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  1. I've had a Davis Vantage Pro2 Wired since 2015. I use the meteobridge/Ambient weatherbridge (they are the same) puck to send data to Weather Underground for web access. But for local access it is easy to access the meteobridge's data directly over the local network via (IIRC) HTTP REST commands. So local data access isn't a problem. In my case I have a Raspberry Pi programmed in APL that gets data from a variety of sources including the meteobridge and then feeds it to my climate control computer as well as helping interchange data between the ISY-994i and the climate control system. But I just wanted to say that there's no problem accessing the data locally and a PG3 nodeserver should be able to do that. It would seem to me that a PG3 nodeserver written to interface to the meteobridge would provide broad access to a variety of weather sensor hardware
  2. Is your Query ALL (typically 3am) program enabled? (This used to be pre-installed on the ISY). This is designed to set all the insteon devices to conform to what is in the ISY, but I've seen cases where all the insteon traffic associated with this Query can cause devices to change states to those not intended -- especially if the PLM is marginal. You may be able to see in the event log what time the switch happened and see if that corresponds to when the Query All program ran (if it's enabled).
  3. If I understand your question, the ISY REST interface is the answer. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Developers:API:REST_Interface It's worked well for me. I am a little rusty but I think you can turn scenes and devices on and off directly. You can also set integer and state variables. Changing a state variable can trigger programs. So you can do pretty much anything with it. Others may also be able to point you to better documentation or best practices.
  4. I have a very lightly used standard Polisy that I bought within the last year (I took it out of the box and upgraded a few times but it has sat unplugged for the last 2-3 months). My ISY994i serves my current needs so I'd also be glad to sell it and then get an eisy when I need a new box.
  5. Yes the LED indicators can be turned off in the ISY Admin Console.
  6. I have not been a fan of what Insteon's previous managements did with the product line. So I feel like I should say something nice about Insteon when I have the chance. Some years ago I bought a couple of 2663 outlets because I thought separately controlled outlets might come in handy. Today I installed one in a temporary application and was pleasantly surprised by the look and feel -- unobtrusive control buttons, tamper resistance (i hadn't focussed on this when I bought it) and of course it just works with ISY. I haven't explored whether it's possible to turn off the LED indicators (as it is with the wall dimmers -- a very useful feature for young guests who are extremely light sensitive at night)
  7. Too bad there's no confidence about PLM pro future. I have several PLMs I would sell on Ebay to people who need them if I were confident that the PLM pro would be available in a reasonable period of time. Insteon leadership should realize that there is benefit to them from releasing the hoarded PLMs that I and others have and firm up their plans and public commitment to the PLM pro.
  8. Good point. This is one reason my Sonos system operates solely over ethernet cable. But that isn't easy for every installation.
  9. There are a variety of a situations where the Insteon powerline transmission makes things easy that are harder with various RF only systems including wifi, For example: 1) something in a faraday cage (metal cabinet) that has power inside 2) something at a chicken coop or gate or other installation that has power from the same transformer but not any other need for wifi Finally with 2.4 GHZ wifi, no matter how spiffy your own installation, you can still have issues in dense urban areas (apartments or townhouses) owing to channel congestion and poor channel decisions out of the control of a particular user. While there may be solutions to these issues with some forethought, with Insteon it's just a matter of plugging something in. (Well assuming no interference which can be its own hell). I am not advocating one vs. the other, just saying that there are reasons why wifi might not be the best in a particular situation.
  10. I can't think of any argument against this conclusion.
  11. I admire your optimism... what could go wrong? [They may only bring back some devices -- since Smartlabs had already vastly reduced the product list. They may omit the PLM and not license UDI to produce its version. They could go bankrupt again. Lots could still go wrong for people on this list. ]
  12. Thanks. This is the North American product index page -- listing of all certified Zwave products with North American frequency. https://products.z-wavealliance.org/regions/2/categories Lots of products.. Some of which are available!
  13. Thanks! The Zen51 and Zen52 appear to be 1.5 x 1.4" and I don't know how thick so they look micro size. They are 700 /S2 series. Thanks for the direction to Fibaro and Aeotec. The Fibaro Dimmer 2 is slightly larger and is 500 series. Aeotec Nano Dimmer is 2.9" x 2.9" x 1.1" and also 500 series. I see on the site linked by Techman that Silicon Labs is already out with 800 series modules that are available to be incorporated into products. ... haven't looked at whether that means 700 series stuff will become somewhat obsolete or whether 800 series just allows longer battery life or something.
  14. Thanks for this @lilyoyo1 With all the interest right now in moving from Insteon to Zwave (or adding Zwave devices to an Insteon system), It would be great to have a table that shows closest equivalents to the various Insteon devices -- I had the impression that Z-wave was mostly switches and outlets.. It looks there is more than I had assumed (for example. sensors). I have seen the Zen17 recommended as a replacement for the Insteon IO module. I was wondering are there Z-wave plus or (better) 700 series equivalents to the Insteon Micro On/Off, Micro Dimmer, and Micro Open/Close modules? Though they are not exact replacements I see the Zooz Z51 could work instead of the Micro On/Off and the Z52 instead of the Micro Open/Close. I looked at a few other brands but haven't yet found a Zwave 700 equivalent to the Insteon micro dim.
  15. @CPrince There is nothing special about that triac, though they do seem to be out of stock. Digikey has 174 of the 800 volt version of that triac in stock for $1.97 each Quantity 1 https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/littelfuse-inc/BTA16-800CW3G/1961059 Just gives you an extra safety margin compared to the 600 volt version
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