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  1. After updating & rebooting the EISY, the HA VM is up and accessible via a browser - everything is good. Thanks for help.
  2. @apnar That worked; thanks very much. The HA VM install script ran with no errors. For my education, please: 1. Now that I've made the directory /etc/zfs, the "storage" zpool will mount automatically upon a reboot of the EISY? 2. What does the zpool export then immediate import do? I haven't been able to log into HA yet; the http://homeassistant.local.8123 URL doesn't work and I can't find HA in my router devices/hosts lists but I'll follow the "Home Assistant on easy not online" thread for help with that. Again, thanks for your help. John
  3. It looks like I have a partition "storage" but not a pool......
  4. @MWoods329 Thanks for the suggestions; however no luck. Attached are the the results of zfs list (there does not seem to be a "Storage" file system. Changing the directory to /storage before running the curl command gave the same error ..
  5. Living up to my moniker, I'm stumped: Per the "Increase performance or add redundancy?" blog, I installed and set up a NVMe in my new EISY using the script (sudo fl.ops setup.nvme.boot). I did answer "Y" (I thought) to creating an additional "Storage" partition (of 500 Gb) and zpool, for setting up Home Assistant in a VM. However when I run the HA install script (curl -s https://pkg.isy.io/script/create_ha_vm.sh | sudo bash) it errors at "cannot create 'storage/vms': no such pool 'storage'" (attached screen capture from Terminal). "gpart show" does show the 500 Gb partition (2nd screen capture); however "zpool list" shows only one pool (zudi). So while I have the disk partition, I apparently didn't successfully get a zpool set up? How do I fix this? I did set the NVMe up for maximum performance, not mirrored, so I can't go back and rerun the NVMe set up script again. Suggestions and/or directions for a FreeBSD & ZFS noob would be most appreciated. John
  6. I have a question about using antenna extension cables for the ZMatter board My Polisy is on a shelf in a computer rack in the basement. Because the equipment above and below shelf is much deeper than the Polisy, the Zwave and Zigbee antennas (from the ZMatter board) would have to be horizontal and surrounded by the grounded metal rack and computer cases - not good for range according to UD tech support. So I would like to add short (~1 M) extension cables to get the antennas out of the rack and vertical. I looked up the specs for sma extension cables, typically rg316 cable. At Zwave and Zigbee frequencies (Zwave = 908-920 MHz; Zigbee = 902-908 MHz & 2.4 Ghz), the attenuation would be ~1.25-1.90 db/1 M, so not much. For any of you with real rf experience, have I missed anything important? I did notice that the ZMatter board antenna extension cables to the Polisy case are rp-sma. Thanks
  7. @TechmanYes, I was thinking the same. For some reason my IoP seems pretty resolutely stuck on v5.4.0. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. Thanks.
  8. @Techman Still no luck: I unplugged the Polisy for >30s, plugged it back in and let it reboot. Then cleared the java cache, restarted IoX Launcher from start.jnlp. Polisy IoP is still v5.4.0. How do I do an update, since 5.4.0 doesn't have the "upgrade packages" option?
  9. Possibly relevant: I have Polyglot v2 still installed. And when I open Polyglot v3 (policy:3000/dashboard) under "ISYs" it shows only my ISY994, not the IoP instance. However, IoX Launcher does show both the ISY 994 and the Policy IoP (which is also still showing as v 5.4.0)
  10. No luck. I pushed the reset "button" on the front of the Policy (a paper clip into the hole and felt a click). The left most light on the Policy went from flashing to solid. I waited several minutes, then cleared the Java cache (applications, resources, deleted applications), restarted IoX Launcher (from downloaded start.jnlp file) and opened the IoP admin console. It still shows v 5.4.0
  11. I just received my ZMatter board this afternoon and have hit a snag getting ready to install it: The UDI instructions say to check the Policy OS via ssh. Mine is FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE-p6, instead of 13.1 (as later instructions for IoP indicate it should be be). So I tried the "Upgrade Process - As of July 2002" in the wiki. With the IoX Launcher, I open the admin console for IoP; however there is no "Upgrade Packages" under configuration/system. With some forum sleuthing I saw that this is because IoP is only v5.4.0, and the "Upgrade Packages" was added in v5.4.4. I tried the "automatically upgrade Policy to 5.4.4" option under help but this doesn't work. The admin console closes, then I cleared the Java cache. After finding the IoX Launcher file again (clearing the Java cache deletes this) and waiting a few minutes, I reopen the IoP admin console - and it still says v5.4.0. I've tried restarting the Polisy; no improvement. What am I missing or not understanding?
  12. I've been using the original stand-alone Weatherflow nodeserver for some time (currently v1.0.0.19). However when I restarted the RPI and WFNodeServer.exe this afternoon it seemed to start OK (last three responses = Querying ISY for existing nodes. Starting Weatherflow data collection thread. Logging server has started on port 8289.) but then at continuing 10 second intervals I get the following error message: "Deserialization of device status failed. Deserializing list type 'RuntimeType' not supported." Looking at the nodes in the admin console, the data is current and being updated. I'm not quite sure what do do next? ISY994 firmware and UI = v5.0.15A John
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