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Everything posted by Scott847

  1. Just tried a couple of times and the ISY didn't catch an unlock - still showed Locked in the console. I'll test more thoroughly tomorrow and monitor with a Z-Wave Toolbox device that can listen in on Z-Wave traffic.
  2. Overall my Schlage BE469NX is working pretty well reporting status and being able to lock/unlock although it's too far from the ISY to have a direct connection. Per Michel's note I haven't yet done a heal after installing the new Z-Wave dongle. This is from Network Details: - Last working route from ISY to Node 45 - ZW 045 Schlage Door Lock -- Node 16 - ZW 016 Siren However, I'm getting some error indications. This appears in the event log when I query it: Sat 07/14/2018 04:20:09 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP 45.000] Query device when awake ZW045_1 Sat 07/14/2018 04:20:17 PM : [ZWAVE-MISC ] ZW045_1 : Schlage : Unrecognized 0x06FE Sat 07/14/2018 04:20:21 PM : [ZWAVE-MISC ] ZW045_1 : Schlage : Unrecognized 0x07FE Sat 07/14/2018 04:20:23 PM : [ZWAVE-MISC ] ZW045_1 : Schlage : Unrecognized 0x09FE
  3. "Alexa, do you like Siri?" "Siri's a great app, but I'm different."
  4. Hmmm... my experience was different. Coincidentally I'm working on a program like this and found that a query was necessary to detect a failure or power outage affecting a switch. Following are my programs using ISY firmware 4.5.1. When state variable $s_Warning_Code is greater than zero another program sends me an email. *** PROGRAM: Check Hourly Daytime - [Run At Startup] If From 9:00:00AM To 10:30:00PM (same day) Then Repeat Every 1 hour Set 'Devices / Basement / Ventilation Fan' Query Wait 20 seconds Set 'Devices / Basement / Dehumidifier ZW030' Query *** PROGRAM: Monitor Dehumidifier If Status 'Devices / Basement / Dehumidifier ZW030' is not Responding Then Wait 1 minute $s_Dehumidifier_Switch_Failed = 1 $s_Warning_Code = 9 Else $s_Dehumidifier_Switch_Failed = 0 *** PROGRAM: Monitor Ventilation Fan If Status 'Devices / Basement / Ventilation Fan' is not Responding Or Status 'Devices / Basement / Ventilation Fan' is Off Then Wait 1 minute $s_Ventilation_Fan_Failed_or_Off = 1 $s_Warning_Code = 8 Else $s_Ventilation_Fan_Failed_or_Off = 0
  5. There's a way to avoid the need for a monitor and keyboard completely. You're probably familiar with following key steps but for benefit of first-time RPi users: Instead of using NOOBS to install Raspbian Linux, download the Raspbian image directly at https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ Write image to a micro SD card using Win32DiskImager and insert into your RPi Connect RPi to your LAN using an Ethernet cable and plug in power - it will grab an IP address from your router with name "raspberry pi" Connect to the RPi using PuTTY (SSH terminal emulator software) with host name "raspberry pi" (or you can log into your router to look up the IP address it assigned) Log in with user "pi" password "raspberry" Run "sudo raspi-config" to expand file system and other config tasks such as changing password, host name, locale, timezone, etc. Run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade" to update to latest software There are some reliability issues with WiFi but if you want to move it from Ethernet attached to WiFi: sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf Add to bottom of wpa_supplicant.conf for each WiFi network, in order of priority with highest number being the first selected: network={ priority=90 ssid="Your_SSID" psk="Your_wifi_password" } To power off RPi: sudo shutdown -h now Or to reboot: sudo shutdown -r now
  6. Barry, are you familiar with the "supervisor" Linux app? It can be used instead of modifying rc.local. A big advantage is the ability to start and stop individual apps as needed without rebooting the RPi. I haven't yet loaded your configurator and the BWS emulator but it should work with the RPi network active when it auto-starts apps. To install: - sudo apt-get install supervisor Then create a configuration file for each application you want to start/control in /etc/supervisor/conf.d, in your case one config file for each emulator instance you're running. Following for example, is the configuration file for a Python app I run (file is /etc/supervisor/conf.d/rpi-app-01.conf). [program:rpi-app-01] command=python /home/pi/app/bas901-0.1.1.py 2302 27 user=root numprocs=1 autostart=true autorestart=true startsecs=20 startretries=99 This will auto-start when the RPi is booted. To manually stop or start: - sudo supervisorctl stop rpi-app-01 - sudo supervisorctl start rpi-app-01 To see error logs: - sudo supervisorctl tail rpi-app-01 - sudo supervisorctl tail rpi-app-01 stderr To see status of all supervisor jobs: - sudo supervisorctl status To update supervisor after changing a config file: - sudo supervisorctl update
