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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. IMPORTANT Please note there is an issue with firmware version 2.6.15 and higher that may cause a corrupt file system if the user tries to factory reset the ISY. Please do not attempt a factory reset without assistance from someone at UDI until further notice. Thanks
  2. Sounding like a bad PLM. I'm assuming you don't have a spare to try? Have you tried factory restting your PLM then trying a restore?
  3. I would do it like this: If Status 'Light' is not Off And Status 'Motion Sensor' is not On Then Wait 4 minutes Set 'Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Unless I'm missing something that should be fairly straightforward. Make sure the motion sensor is in ON/OFF mode. This assumes your motion sensor is set for a 1 minute timeout (1+4=5).
  4. Sounds like something has happened to your PLM, but we need to first find out why you now cannot access your ISY. - does your My Lighting icon show up in My Network Places? - can you access your ISY via http://www.universal-devices.com/99i ? - what firmware are you running on your ISY?
  5. I assume this program is not your PGM2 program? If it is, it will not work because you are disabling it within itself.
  6. 1 - If you plan on making a lot of link changes with your motion sensor in the future, it certainly might make sense to simply use ISY programs to trigger events based on motion instead of putting your Motion Sensor in scenes. There are 2 limitations to keep in mind, however: - if your ISY goes down for any reason, your programs do not run - there is an additional delay with using ISY programs vs. direct device-to-device links 2 - The motion sensor does have an ON/OFF mode. So, you could sense motion based on the ON command and do whatever action you'd like (turn lights on), then watch for the OFF command. When the OFF command is received, you know there has been no motion for x number of minutes (whatever timeout you have configured on the Motion Sensor). I agree that the ON only mode is rather limited, in my opinion. 3 - I haven't seen this yet, but my motion sensors have been in low-traffic areas (closets, etc.)
  7. Hi Martyn - I apologize, it is confusing. To be certain, I went ahead and rolled back my testbed ISY-26 here to 2.6 and did a direct upgrade to 2.7.0 - and it went flawlessly. I would suggest the following for you: - disable all firewall and anti-virus software - ensure you have a good backup of your ISY - login to the admin console and disable your internet access - perform an automatic upgrade of your ISY from the HELP menu - close all web browsers, clear your Java cache - once your ISY finishes booting, login to the admin console and re-enable internet access - also be sure to request and install a SSL certificate (via the HELP menu) At this point you should be up and running with 2.7.0! Also, for the record, firmware 2.6 is actually different than 2.6.0 listed in the upgrade instructions. Due to memory limitations on the ISY-26, we needed to create a dumbed-down firmware to free memory before firmware upgrades in some scenarios. It is a non-functional firmware and should only be installed temporarily before upgrading to the latest firmware. Though this temporary firmware load is not required in all cases, it is required in some - and there's no harm in loading it even when not needed. Please let us know if you have any issues.
  8. There is a delay when you use ISY programs to perform actions based on triggers (switch presses, etc) instead of using scenes. The signal has to make it from the switch to the PLM, the ISY has to process it, then send a command back to the PLM which then broadcasts it to the powerline. Device-to-device links (scenes) are much faster, but don't have the logic to do what you need in your programs. That being said - I think 2 seconds sounds a bit long, but may be normal. Most of the things I do with ISY programs that are similar take, I'd say, 1-2 seconds to react.
  9. Glad to hear you're all set. I was about to pull out my IRLinc and see if I could duplicate your issue. FYI, I make it a habit to factory reset all Insteon devices before installation.
  10. You're right, their docs are a bit vague about it - but yeah, that's how it works. You can set the timeout period via the ISY as well. Simply highlight the Motion Sensor in your device list, then click the Set Options button and follow the on-screen instructions.
  11. The Motion Sensor's "ON ONLY" mode actually behaves just like the default "ON/OFF" mode as far as the timeout is concerned. You still need to have the timeout period pass with no motion before another ON command will be sent from it. The ONLY difference is that it will never send an OFF command. The difference between STATUS and CONTROL is that a STATUS program will trigger whenever the status of a device (or anything else in your IF statement) changes. For example, if your motion sensor is in ON only mode and you use this program: If Status 'Motion' is On Then Set Scene 'Kitchen' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ..it will only work the first time motion is triggered. Since the motion sensor never sends an OFF command, the ISY's status won't change to OFF and thus will never change to ON again. The CONTROL statement, however, will trigger any time a command is received - not just when the status changes. So, even if the status of a device is already ON, subsequent ON commands received will still trigger a CONTROL program. So, in ON only mode, a program like this would be better suited: If Control 'Motion' is switched On Then Set Scene 'Kitchen' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') EDIT: Thanks Rand! Seems we keep criss-crossing today.
  12. Hi Wayne - I sent you an email.
  13. The initial programs are definitely contradicting eachother. Based on the situation you're describing, I think what Rand suggests is far, far better. Why not just create a scene called "Motion Inhibitor" or whatever and drag both KPL secondaries into the scene as controllers?
  14. Wayne - Under the Configuration tab, assuming your ISY is set to sync with the time server "pool.ntp.org", do you get any error when you hit the "Synchronize Now" button? This test might help us determine if your ISY is able to access the internet at all. Is your ISY set to a static IP address? Have you tried rebooting your ISY? How about your router?
  15. Hey Wayne - 50001 indicates that the ISY was unable to communicate with your mail server (timed out). Are you using the default ISY notification server, or a different server? What settings are you using?
  16. Hey Wayne - I apologize. I meant to ask if you had any errors in your Event Log (TOOLS, LOG).
  17. Hi Wayne - Notifications are still working here on 2.6.15 using either a custom SMTP server or the default UDI server. Can you provide any more details? Are you getting an error when hitting the TEST button? Any errors in your event viewer?
  18. Hey Jason - Two suggestions. 1 - Are you using 60000 for the SSL port? If so, try HTTPS://... instead. 2 - Many routers will not forward correctly if you try to access your external IP from inside your LAN. Can you try to access your ISY from an outside location?
  19. How about something like this: If Control 'Motion Sensor' is Off And Control 'Motion Sensor' is not On Then Wait 30 seconds Set Scene 'Lights' Off Else No Actions I haven't tested this, but I believe this would turn the lights OFF 30 seconds after receiving the Motion Sensor's OFF command UNLESS more motion is detected during that 30 seconds.
  20. Hey John - You want to make sure you clear your cache AFTER you upgrade, and be sure ALL browser windows are closed. If you clear your cache before, you still need to run the Admin Console to perform the upgrade which loads it back into the cache. So the procedure would be: - run Admin Console and install upgrade - close all browser windows - clear Java cache - launch browser/new Admin Console
  21. MikeB

