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Steve Sullivan

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Everything posted by Steve Sullivan

  1. So last night our clothes washer took a little break and forgot to shut of when the tub was filled. It could have been worse, I only filled the 16 gal shop vac 7 times and most of the area was concrete. Only about 20 sq ft of carpet got soaked. Crazy thing was one of our kid's toys, a chick, actually shorted and was chirping over and over. If it hadn't it would have gone all night. So does anyone have a good Insteon/ISY way of detecting water and triggering an event? I save smart home has a kit but wasn't sure if it worked well. Plus it requires the dakota sensor, which I don't have. Hmmmm. If it works well I'd invest but not if it's too sketchy. Ideally id like to sense water where is shouldn't be. Trigger a email, maybe lights and possibly trigger a valve to shut off the washer supply. Thanks for any ideas
  2. Really strange my post wasn't showing when I used the url button. I guess an RF ID tag would be ideal here. I think the insteon version might have too short a distance to work though, I haven't looked into it much. http://www.smarthome.com/24950A9/I-O-Li ... Kit/p.aspx If you don't need to run different programs based on different cars, then motion sensors and trigger lincs could work.
  3. I guess an RF ID tag would be ideal here. I think the insteon version might have too short a distance to work though, I haven't looked into it much. http://www.smarthome.com/24950A9/I-O-Linc-INSTEON-RF-Proximity-Reader-Kit/p.aspx If you don't need to run different programs based on different cars, then motion sensors and trigger lincs could work.
  4. Thank you both for the response. I have seen the other Venstar sensors which would be great if they worked the way I'd like them to. As I understand a remote sensor, if used, either acts as an outdoor temp or replaces the internal Venstar thermostats sensor. As a work around to the viewing outdoor temp from ISY you could use the weatherbug module if you haven't already. I use that module and it's great for accurate light levels. I suppose I could by more venstar thermostats and install them in the areas I want to monitor just seems expensive and a waste of features i'd never use. I'm surprised nobody has come out with a insteon temp sensor. Seems like there are quite a few people looking for it.
  5. I've been trying to figure out the best way to add a temperature sensor to my Insteon/ISY setup. Is is possible to add temp sensors to one of the EZ products and have the actual temperature status available within ISY? I have one Venstar on our main floor but wanted to monitor temperatures in other rooms and take some kind of action based on levels. Any ideas? I don't have any IOlincs or EZ products so I don't know what they are capable of and not sure how tight ISY is integrated with them. Thanks
  6. I'd double check "all mail" in gmail...
  7. That's all pretty slick Rand. One thing I really like about this whole ISY thing is once you think you've got all the programs you need, an idea will pop into your head and you realize how cool and functional it could be. I'm hoping by the time the spring/summer comes around there will be some good support for the ezflora stuff or something similar. Id like to integrate watering to this with the climate info. Sick kiddo is good, sleeping finally, seems like everyone around here has some kind of bug these days.
  8. I've been using the light data instead of sunset/sunrise for certain rooms. I'm pleased with the results. The threshold is 15 which I find to be perfect.
  9. asked he same thing today about LED Brightness...http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... 3&start=15 Next release it should be fixed. Steve Hi Michel, I'm having the same issues here with LED brightness, I have a 2486D V.2D and when I did the relink, now the LED brightness does not show up... When it did and I selected it, I got a "Request Failed" right away. I've got 3 of the Keypadlinc's that all do the same thing. Brian
  10. I think we should all take up scrapbooking. I'd think it's less frustrating:)
  11. However a BIG Pat on the back to UDI! I do appreciate all the effort and support for this product!
  12. I've noticed communications seem to be greatly improved. Some Scenes however are not working well for me. I had a dinner Scene which should turn off most of my 1st floor lights, but set the dining and kitchen cabinet lights to a defined level. I can't get it to work reliably. Some lights don't respond at all. Sometimes there is a delay of like 20 or 30 seconds. I tried removing the devices, and the scene all together and starting from scratch. I also restored these devices. Still didn't work. I gave up and just used programs to get it to work.
  13. When on .13 Michel had me do a factory reset on the motion sensor then wait 5 minutes before attempting a restore. This seems to help some of the time. I haven't messed with them since .14 They have to be done separately, I tried 8 at a time, then just a few at a time and it certainly doesn't work. Make sure there is a fresh battery in there as well. I have programs to notify if the battery is low for each sensor. I send all notifications to a gmail account then filter / forward them from there. It saves on all the text messages. It seems once the battery is low enough the sensor low batt is always on so unless you reset the sensor, the program would be true only once, and therefore send the notification only once. Hope this helps.
  14. Thank you for the update. I have some questions about the device links compare feature. So far I did a compare on three devices. All show some amount of extra records, one shows record mismatch. What is the best way to correct these issues? I tried a restore device on one but had the same results. Thanks
  15. Upgraded this morning. ISY didn't reboot properly after the update. Basically it was stuck with the rx light on steady. Unplugged and plugged back in, she came up fine. Things look good. Didn't have issues with my thermostat or climate.
  16. On the current release I thought there was a set options button when viewing the motion sensor page that allows to adjust the timeout. This works for me on a few of the sensors I have but not all. I think the issue is the sensor though.
  17. Ive noticed this for the past week or so and don't really know the best way to describe it as it seems to happen a few different ways. I'll try to keep some notes so I can document this better in the future. For now... If I make a change to a device, say I remove it from ISY, then re-add it, then rename it to the original name. The original name usually still appears in programs. I notice these programs will not run until I actually go to them, hit the update button, and re-save them. Wasn't sure if anyone has seen this as well.
  18. Thank you Michel. What would be considered a large installation? Steve
  19. Sorry had to make 80 posts:)
  20. I'm Dying to get my greedy paws on that release
  21. actually the one I just did it for was Ver1.0 but it behaved the same.
  22. Michel, I'll send an email to tech@
  23. Umm I don't want to tell you but. OK Let me explain further. When looking at the event viewer level 2, and using Auto Mode, I try and restore some of the sensors. I will get messages stating failed to get engine version, using i1 mode. I can see links being written. On another unit the 1.0B I try the same. Event viewer says using engine i2 but it always fails. Says writing links failed. I then use i1 mode and am able to restore the unit. If I then check the device link table I can see that links were written. I don't think these are beta, I've only checked two of them, one is version 1.0 the other 1.0B. I won't be home today but maybe later tonight you can log in while I'm here to check it out. If you'd like to login while I'm not at home I set the username and password to the same as before, if you still have it.
  24. That was very funny!
  25. Michel, I tried as suggested. Some devices use engine i1 and do finish restoring. I check and found links in the device tables. I tried again 4 times with another Version 1.0 and it says using i2 but I always get writing links failed. I haven't checked all of them but I have version 1.0B on some. I'm wondering if the version difference have something to do with this.
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