  7. Normally there are both a "Multilevel Sensor" device and a "Motion Sensor" device for the MultiSensor 6. In programs you can monitor for motion using either device and either control or status. Similar to your situation I think I had one case where ISY didn't get a "motion off" so the Motion Sensor device showed On but the Multilevel Sensor device showed 0%. Since then I've mainly been relying on status of the Multilevel Sensor. Following is an example of a normal trace showing changes for the Multilevel Sensor ZW017_1 and Motion Sensor ZW017_155 when motion is sensed and four minutes later when the motion timer expired: Sun 12/06/2015 12:21:08 PM : [ ZW017_1] ST 100 (uom=51 prec=0) Sun 12/06/2015 12:21:08 PM : [ ZW017_1] DON 100 (uom=51 prec=0) Sun 12/06/2015 12:21:08 PM : [ ZW017_155] ST 100 (uom=78 prec=0) Sun 12/06/2015 12:21:08 PM : [ ZW017_155] DON 100 (uom=78 prec=0) Sun 12/06/2015 12:25:07 PM : [ ZW017_1] ST 0 (uom=51 prec=0) Sun 12/06/2015 12:25:07 PM : [ ZW017_1] DOF 0 (uom=51 prec=0) Sun 12/06/2015 12:25:08 PM : [ ZW017_157] DOF 0 (uom=78 prec=0) Sun 12/06/2015 12:25:08 PM : [ ZW017_155] ST 0 (uom=78 prec=0) Sun 12/06/2015 12:25:08 PM : [ ZW017_155] DOF 0 (uom=78 prec=0)
  8. My Aeotec MultiSensor 6 is currently Z-Wave device #17. Following are the formatted and raw output for temperature: ${sys.node.ZW017_1.CLITEMP} returns "70.80° F" ${sys.node.ZW017_1.CLITEMP.raw} returns "70.80" One way to find codes such as CLITEMP is to look in the ISY Event Viewer. These codes show up each time Z-Wave devices report in.
  9. I believe the single speed reference is saying that the furnace will only run at a single speed for heating or cooling. The multiple speed reference is to the PSC motor tap speed options that are set during installation for cooling and heating - the selected taps set the heating and cooling fan speeds, which results in the designed air delivery CFM. The installation manual for the 59SC2A has an important note in all caps (see below). The cooling CFM is set to balance efficiency and dehumidification while avoiding freezing the evaporator coil. The heating CFM is set most importantly to avoid overheating due to too low CFM and also to keep the static pressure within design limits. The notes also seem to indicate the Continuous Fan setting can only be set to one speed, which is the fan speed used for heating. Sorry for the bad news.... **************** *** 52SC2A installation manual http://dms.hvacpartners.com/docs/1009/Public/00/59SC2A-01SI.pdf -- Note on page 29: "2. Blower speed taps are not always in the same order. Factory default blower connections are as follows: a. Heating airflow --- BLUE (also used for Continuous Fan) b. Cooling airflow --- BLACK (enabled when the Y terminal is energized) ADJUST THE BLOWER SPEED TAPS AS NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER AIR TEMPERATURE RISE FOR EACH INSTALLATION" -- Note on page 74: "3. Continuous Blower Mode When the R--to--G circuit is closed by the thermostat, the blower motor BLWM will operate on HEAT speed. Terminal EAC--1 is energized as long as the blower motor BLWM is energized. During a call for heat, the blower BLWM will stop during igniter warm--up (17 sec), ignition (7 sec), and blower--ON delay (25 sec), allowing the furnace heat exchangers to heat up more quickly, then restarts at the end of the blower--ON delay period at HEAT speed. When the thermostat “calls for cooling”, the blower motor BLWM will operate at COOL speed. When the thermostat is satisfied, the blower motor BLWM will operate an additional 90 sec on COOL speed before reverting back to continuous--blower (HEAT speed). When the R--to--G circuit is opened, the blower motor BLWM will continue operating for an additional 5 sec, if no other function requires blower motor BLWM operation."
  10. Unfortunately a number of furnaces are still PSC motors. I looked up the specs for the furnace Michael had shown in his energy efficiency label and it's a PSC motor (if I read the model number correctly). Carrier 59SC2A Series 100 Furnace: http://dms.hvacpartners.com/docs/1009/public/02/59sc2a-02pd.pdf
  11. At home I have a Carrier Infinity 100,000 BTU furnace with a variable speed ECM fan. The Infinity thermostat allows the fan to run continuously at low, medium or high speeds. I leave it running 24x7 at low speed, which circulates at about 525 CFM (high is about 1250 CFM) and only uses about 40 watts at this speed. Aside from continous filtering it also distributes our fresh air intake of about 100 CFM, and helps keep temperatures stable. The fresh air intake is a separate, not as efficient fan that uses about 33 watts and goes through a separate filter into the furnace air return. The fresh air intake keeps the house slightly positively pressurized, which reduces air infiltration of dust and allergens. If your furnace has an ECM fan and the thermostat can be set to continuous low fan this can help a lot with indoor air quality.
  12. Probably also higher WAF for "Izzy"
  13. In ISY version 4 you can program a few different light levels using only a Z-Wave Aeotec MultiSensor 6. The approach I mentioned in the following thread would work: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/16597-ezio2x4-analogue-mode/?p=147062 And then with ISY version 5 (if I understand the planned enhancements correctly) you'll have more flexibility to set variable lighting based on the MultiSensor 6 light sensor readings.
