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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. That's what I would do, personally.
  2. You should check each device's owners manual, but typically it's: in-wall: pull the tab for 10+ seconds, push tab completely in for 10 seconds, release plug-in: unplug for 10+ seconds, hold button and plug in, hold button for 10 seconds & release
  3. Hi Rich - Again, please keep in mind this is my personal opinion. When I moved to my ISY I had 70 or so devices, so I feel your pain. The reason why I suggest a manual factory reset is that I have seen many instances of Insteon devices new out of the box come with X10 addresses pre-programmed, reportedly due to factory testing. I've seen many people experience problems because of this. Not only could this cause unintended operation, but also creates unneeded powerline traffic. If you were 100% against doing a manual factory reset on each device, I would probably factory reset my ISY and add devices back in and choose the 'remove links' option. But, keep in mind that this does not remove any X10 addresses that might be in some devices. Quicker and easier than removing all scenes from your current ISY config in my opinion. One other thing - I have seen many people regreat not factory resetting their devices and starting from scratch, but I have never seen anyone regret doing it. I think if you have a good idea of what you want for scenes, and maybe put it down on paper, you might be surprised at how fast you can factory reset everything and recreate your existing functionality.
  4. Yes, links between devices are referred to as scenes. PERSONAL OPINION: If I were moving to the ISY, I'd factory reset each device manually (to make sure no stray X10 addresses, etc.) and add them in by address or Start Linking, then recreate my scenes. Otherwise, as Michel said, you end up fighting with half or broken links and spend more time troubleshooting than it would have taken to start froma clean slate. Creating scenes/links on the ISY is, IMO, so much easier than other methods.
  5. Then I would have to suspect that a hardware or software firewall at your work location is interferring.
  6. Hi Mike - Yes, more than likely. Cert warnings are normal, but a blank console is not. Could be work blocking traffic on a hardware firewall, or possibly a software firewall installed on that particular PC. Do you have the latest Java installed on that PC?
  7. Good point! No specific reason, except that I have not found any problems with 15 minute queries of my thermostat. Without knowing the exact posts you're referring to, in most cases I believe in reducing traffic when that traffic would be redundant (don't turn a KPL button on again when it is already on, for example). In this case increasing the query to 1 hour might present a loss in functionality / accuracy. Say, for example, someone adjusts the setpoint manually - your ISY might not know it for 1 hour. If that's an acceptable delay for your purposes, then I'd go with it. If I was experiencing any comm issues due to the 15 minute query, I would consider increasing it (or finding another solution).
  8. I have not tested that scenario, but my guess would be "no".
  9. Yes, I suspect your issue was y vs Y.
  10. Why not just configure the ISY with a static IP address outside of your router's DHCP range?
  11. Thanks for the feedback, Bob! I 100% agree, but think we should stick with the basics for the 1st session. Afterwards perhaps we can stagger sessions with different topics.
  12. UPDATE 10/2: Our second online training and demo has been scheduled for Saturday 10/10 at 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific. Target audience is the same as the last meeting - people considering purchasing the ISY and new users looking to get familiar with the ISY. There will be a dial-in # available for audio (long distance charges apply). Date: Saturday October 10, 2009 Time: 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific Meeting URL: https://webmeeting.dimdim.com/portal/Jo ... al_devices Optional Dial-In: 702-473-3463 Dial-In Code: 1234 Hope to see you there! _____________________________________________________________ UPDATE: Our first online training/demo is scheduled for this coming Friday (7/3) at 3pm Eastern, 12pm Pacific. I realize that we can't accomodate everyone with a single time/day, so we will vary our day and time for future trainings/demos. There is a dial-in # available for those who want to connect in via phone (long distance charges apply). Otherwise, chat is on-screen or via microphone. Date: Friday July 3rd, 2009 Time: 3pm Eastern / 12pm Pacific Meeting URL: https://webmeeting.dimdim.com:443/porta ... al_devices Optional Dial-In: 712-432-6139 Dial-In Code: 1234 Hope to see you there! ________________________________________________________ Thinking of purchasing an ISY for INSTEON? Already have an ISY but need some help getting started? Universal Devices will be holding an online training & demo for the ISY line of automation & energy conservation controllers. This first session will focus on basic topics. Some topics we'll be covering: - choosing a location for your ISY and PLM - basic setup and configuration of the ISY - using the ISY to manage your Insteon devices, create links/scenes - creating programs on the ISY - using the IR receiver to trigger programs - accessing your ISY over the internet - troubleshooting INSTEON communication issues - ... and more! Information on the ISY is available here: http://www.universal-devices.com/99i.htm The training & demo will run approximately 1-2 hours, depending on # of attendees, questions, etc. We're looking for suggestions on a time and day for the session. We are considering: - weekday evening (9pm EST/6pm PST) - weekend morning (11am EST/8am PST) - weekend evening (9pm EST/6pm PST) Please let us know your thoughts on a time/day, and also any particular topics you'd like to see covered. Feel free to reply to this thread, or email us at demos@universal-devices.com Once we get some feedback, we will announce the time and date for the session and information on signing up. Thanks!
  13. Keep in mind that any "extra" links marked IGNORE can be safely ignored - these are normal. Thanks
  14. In the Admin Console, click HELP then ABOUT.
  15. Is remote access available to your ISY? If so, please email the login informaiton and URL to support@universal-devices.com. Let me know...
  16. Hi Rich - That is an oddity, but please don't try a factory reset. Have you tried closing all browser windows and clearing your Java cache? http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache Also, please visit www.java.com and ensure you are running the latest Java update. Any firewall/anti-virus applications that might be interfering? Do you have another PC you can try launching your Admin Console from? If so, what are the results?
  17. MikeB


