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  1. I have a z-wave bulb from innovelli that turns itself on at random times. I have checked programs and can't find anything that would be turning it on. I have searched the forum, but only saw one thread about something similar and that was an insteon device. Anyone have any advice on how to try to figure out what is turning this bulb on? Thanks
  2. https://www.home-assistant.io/ It is software rather than hardware, but it can be run on a raspberry pi or a NUC or... Very flexible. Worth a look in my opinion. I use the ISY integration in home assistant and have the best of both worlds.
  3. I don't know if I have 20 different brands, but I do have quite a few different ones. One company doesn't make all the types of devices that I use. For example...I use a homeseer floodlight...only one who makes one that I have seen. I have tried many kinds and the one I have been overall impressed with is zooz. They have a pretty good range of devices. Support worked with me until I was satisfied when I had issues with a specific type of switch. They changed the design of it because they had issues from many others it sounded like. They aren't that expensive and work well. Not sure if they are up to the aesthetic likings of you and your family, but something to look into.
  4. Just to throw my two cents in...I would look at zwave to compliment insteon. I started with insteon and think that they are great for lights, but since there was no available locks I started with zwave. Now I still have more insteon than zwave, but zwave is catching up. They are much more reasonable cost wise (had pretty good luck with zooz) and are still ALL LOCAL communications. If this matters to you, then you need to be careful with things like TP link. They had local control, then took it away, then gave it back sorta, then...who knows what is next for them....or any of these other companies that have cloud requirements. I know I'm in more of the minority in this regard, but do you really want your house to stop working if there is an internet outage? Or if a company pushes a firmware update that removes local control? Zigbee and wifi share the same RF which is already overcrowded while insteon and zwave are in a much clearer space RF wise.
  5. You could try https://esphome.io/ with https://www.home-assistant.io/ There is also an awesome ISY integration. Careful though...this rabbit hole is deeeep!
  6. Thanks for the info here. I kinda gave up on docker in a container since it is nested at that point and I couldn't get it to work anyway. My server runs proxmox so I started a new container with debian 10. By default the container runs as root so I didn't need the sudo commands. I will however leave them here for anyone who tries to follow this later. Likely nobody ever will, but you never know and these types of posts from others are the only way my house is as automated as it is today! I did get it running by doing the following... wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/debian/10/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb sudo apt update sudo apt install apt-transport-https sudo apt install dotnet-runtime-5.0 wget http://automationshack.com/Files/NodeLink.dll wget http://automationshack.com/Files/NodeLink.runtimeconfig.json dotnet NodeLink.dll I didn't find the post here to start as a service so to get it to start at boot I did something a little different. It may not be a recommended method, but it worked for me. I did crontab -e and choose the editor I prefer...yours may not have a choice. Then I added a line that says @reboot dotnet NodeLink.dll and it works for me. Now once I get the config moved over I can retire my old Pi2 or make it into a snapclient or whatever. Thanks for the great software and the help!
  7. Well I know what docker is, but barely and I can't get that to work. I've tried....I'm just not knowledgeable enough. Any way to install on a plain fresh install of debian? Thanks
  8. Will it still work for version 11? I'm trying to install on a debian 10 container and ran the install script and got this: ### Updating System - this may take several minutes All packages are up to date. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. ### Cleaning/Creating directories ### Installing .NET 5 ### Downloading NodeLink ### Modifying startup script sed: can't read /etc/rc.local: No such file or directory sed: can't read /etc/rc.local: No such file or directory ### Starting NodeLink ### Install complete. Login to NodeLink at root@nodelink:~# bash: line 45: /sbin/dotnet: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
  9. Zooz has some switches that can do N-way with only one switch...I've seen diagrams for 5-way, but that is four switches and the light. See here: https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/182-5-way-diagrams-for-zen26-and-zen27-switches/ You could email them and ask about your specific setup to see if their switch will work for you.
  10. Upgraded back to 5.3.2 this morning and did exactly what you said above and it worked perfectly. Thanks as always for the continued support!
  11. Upgraded to 5.3.2 and my zooz double switch aka ZEN30 didn't like it: https://www.getzooz.com/zooz-zen30-double-switch.html I'm using this switch in a ceiling fan config where the dimmer is for the light and relay is fan motor on/off. Each time the relay portion of the switch was turned on ISY thought that the dimmer was also turned on. The actual light in the room was not on. ISY just thought it was every time the relay portion was switched on. Reverted to 5.3.1 and restored a backup and back to normal as far as this particular switch is concerned.
  12. I was trying again to get this running and ran into this: checking if NodeLink exists starting NodeLink It was not possible to find any compatible framework version The specified framework 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '5.0.0' was not found. - The following frameworks were found: 3.0.0 at [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App] You can resolve the problem by installing the specified framework and/or SDK. The .NET Core frameworks can be found at: - https://aka.ms/dotnet-download Wondering if there are any plans to update the container. I'll post this on the github also to get your attention quicker. Thanks
  13. Thanks for the tip, but I had to try twice. The first time what I got is this: Worked the second time though! Thanks
  14. Running 5.3.1 and can't remove a zwave device. Had a switch go bad but it still showed up on the zwave network so I excluded it successfully, but when I try to delete it it just says "Request Failed" and sits there with the Red Exclamation point. Is this a bug in 5.3.1?
  15. Thanks for the reply Chris. I am running 5.3.1 and I have already tried the repair links to no avail, but I haven't checked the association by looking in the event viewer. I'll do that tonight and report back. ---------------------------------EDIT---------------------------------- Okay I tried checking the link details and aside from the name of device of course...it looks identical to what you have posted. Sat 12/05/2020 11:12:02 AM : [ZW-SHOW ] ---------------------------------------------- Sat 12/05/2020 11:12:02 AM : [ZW-SHOW ] Node 3 - Living Holiday has 1 association group Sat 12/05/2020 11:12:02 AM : [ZW-SHOW ] Associations for group 001 of ZW003_1 Living Holiday Sat 12/05/2020 11:12:02 AM : [ZW-SHOW ] Max Associations = 5 Sat 12/05/2020 11:12:02 AM : [ZW-SHOW ] - Node 1 - [This ISY] Sat 12/05/2020 11:12:02 AM : [ZW-SHOW ] Sat 12/05/2020 11:12:02 AM : [ZW-SHOW ] ---------------------------------------------- Same with all the other plugs showing me issues. Any suggestions?
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