  14. Wayne, the general approach I mentioned above might work more reliably than calculating a moving average. In the following program example you would adjust the high light level of 75 lux, low light level of 15 lux and time delays to open or close to meet your needs. Most important is that the low light level of 15 lux be lower than the light level right after your shades close to avoid them starting the time delay to open the blinds right after they've closed. Michael, thanks for the info about updating ISY variables from ISY. I was just going to be trying to figure this out for another project I'm working on. **************************** *** PROGRAM #1: Open Blinds If $s_Blinds_Open_Request is 1 And $s_Blinds_Open is 0 Then Wait 45 minutes [send command to open blinds] $s_Blinds_Open = 1 *** PROGRAM #2: Close Blinds If $s_Blinds_Open_Request is 0 And $s_Blinds_Open is 1 Then Wait 10 minutes [send command to close blinds] $s_Blinds_Open = 0 *** PROGRAM #3: Check Light High If Status 'MultiSensor' >= 75 lux (Luminance) Then $s_Blinds_Open_Request = 0 *** PROGRAM #4: Check Light Low If Status 'MultiSensor' <= 15 lux (Luminance) Then $s_Blinds_Open_Request = 1 [Edited: I had delays for open and close reversed - you probably want to close the blinds with less delay than opening]
  15. How will you be using the moving average? The chart I created was from data I sent from ISY to Smart Energy Groups. Data can be exported from there to calculate moving averages but I assume you may be interested in something more real time.
  16. Until Version 5.0 is available I believe there are indirect ways to get values into variables. But this may not be necessary depending on what you want to accomplish. Following for example is a set of three programs that will turn on/off device "Stairway Night Light" based on the luminance value. "s_Stairway_Light" is a state variable that is set to turn the light on or off. The 5 minute timer keeps the light on for at least that many minutes in case lighting is variable and can be adjusted as needed. And the 15 lux turn off level and 10 lux turn on level can also be adjusted as needed. *********** PROGRAM #1: Control Stairway Light If $s_Stairway_Light is 1 Then Set 'Stairway Night Light' On Else Wait 5 minutes Set 'Stairway Night Light' Off PROGRAM #2: Check Light High If Status 'Stairway Sensor' >= 15 lux (Luminance) Then $s_Stairway_Light = 0 PROGRAM #3: Check Light Low If Status 'Stairway Sensor' <= 10 lux (Luminance) Then $s_Stairway_Light = 1
  17. Sounds like I got the same or almost same version as Brian H. The PLM I purchased from Amazon on 6/6/2015 is labeled "2413S V2.1 1514" and has firmware v9E.
  18. My MultiSensor 6 created four devices: - ZW017_104 Binary Sensor - ZW017_155 Motion Sensor - ZW017_1 Multilevel Sensor - ZW017_157 Tamper Alarm Looking at the event viewer it appears when motion is sensed the Motion Sensor is set to Status = On and the Multilevel Sensor is set to Status = 100%.
  19. Have you considered a Z-Wave device with a light sensor like the Aeotec MultiSensor 6? Depending on what you want to accomplish it could be a good solution. Someone asked about its light sensor capabilities and I posted a chart showing some data it reported to the ISY at http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/16323-setup-and-usage-of-aeotec-multisensor-6/?p=145514
  20. The cost of a Raspberry Pi 2 to do temperature and humidity monitoring/logging is currently $79. An external monitor, keyboard and mouse aren't necessary. You can write the Raspbian Linux image to the microSD card and connect to it using PuTTY or some other SSH terminal software. The first time the Pi boots it will be "raspberry pi" on your network and many routers will allow you to connect using that host name (or you can log into your router to see what IP address was set by DHCP). After logging in the initial setup command is: sudo raspi-config. Component costs on Amazon are: $70 CanaKit Pi 2 Starter Kit (Pi2, 8 GB MicroSD, WiFi Adapter, Power Supply, Case) + $9 for a DHT22 temp/hum sensor (SMAKN DHT22 AM2302). This doesn't include the breadboard, wires and a pull-up resistor shown in the photo. This is a photo of a Raspberry Pi I set up this afternoon to log to Smart Energy Groups. I'm using an Edimax WiFi adapter here but so far I've found it interchangeable with the WiFi adapter included in the CanaKit Starter Kit (except this one doesn't stick out as much). I've been testing the emonTH, which is a wireless, battery-powered remote temperature sensor. It can use DHT22 (temperature and humidity) and/or DS18B20 (temperature only) sensors. The DHT22 specs are RH range 0-100%, +/- 2% (max 5%), temperature -40 to 80 Celsius, +/- 0.5. Current cost for an emonTH with a DHT22 sensor and case is 32.30 GBP ($50 USD). The RFM69Pi device on the Raspberry Pi side can communicate with multiple emonTH's and costs 15.50 GBP ($24 USD). More about this at http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/modules/emonTH Getting back to the OP question, so far I've found the Aeotec MultiSensor 6 that Teken had mentioned is pretty good if you calibrate the temperature and humidity readings using its Z-Wave configuration parameters.
  21. Oops, already all gone at that price...
  22. It's on sale now for $129.99, $50 off the normal $179.99 price.
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