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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. MikeB

    By Pass Logn

    An address prefixed by HTTP:// implies port 80 unless otherwise specified. HTTPS:// implies port 443. If you have 2 devices on your LAN you want to access via HTTPS, you would either need: - 2 public IP addresses and a router that supports it - assign the devices unique ports If you have a device that's accessible from one network but not another (3G vs Edge), I would assume either one of the networks is blocking your traffic for some reason or you are experiencing some sort of latency/timeout issue on one of the networks. By defining a custom port for your webcams, you're adding a bit of security because a hacker might not be looking for an open port 551 (for example), but if they see an open port 80 they'll know it's some sort of web server. Regarding hacking techniques, I'm sure I'm not up on the latest and greatest but there are port scanners that will automatically scan ranges of IP addresses and try EVERY port, listing the open ones. Much easier than manually guessing IPs and port #s. That being said, does a hacker care about the webcam pointing in your backyard or even at your child's crib? Probably not, but you never know.
  2. MikeB


    Thanks Brian!
  3. MikeB


    I'm not aware of a way to make it disappear, other than making the window too small. Does it appear if you maximize the window?
  4. MikeB


    Open up My Network Places and on the left side of the window click on "Show icons for networked UPnP devices".
  5. NTP servers are time clock servers that are available for PCs, servers, and other devices for syncing to ensure extremely accurate time. Check that box and force a sync and I think you'll find that the time is very accurate. Your PC might already be syncing with an NTP server.
  6. Hmm, I'm not sure then. Any reason why you don't simply sync daily with an NTP server?
  7. Do you have the ISY setup to synchronize with an NTP server? If so, your PC's clock is probably off and your ISY goes out of sync with it when it syncs with your NTP server.
  8. No, not at this time.
  9. MikeB

    Master - Slave

    Thanks for the referral, Rand! Wooper - If you want to use an IR remote with no line of site to the ISY, you have a couple of options: 1 - Use an IRLinc from Smarthome, which we support: http://www.smarthome.com/2411R/IRLinc-R ... ter/p.aspx 2 - Use an IR to RF repeater. I've heard some people have good results from the inexpensive units Radio Shack sells: http://www.radioshack.com/product/index ... Id=2049642
  10. You could use an ISY program to extend the WAIT if you'd like. Instead of adding the Motion Sensor to your scene, create an ISY program to trigger based on the status of the motion sensor. The biggest downside would be a slight delay in response.
  11. Neal - Glad to hear. Sorry for your troubles - I wish we didn't have to deal with these anti-virus / firewall issues to begin with! Thanks for sharing the information, and please keep us posted on Trend's response.
  12. Hey Neal - Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with Trend so can't offer any specific advice. However, look for a way to exclude a URL and/or IP address from its scanning - and exclude the URL/IP for the ISY. I'm not certain what other functionality might be affected, possible firmware updates and maybe more. I took a quick look at this documentation: http://www.trendmicro.com/ftp/documenta ... 1%20AG.pdf I assume this matches the version you are running. If so, check out sectio 5-13 and create a firewall exception to and from your ISY (all ports). You might also want to disable the Web Threat Detection on 5-15 to see if that helps. If it does, you may want to adjust its settings as well. Good luck, and please let us know how you make out.
  13. You may want to consider running a 'restore device' on any problematic devices, especially if links on that device were programmed with 2.6.13. That firmware was using i2 commands to program newer i2-capable devices, but some users experienced issues programming links with those commands. The newer firmware uses i2 commands only for devices which REQUIRE it (Motion Sensors, etc.), but any links programmed with 2.6.13 could still be corrupt. Otherwise, you may be having typical comm issues as Rand pointed out above. Please let me know how you make out.
  14. Windows Firewall will not cause any issues. Do you have any anti-virus software that may be interferring? If so, please try to disable it completely as a test. Also, please try closing all web browsers and clearing your Java cache: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache
  15. MikeB

    True/False Question

    Not sure I quite understand, but the initial program will change to true if, during the specified time periods, the 'Garage Lantern S' switch is turned FAST ON (double-tap ON). When do you want it to go false, when you turn the 'Garage Lantern S' switch off? If so, you could try changing the IF statement to: If ( From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) ) And Control 'Garage Lantern S' is switched Fast On And Control 'Garage Lantern S' is not switched Off
  16. If you're running 2.6.13, I would highly recommend upgrading to our release firmware 2.7.0. Please post back if that does not resolve your issues. Thanks
  17. Check out the wiki article here: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... ion_Sensor
  18. Not sure if this will help, but you might try factory resetting a problematic device, then doing a Restore on it and see if it helps.
  19. Sounds like are trying to combine what should be two separate conditionals. Try this instead: If From 12:00:00AM on 2009/04/01 To 11:59:59PM on 2009/10/31 And Time is Sunset + 15 minutes
  20. MikeB


    START CONTROL PANEL PROGRAMS (only if not in Classic View) JAVA SETTINGS button DELETE FILES button
  21. The thermostat should be in manual mode for the ISY to control it. Personally, I don't use the thermostat's automatic modes at all (unless I want to disable ISY control). Please see the following link to see what I'm doing with my office thermostat - maybe it will give you some ideas: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... thermostat
  22. Hi Joe 1 - A scene is a group of devices that are linked together in ways that you specify. Some devices can be controllers (when pressed, they control other devices in the scene) or just responders (they simply respond to controllers in that scene). For example, if you want to link 2 switches together so they both control your kitchen table lights, you would create a scene and add them both in as controllers. Or, if you want to link a switch and a lamp module together so the switch controls the lamp, you would create a scene and add the switch as a controller and the lamp module as a responder. 2 - You should ALWAYS link your devices through the ISY (using scenes). If you link them manually, the ISY will not be aware of those links and you will have problems. 3 - Sounds like you linked the RemoteLinc and LampLinc outside of the ISY, so your ISY does not know that the RemoteLinc turned the LampLinc on. You should unlink these devices manually, then re-link them using the ISY. As for your example, you can certainly create ISY programs to do what you ask - but since the RemoteLinc does not have any visual feedback like the LED on a KeypadLinc, you won't know for certain what your current mode is (without looking at the Admin Console). Personally I'd find a KeypadLinc much more suited to this.
  23. Sure. 'Switched Off' (control) means the device is physically switched off (someone walks up to the switch and turns it off). 'Off" (status) refers to any time the device is off, whether it was physically switched off, turned off by another device (motion sensor, a linked switch, etc), turned off by an ISY program, etc.
  24. Personally I agree. This is currently on our list of possible changes to consider, and we hope to discuss this soon.
  25. Though the secondary buttons do not show up on the right-hand pane of the Admin Console when you select My Lighting, they do show up in the list of nodes on the left-hand side of the screen under My Lighting. If you highlight the button on the left, you will see the status displayed on the right.
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