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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. That may be your issue. In the CLIMATE screen, you should click the FIND button which should prompt you for your zip code. It should then pop up a "Choose Area" window prompting you to choose a city. After choosing and clicking OK, you should get a "Choose Station" window prompting you to choose a weather station in your area. If you're not getting these pop-ups, I would close all browser windows and clear your Java cache: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache Also be sure you are running the latest version of Java from: http://www.java.com What browser are you running on? What platform (XP, Vista, Mac)? Any firewall / anti-virus software that could be blocking the windows from appearing?
  2. If your ISY is configured for DHCP, that means the ISY's IP address could (and probably will) change. Are you sure you are forwarding port 443 to the correct IP address, and that it has not changed?
  3. This should already be resolved in the current beta release (2.7.3).
  4. To be clear, STATUS does not poll the Insteon devices themselves - it simply checks what the ISY thinks the status is. A QUERY would actually go out and check the status of a device over the powerline. I do what you're suggesting to simplify my programs. For example, to know if a light is on in my office: If Status 'OfficeMike1' is not Off Or Status 'OfficeBob1' is not Off Or Status 'OfficeCounter1' is not Off Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Or my master bedroom area: If Status 'MasterBedBathMain1' is not Off Or Status 'MasterBedBathMirror1' is not Off Or Status 'MasterBedBathVent1' is not Off Or Status 'MasterBedMainLamp1' is not Off Or Status 'MasterBedControls1A' is not Off Or Status 'MasterBedCloset1' is not Off Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') When I write a program that needs to know the status of these areas, I simply check these programs and not the individual devices.
  5. It's interesting that you cannot access www.universal-devices.com from home, but at first glance it doesn't seem related. Have you rebooted your router/modem? If you still cannot access our site after that, I'd suggest contacting your internet provider for help. As for accessing your ISY from outside the network, are you forwarding port 443 from your router to your ISY? Does your ISY have a static IP address?
  6. Since the PLM is so important on a system run by the ISY, I think it's good to keep the PLM on as "clean" a circuit as possible. If you're going to go through the trouble of running a new outlet for the PLM, would it add much more grief to make it a new/dedicated circuit?
  7. Sounds like your router is already forwarding port 443 to your Windows Home Server. Assuming you want to keep that capability, I would recommend setting the ISY for a custom SSL port and forwarding that port on your router to the ISY. Check out the bottom of this wiki article: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... o_Your_ISY
  8. Is this a recently purchased unit from Smarthome? If so, I would contact them for quickest replacement. Let me know.
  9. Do you have a serial cable? If so, as a test you might want to login to your ISY and assign it a static IP address. Here is a page with some assistance: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... erial_Port If you are able to assign it an IP address and access it via a web browser we'll be able to narrow down the issue a bit. Let me know.
  10. All that might be true, but it doesn't prove that a signal will make it from the PLM to your module within 3 hop counts. If it's taking all 3 hop counts to get to your switch, that leaves no hop counts left for the switch to repeat it to your module. The PLM would be a responder of the scene. Please keep in mind that all the above is based on my understanding of the Insteon protocol, which we have no control over. I agree that troubleshooting tools are limited, and most of it is trial and error. HOWEVER, there are systematic ways to troubleshoot these things - you don't have to necessarily do it blind. Consider taking some time to turn off breakers one at a time and map out which plugs and switches are on which circuit - sometimes that can help narrow down issues, and it's certainly something that has helped me in the past.
  11. A couple more notes: Keep in mind that signals don't repeat forever. Signals are repeated up to 3 times, each time reducing the remaining "hop" counts. Once the hop counts have expired, there are no more repeats. If a signal is not reaching a particular device, it means the 3 hop counts are not enough. After a button is pressed, it sends a group command (say, turn lights on). Any device that is a member of that scene that hears the command acts upon that command. THEN, the originating device sends out individual commands to each of the members of that scene to ensure they heard the 1st command. The members that hear that indivdiual command respond confirming the command. If one of those members doesn't respond for some reason, the KPL will flash. So, if you're getting flashing, it means 1 of 2 things: - you have a communication issue between your KPL and one of the responding devices - you have a link to a device that is no longer there (unplugged) or otherwise not responding
  12. I can say that in a typical install, Insteon is far more reliable than X10 in my experience. The exception I've seen is if there are specific types of X10 devices still installed that can interfere with Insteon, which is why I asked. Unfortunately, I've also seen bad Insteon devices affect the reliability of devices around them. Not a fun thing to troubleshoot.
