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  1. can u SSH to it ? if so try sudo pkg install -f isy sudo shutdown -r now
  2. upgraded Polisy wired and was on 13.2 can ping it but no ssh
  3. Update appears to have bricked my Polisy. Restored on to an Eisy. All good again
  4. mine works but other supported units same error
  5. I believe Govee is a unsuported, legacy plugin. I tried it a few years ago and had the same results as you. Same with Lifx I gave up on them and switched to Hue works flawlessly ...Barry
  6. sent u pm if available i am in
  7. Resolved here too thanks Michal and a ticket. issue was a file set to update to quarterly, not latest. Suspect this occured when there was an update failure a couple of years ago when some of us changed the file to get back up
  8. @Bumbershoot Cam you elaborate on I upgraded my Polisy and None of my plugins connect. re-install doesnt help
  9. quote So the Poisy system and all programs is essentially totally non-functional. How can I recover the Poisy and its programs to its correct operating state? The policy has lost its ability to establish a DHCP address and only has access from Cloud AC. The polisy must be doing DHCP if it could not connect to internet cloud would not work
  10. open each program press update then press save
  11. I am not sure on this, but would think the number should be Hexadecimal ie. 256, 512, 1024, 2048 Not decimal ie. 1056
  12. - If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE). - Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following: o -Xmx512m - Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes
  13. Reboot doesnt seem to work right on Polisy Unplug and plug back in
  14. bgrubb1

    Program Bug?

    make sure you click "update" and "save"
  15. 80 was correct for ISY-994 eISY / Polisy use 8080 for http Glad ur up and running - one note that may not apply to you State variables dont understand negative numbers so when my solar is over producing, the mains are not correct (well they are correct but dont display negative) ...Barry
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