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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. Hey Frank - The SD card is located inside the ISY-99. Newer ISY-99s have a slot so the card can be accessed without opening the case.
  2. MikeB

    99i difference

    If you want to control a secondary KPL button with an ISY program you must put that button in a scene and control the scene from your program. The ISY cannot directly control KPL secondary buttons. You could check the KPL documentation and try to dim it manually. What revs are your KPLs? As far as I can remember, all KPLs should have at least 2 brightness modes, but the newer ones have much finer control. You can also set conditions on folders so that programs stored within are only active when certain conditions are met.
  3. MikeB


    Try doing a query on the "EZX10RF 1" device. If successful, the exclamation point should go away. Now see if the ISY sees the status changes.
  4. Hi Ken - Do any of your Insteon devices update in the Admin Console when you control them locally? It sounds like you are missing links to your PLM. What version PLM are you running?
  5. Hi Greg - Currently we support sending IR using the Global Cache: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=2780
  6. MikeB


    I don't use many X10 devices, and don't utilize any with bright/dim. It may not be a good solution for you...
  7. MikeB


    Hi Joe - You could always use X10 with the ISY as the translator. I have a WGL Designs V572AB and located the X10 receiver close to my Insteon PLM. This gives me the ability to trigger ISY programs by any X10 RF device. I personally use a couple of the X10 keychain remotes, an X10 palm pad, and have also used motion sensors in the past. There is a 1 or 1.5 second delay because of the translation, but for my purposes it is fine. http://www.wgldesigns.com/v572.html
  8. If the PLM is dead, you will not be able to control or program Insteon devices from the ISY. ISY programs that control Insteon devices - for example, turn lights on at particular times of the day - would also not work. If you only used the ISY for configuring your Insteon devices you might not notice a dead PLM until the next time you need to make configuration changes.
  9. Hi Wayne - What port #s are you trying to assign? After typing CWP and hitting enter, you should be able to type in the port # you'd like to assign. If you hit enter again (without typing in a port #), you will get the 'invalid port' error.
  10. If you cannot control any devices, please start by: - close all browser windows - clear your Java cache http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache - open the Admin Console - click TOOLS, DIAGNOSTICS, PLM INFO/STATUS ... and let us know what you see. To answer your question, if you do decide to do a fresh start I personally would factory reset all your devices individually, factory reset your PLM, factory reset your ISY, and add your devices in from scratch. I would, however, not start from scratch unless absolutely necessary. I don't believe the symptoms you are describing so far warrant it.
  11. MikeB


    Hi Joe - I have not personally used an EZX10RF, so take this for what it's worth. "Adding" the X10 device simply allows you to associate a particular X10 device/code with the Insteon device you want to control. I believe the whole point of the EZX10RF is to translate the X10 codes by creating scenes between the EZX10RF and your Insteon devices. If you wanted to add X10 address to your Insteon devices, you would not need the EZX10RF - you would simply buy an RF X10 receiver.
  12. Most of what you describe sounds like communication issues. I would recommend returning your PLM to its original location and re-testing.
  13. Good to see you back Yardman!
  14. MikeB

    Link Question

    The RemoteLinc does need to know what responders are in its scene. This is how cleanup commands work.
  15. MikeB

    Link Question

    Unfortunately, to conserve battery life the RemoteLinc must be put into linking mode before any links can be written to it. For all the proper controller/responder links to to be written to devices within a scene, the ISY may require link changes to your RemoteLinc. If the ISY asks you to put your RemoteLinc into linking mode, you will need to.
  16. This is a known issue, but I believe priority is low because there are workarounds (using ISY programs). I'll let Michel comment further on the priority of this. I wouldn't recommend setting up any scenes manually, since the ISY expects to be aware of all device links. Creating scenes manually will produce unexpected results. I would suggest creating all your scenes (minus the Thermostat) then creating ISY programs to change the Thermostat based on your KPL button presses. Is there a reason why this wouldn't work for you?
  17. Unfortunately at this time you cannot utilize the Insteon Thermostat within scenes on the ISY. You could, as you suggested however, use ISY programs to set the thermostat to specific modes/setpoints based on the press or status of your KPL buttons.
  18. That's what I would suggest. Also, any reason why you're not using your router for DDNS updating?
  19. Even if the PLM had factory reset itself, you should still be able to control devices. You can try a factory reset if you'd like. The procedure should be in their documentation, but basically you unplug from power for 10 seconds or so, hold the set button in, plug the PLM back in, continue to hold the set button for 10 seconds, then release. If you can control devices from the ISY at that point, you would want to run a "Restore PLM" from the ISY's Admin Console. It does, however, sound like you have a bad PLM.
  20. Just to double-check, I tested my testbed unit here plugged direct into a router. Cut power from router, ISY will flash Mem & Error LEDs to indicate network connectivity issues. Left disconnected for 20 minutes. Powered the router back up, and within several minutes the ISY re-established a connection.
  21. I'm a fan of Linksys routers and wireless APs, though not so much their switches. Check out the Linksys WRT310N to start.
  22. Hi Chris - If you cannot send/receive commands to devices on the powerline, especially nearby devices (try plugging a LampLinc or ApplianceLinc right on top of the PLM as a test), then I would also suspect a bad PLM. Did you try rebooting the PLM?
  23. Hi aLf - Yes, no issues with powering by a separate AC adapter along with the PLM. The ISY should be able to recover from a switch reboot / network disconnect. I assume you're running firmware 2.7.0 or higher? Do you have another switch you could try attaching the ISY to as a test?
  24. Yes, you can certainly do that.
  25. Hi Aaron - It sounds like your unit is bad and should be replaced. How long ago was it purchased, and from where? Please feel free to email support@universal-devices.com if you'd prefer.
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