    ELSE examples?

    Hey Gregory - ELSE will run when something in the IF statement is specifically not true. For example this program: If IR '1' is Pressed And IR '2' is not Pressed Then Set Scene 'TheaterMain' On Else Set Scene 'TheaterMain' Off The THEN statement will run if the program is TRUE (IR 1 is pressed), and the ELSE statement will run if the program becomes FALSE (IR 2 is pressed).
  22. MikeB

    having a bad day

    Glad to hear you're all set!
  23. We have released a new firmware version "2.6.0" to fix the issue upgrading the ISY-26 to this latest firmware release. Please follow the steps detailed in the 1st post of this thread. In short: - download/install firmware 2.6.0 (do not use a previously saved copy) - download/install firmware 2.6.15 Sorry for the inconvenience!
  24. I believe you will find that the Motion Sensor will send additional ON commands after the timeout period (1 minute I believe). It will not send the command at every motion. The only difference in this mode is that an OFF command will never be sent (so the ISY will always show a state of ON). I believe you would have to block light to the Motion Sensor for 3-6 minutes before it will trigger the 'dusk' command. I'll let someone else answer this.
  25. There is currently an issue upgrading the ISY-26 to this firmware (release 2.6.15). For the ISY-26, please stay with release 2.6.14 until further notice. Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.
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