  13. I'm not familiar with the Plato software, but keep in mind we are limited by the limitations of Insteon. On the ISY, scenes are programmed into the individual Insteon devices and will operate independently of the ISY. It's not possible for us to program that type of logic into the Insteon devices themselves, so ISY Programs are needed to offer more advanced functionality like your example.
  14. Do you have any X10 BoosterLincs or other X10-type amplifiers (perhaps an active phase coupler)?
  15. I might be missing something, but you can certainly do this with the ISY right now. As a matter of fact, I use similar logic for IR control in my theater. I use a single IR code to turn a light ON or OFF depending on its current state, such as: If IR 'IR_005' is Pressed And Status 'TheaterDisplayCase1' is On Then Set Scene 'TheaterDisplayCase' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If IR 'IR_005' is Pressed And Status 'TheaterDisplayCase1' is Off Then Set Scene 'TheaterDisplayCase' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  16. Glad it will work for you. Please keep in mind you might have to put a WAIT command between your two SCENE commands in your program. Try a 1 second WAIT if you need it.
  17. Any reason you are not turning OFF the scene, which should fix your KPL issue? If it's because the nightlights would not turn ON, I would consider putting them in a separate scene and turning that scene ON before (or after) you turn the other scene OFF.
  18. The ISY typically receives power from the PLM. If this is your 2nd ISY with the same problem, the issue is most certainly your PLM or possibly the patch cable between the ISY and PLM. Please try a new Cat5 cable between the ISY and PLM if possible. If that does not help, I would recommend returning your PLM for a replacement. If you want to test your ISY, you could power it with an external AC adapter. I personally use a Radio Shack 273-028 here.
  19. Smarthome does still offer the clear kit here for people who want to utilize paper inserts: http://www.smarthome.com/2401CLB/6-or-8 ... ear/p.aspx As for blank buttons, I've read people who have had good luck removing the print from the keys that ship with the KeypadLincs with a little rubbing compound. Depending on how small a print you need, you could try something like a Brother P-Touch label maker with clear tape - or something similar.
  20. That is an enhancement we plan on making in the future. Thanks
  21. This is a known issue with older Elk firmware. Do you know which firmware you are running on your Elk? Please see this thread: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... sc&start=0
  22. Hi CJ - I think it depends on what you do. In your example above, you certainly shouldn't have to upgrade the firmware or even reboot the ISY to adjust the ramp rate on a device. I'm curious why you weren't able to do that. I wonder if you had close the Admin Console and/or browsers down and restarted if it would have then adjusted the ramp rates for you. The rest of your issues seem to have resulted from the firmware update. We do add/change a lot of functionality between some firmware releases - sometimes that can affect existing programming, but usually not. It seems as though all your issue stemmed from the Motion Sensor. The first support for the Motion Sensor was introduced in a beta firmware release. We added support quickly because so many users requested it. Without going back and looking at firmware history, I can tell you that we had to change how we supported the Motion Sensor in the next firmware release, and unfortunately that meant that users who had already installed a Motion Sensor had to remove and re-add them after upgrading their firmware. I can say that this is a rarity - in most cases you don't have to remove and re-add a device due to a firmware update, but the Motion Sensor was an exception.
  23. Hi CJ - What kind of problems do you have? Can you give any specifics? One common source of problems is firewall / anti-virus software. Try disabling whatever you're running to see if it helps next time you need to make a change.
  24. This forum is the place to share any experiences, good or bad, with Universal Devices. UDI prides itself in providing excellent products and service - this is your chance to tell us (and everyone else) what YOU think. Thank you for your business, and we look forward to reading.
  25. You mention trying to control it from a SLD, but your program above looks like it's for a KPL. Are you trying to trigger this program from a KeypadLinc or a SwitchLinc Dimmer? Does the ISY reliably recognize presses from this device? If you watch the Admin Console and try FAST ONs and FAST OFFs at the device, does the Admin Console update accordingly? If some devices are responding and others are not, it indicates a communication issue from your PLM to the devices. As a test, try adding a WAIT command to your THEN statement, right before turning the scene OFF. Try a few seconds. This will make sure you don't have Insteon traffic colliding on the powerline.
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