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  1. @geddy, will do🙂
  2. @Geddy Thanks for the suggestion: I checked all of my plugins and the log level for a couple were set at "error" or "critical" level . I've now got them all at "warning". I can rule out a router problem: two weeks ago my custom router (Untangle running on a Supermicro 1U) failed (I think an HDD problem but haven't had a chance to do a real diagnosis yet) so I switched to a backup - an old Linksys WRT54G - and the offline/online notifications have continued.
  3. @bwdavis7, yes, I've been getting the offline/online notifications well before 2/1. I don't recall exactly when I started noticing these, since I was just deleting them. Part of the impetus for "fixing" the issue and posting on the forum is that I will be going on a long international trip soon and wanted to delete unnecessary push notifications that will incur roaming data charges. Did you recently add or update your eisy? While I've had my eisy for nearly a year, it was only in December that I finally sat down and migrated everything from my trusty but old ISY994. Extending from @Geddy's thinking could it be a plugin that's causing this? I have installed: ISYLink, Weatherflow, Wireless Tags, Holidays, Webcontrol832, AVremote, Roku Media Player, Push, Sun, ISY Portal, Nanoleaf, Presence, Backup, Ecobee, TimeData, UnifPresence and Kasa (some outdated from ISY994/PG2)
  4. @bwdavis7, no, no match between your offline/online times and mine. @Geddy, yes same versions of UDx, isy and PG3x. I haven't tried (but will) a hardpower off restart on my easy. However, the fact that my cycle/notification times don't match those of bwdavis7 AND that the offline/online notifications have been going on for me for some time (I just finally got tired enough of this to post in the forum) would suggest that the problem is local to individual eisys, not something at UD's end, correct?
  5. @flsenior - same here: During the eisy "offline" periods I can and have other internet services going, like Amazon Music. So the problem is not at the ISP end... Sort of reassuring to hear that others are observing the same issue; suggesting that it's not something unique to my setup. Thanks.
  6. I’m getting frequent UD Portal notifications that my eisy is offline, then a few minutes later that it’s back online. The notifications seem to come in random spurts, sometimes many (6-10) in a day, sometimes none. And the offline to back online interval is always 8 or 9 minutes. The eisy is on a wired Ethernet connection, not Wi-Fi. So far I haven’t been able to discern any pattern or obvious cause for the notifications. Anybody have any clues or suggestions for what to check?
  7. I'm finally getting around to moving from my venerable ISY994 to EISY. The migration instructions are clear and I've updated both IoX and the EISY to the latest versions (5.8.4), and also PG3x to its latest version (3.2.27). I have a number of node servers using the original Polyglot and talking to the ISY994. I realize that many (all?) of these can't be immediately migrated to PG3x versions, so I would like to check on the configuration details of these before moving to the PG3x versions on the EISY. However, I'm having trouble accessing Polyglot to see these older node servers: http://"ISY IP address":8080 doesn't work - "can't open the page because the server isn't responding" What am I missing or doing wrong? I saw references in some threads that once one updates to PG3x, it's no longer possible to see the PG2 home page? If this is correct, then why or how do Polyglot or PG2 node servers continue to run (in my case on the ISY994. Thanks, John
  8. I’m also using the Web control 8 and would love to have a PG3 plugin to directly interact with it from the eisy. A question however, will a PG3 plugin work in PG3x?
  9. KDFC.com out of SF
  10. After updating & rebooting the EISY, the HA VM is up and accessible via a browser - everything is good. Thanks for help.
  11. @apnar That worked; thanks very much. The HA VM install script ran with no errors. For my education, please: 1. Now that I've made the directory /etc/zfs, the "storage" zpool will mount automatically upon a reboot of the EISY? 2. What does the zpool export then immediate import do? I haven't been able to log into HA yet; the http://homeassistant.local.8123 URL doesn't work and I can't find HA in my router devices/hosts lists but I'll follow the "Home Assistant on easy not online" thread for help with that. Again, thanks for your help. John
  12. It looks like I have a partition "storage" but not a pool......
  13. @MWoods329 Thanks for the suggestions; however no luck. Attached are the the results of zfs list (there does not seem to be a "Storage" file system. Changing the directory to /storage before running the curl command gave the same error ..
  14. Bump. Anyone have suggestions?
  15. Living up to my moniker, I'm stumped: Per the "Increase performance or add redundancy?" blog, I installed and set up a NVMe in my new EISY using the script (sudo fl.ops setup.nvme.boot). I did answer "Y" (I thought) to creating an additional "Storage" partition (of 500 Gb) and zpool, for setting up Home Assistant in a VM. However when I run the HA install script (curl -s https://pkg.isy.io/script/create_ha_vm.sh | sudo bash) it errors at "cannot create 'storage/vms': no such pool 'storage'" (attached screen capture from Terminal). "gpart show" does show the 500 Gb partition (2nd screen capture); however "zpool list" shows only one pool (zudi). So while I have the disk partition, I apparently didn't successfully get a zpool set up? How do I fix this? I did set the NVMe up for maximum performance, not mirrored, so I can't go back and rerun the NVMe set up script again. Suggestions and/or directions for a FreeBSD & ZFS noob would be most appreciated. John
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