    I concur. My TriggerLinc responds almost instantly when used as a controller within a scene. It's a bit slower when used to trigger an ISY prorgam, but still less than 3 seconds in my experience. Above and beyond what Tom said, make sure you have an AccessPoint within good range of the TriggerLinc.
  18. MikeB

    99i difference

    Hey Tim - Sorry to be dense, but I'm still not quite following. Are you saying with the ISY-26 things did NOT behave as they should? But with the ISY-99 it behaves properly? If any of the KPLs in your IF condition are NOT OFF, the program should not run when the ISY is rebooted. If all of the KPLs in the IF conditions ARE OFF, the THEN condition should run when the ISY is rebooted. Is that not what's happening? There should be no difference between the 26 or 99, but one key difference is that newer firmwares can now read KPL secondary button statuses when they are queried (and all devices are queried on startup by default). With old firmware, if you rebooted your ISY the KPL secondary buttons would not have a status since their state was unknown, until they are pressed for the 1st time. With newer firmware, the KPL secondary buttons should be shown with correct statuses when the ISY is rebooted.
  19. MikeB

    99i difference

    I'll let someone else comment further, but I believe if the program is set to run at startup the THEN command will execute if and only if the IF confitions are true, and as long as this program is not within a folder containing other restricting conditions. When you reboot the ISY, does this program show as TRUE? Are the specified KPL buttons shown as OFF in the Admin Console?
  20. MikeB

    99i difference

    Right-click, Copy To Clipboard.
  21. Which port did you set? The secure or non-secure port? And did you set it to 433 or 443?
  22. Yes, sounds like your PLM needs to be replaced.
  23. MikeB

    99i difference

    If they are older KPLs, they do not support anything other than the 2 brightness levels. Can you provide more details? How do the folders know you are HOME or AWAY? Feel free to paste your folder conditions and programs into this thread so we can check them out.
  24. One example would be the ISY's optional web server. With it, you can store files on the ISY to access over the web. You could actually host a personal web site right off your ISY if you'd like! The larger your SD card, the more files you can store. I don't have a newer unit here, so I'll defer the other questions to Michel.
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