out yet.
  6. Hey Michel - The SwitchLinc Dimmer I was discussing with you early is an older v.27. I still need to troubleshoot further to find the root cause. I'm confident that if I spend a couple hours I can narrow it down.
  7. AD8BC - Could you post the event viewer log from your testing? Specifically, I'm interested in what the Event Viewer shows when it DOES successfully see that your switch was turned on compared to when your ISY DOESN'T recognize that the switch was turned on.
  8. DynDNS is setup on your router (or an always-on PC on your network). This updates DynDNS with your latest IP address. To redirect traffic from your router to your ISY, you need to do one of the following: - Use the Enable Internet Access option on the ISY which uses UPnP to create port forwards on your router. - Manually create a port forward on your router to forward HTTPS (port 443) to your ISY.
  9. I haven't seen any issues with Windows Firewall.
  10. Those are the router's pre-defined applications. For port 443 you want to choose HTTPS (or it might be called SSL). If it's not there, look for an option to define your own. Could be called "Custom Application" or "Custom Service" or something similar.
  11. MikeB

    Power Supply

    5v, 300ma, center positive. I have a Radio Shack 273-028 that I use here set to 4.5v with no issues.
  12. Remove and re-add it.
  13. Depends what you want to do. If you want the change to affect only that device when it is pressed on, you do it at the device. If you want to setup a scene with different settings you can also do that. Sounds like you might be using an old firmware version. I would upgrade to at least 2.6.8. If they were crosslinked, they are both controllers. Controllers are always responders as well. Sure. You'd have a Switchlinc controlling your garage light. You'd create a scene called ALL OFF containing all the devices you want to turn off as RESPONDERs, then add the garage Switchlinc in as a CONTROLLER of that scene. Absolutely, but you'd have to create a short ISY program to do it. You'd create a scene called EXIT (or whatever), and add all your RESPONDERs to that scene. Since you're using an ISY program to control these scene, you DON'T want to put that KPL button in the scene as a CONTROLLER. Instead, you'd write a program like this: If Control 'KPL Button A' is switched Off Then Wait 10 seconds Set Scene 'Exit' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The only disadvantage to using an ISY program is that the ISY needs to be running for this to work. If your ISY is ever offline for any reason, the button would not work. There's also a slight delay (1 second or so), but it would be unnoticeable because of your 10 second wait. Sure. If you wanted to keep the WAIT, you could do the same as above except edit the scene properties and set a 1 minute ramp rate on any devices you want to go off slowly. If you no longer need the WAIT, then skip the program and simply add your KPL button into the scene as a controller. Within the scene, click that controller and then set the ramp rates on your responders as needed. No, you can change the port via TELNET. I find that this is a bit confusing for most new ISY users. The only thing that "Internet Access Disabled" means is that the ISY did not use UPnP to configure your router automatically to allow external access to it. If you setup the ISY with a static IP and configure your router to forward the needed ports to it the ISY will still show "Internet Access Disabled". There's no way to tell your external access is working without actually testing it. As for outgoing access to the web, if you set your IP address/etc. correctly it should be good to go (for sending notifications, etc.). As far as I know there's no way to test it without actually trying to use notifications or something that requires the ISY to have access to the web. You are running an older firmware. I recommend you upgrade to 2.6.8 for right now. Newer versions are still a bit unstable. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1773
  14. No, unfortuantely not that I'm aware of. If you have a specific question post it up and maybe someone can help. Most capability differences are with KeypadLincs. Double-tapping the bottom performs a FAST OFF (turns off with the quickest possible ramp rate). This tries to configure your router for you using UPnP. If your router does not support this feature, or the feature is turned off, it will not work. Have you created the necessary rules to forward port 443 (HTTPS) to the ISY's static IP? What ISY firmware are you running? It is command CWP via telnet. No, that kind of intelligence/functionality is not built-in to the devices. HOWEVER, you can do that easily with ISY programs. Here is a link to a good discussion on it: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... ight=floor
  15. Yes, some firmware revisions can have a major impact on the features of a device. An ON command is like pressing the button of a switch - it turns the device on to a pre-defined level at a pre-defined ramp rate. A FAST ON command is like double-tapping the button of a switch - it turns the device on to its brightest level at the quickest ramp rate (.1 seconds). Yes, through the command line interface via TELNET: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... o_Your_ISY There is none that I'm aware of, but you are able to control your lighting through WM5/WM6's web browser via the ISY's HTML interface. Whether or not a device controls a load is irrelevant. When creating a scene and adding a device, that device is a controller if you want its button press to activate that scene. If you only want that button to RESPOND to a scene, that button is a responder. Say, for example, a scene called "ALL OFF". You might add every device in your home to the scene as RESPONDERs. But, you have a single KeypadLinc button near your home's exit that you want to use to trigger that scene. That button would be added as a CONTROLLER. You may have to reboot the switch. Simply pull the air gap tab out for 5-10 seconds, then pop it back into place to its resting position (but do not hold it down).
  16. I know it can take a while to restore a single KPL that has a lot of scenes associated with it, but it shouldn't take hours for a single KPL. Not sure the source of this link, but I make a habit of factory resetting every Insteon device I install before adding it to the ISY to ensure there are no bogus links in there.
  17. If the ISY is not aware of that link you should be able to factory reset the device and then do a restore on it.
  18. Hey Mike - If you haven't, do a manual query on that switch to ensure the ISY doesn't think it has a bogus ON LEVEL. With the bug I was seeing a relay will show an ON LEVEL of 100%, but in reality the ISY thinks it should be OFF when an ON command is received. Another way to test is to try double-tapping the device on (FAST ON) - if it's the ON LEVEL bug, the ISY will see the FAST ON and show the device as on.
  19. I'm still seeing the issue here as well. Details posted her: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1949
  20. I narrowed down the issue I'm seeing a bit more. I felt it warranted its own thread: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... 4190#14190
  21. That's what I do. Here is the post where I describe my setup: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1432
  22. Like a few others, I'm also noticing some ON LEVEL issues. Not sure exactly when it started since the past few beta releases were so close together, but I found a bunch of Switchlinc relays (v.2C and v.28) that were not showing ON when turned ON locally. Double-tapping the switch had the ISY show them as ON. This makes me think that they had an ON LEVEL of OFF, though their device to device links still worked as expected. The ON LEVELs looked fine in the Admin Console, but resetting them seems to have fixed the issue. I'll be going through my other devices to see if I find any other problems.
  23. No problems with my Thermostat Adapter here. You do have to query it to receive regular status updates, but otherwise I'm happy with my unit.
  24. Installed OK here and initial poll of all devices looks good.
  25. I would create individual scenes for your various light levels then simply create a program to turn ON those scenes at your specified times. You could have a single program that turns scene1 on at 7pm, wait 4 hours, turns scene2 on, wait 4 hours, turns scene3 on, wait 1 hour, then turns scene3 off.
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