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Everything posted by bgrubb1

  1. A "Few KW's" ?? I have a 4006 Sq/ft house with 13 tons of AC in Arizona where it is 113F today Between switching to a rate with 8 cent KW's EXCEPT from 3-6 weekdays where they are 36 cents, precooling the house before 3 (thanks to control from the ISY) and adding 4KW of solar with 2/3 of it facing west, my July electric bill went from $755 2 years ago to $310 this year Budget payment plan (same payment monthly year round) has gone from $355 to $137 My math says that's saving $2600 per year. That's with a sub 10K$ investment in Solar, ISY, thermostats, Zwave etc. Sub 4 year payback on solar with enhancements ?? that's a hell of a ROI, and with no family complaints. ..Barry
  2. About 6 months ago I gave up on Vera and started transitioning to an ISY994ZIR 6 months later, I cant say enough good things about this product and the support team I went through some hick ups with Zwave 2 way and getting thermostats to pair It forced me to fix Zwave issues that I didn't even know I had thanks to Vera not letting me know. I have only opened ONE tech support ticket and was expecting a delayed email, tech support CALLED me 3 minutes later I now have it working with a bunch of Insteon devices that I wasn't even controlling before, talks to my Brultech Gem to turn on/ off devices and my Amazon Echo responds to "Food network on" by Amazon to Bridge to IP2IR to change the channel Big WAF on that one Tomorrow the Autellis bridge goes in to "Turn Waterfall on" for the pool It is KEY to managing my on peak power demand - I know am banking excess on peak solar power for the winter thanks to the control Great product, great team, and everything runs smooth for me, although I am still fielding tech support calls from friends with a Vera ..Barry
  3. Has anyone found a good replacement word for "Volume" ? I would like to control TV volume, but volume is a reserve word on the echo
  4. Several people have had issues (Myself included) where the device database on the emulator gets corrupted. In one case I deleted everything and started over and in another, the database was gone. Enhancement request for the mapper - Could their be a button too make a local backup copy of the database and a way to write it back ??
  5. I played with this all weekend and could not get discovery to work with a RPI2 It would run, but never discover (or get discovery requests from the echo) Would run fine from a win8.1 machine Tonight, I switched the RPI2 from wired to wireless (I am a big fan of using wired whenever I can) works great on the RPI2 wireless I even changed the address reservation on my router of to the wireless instead of the wired - still works great So apparently there is a flaky problem with the RPI2 Ethernet stack In reading forums here, vera, etc, some say it works wired, some say it only works wireless has anyone seen this issue, or better yet, found a solution ?? Also maybe this can help others trying to make it work ...Barry
  6. I have been playing with this all weekend I have it all working using a win8.1 pc and the mapper works great I would prefer it to run on a RPI I have the RPI up and running the emulator and have used the configurator.html to add devices that work to the RPI If I reboot the RPI and look in configurator.html - it shows my devices when I delete devices and tell the echo to look for them , it does not find any from the RPI It does find them from the PC and I have turned off the PC, so it shouldn't be a port problem Anyone have an idea to try ?? Thanks in advance ...Barry
  7. Thank you Madmartian for the "How to" Could anyone share the same for RPI ?? Would prefer not to leave a PC runnings all the time Thanks in advance ...Barry
  8. I have a program that uses a Wifi2IR to turn off the kids TV automatically at midnight via IR Would like to have a "Scene" Switch on mobilink to do the same manually I cant seem to figure out how, is there a way ?? Thanks in advance ...Barry
  9. bgrubb1

    heart beat ?

  10. bgrubb1

    heart beat ?

    Nevermind "Switched doesn't appear till you accept the changes
  11. bgrubb1

    heart beat ?

    Is this "on" or Off" I don't have switched any where I can find. Can u give me a screen shot please ?
  12. bgrubb1

    heart beat ?

    So this has really helped I now have all 3 sensors texting me / emailing me if there is an issue I disable each program after the text and re-enable them at 6am and 6pm so I only get one text / mail unless fixed. BUT the issue I would like a text once a day of the heartbeat to insure they are all alive I don't have the option of "is switched on" or "if switched off" please explain ..Barry
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