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Everything posted by sorka
It's not another program. Sorting the run time shows that's the ONLY program that ran recently when it happened and there is no other program that calls that program.
It runs every day if the garage door is already open. So maybe that's a bug since it shouldn't unless the status actually changes which it isn't. This didn't used to happen. The program has been unchanged for 10 years and this issue only started happening after updating to v5.
The below program triggers every day at 10 minutes after sunset if I have a garage door open. How can I make it so the time range is not a triggering even but simply a condition check when either door status is switched off? Do I create a parent folder that just has the time range only and put the program in that? Garage Door Night Opens - [ID 0015][Parent 0010] If From Sunset + 10 minutes To Sunrise - 10 minutes (next day) And ( 'Garage Door 2-Status' is switched Off Or 'Garage Door 1-Status' is switched Off ) Then Run Program 'Front Flood Timer Override' (If) Set 'Breezeway' On Set 'Garage Main' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Here's a 2.5 I just got today. Note, they're not shipping quite yet so don't expect a 2.5 if you just order the normal way. C7 and C13 are definitely the larger 100 uF ones that folks have been upgrading on their own. The others don't look to have changed but I was basing that off of visual comparison of photos of older units.
Let's call it verified once I actually get it. They told me in January when it last failed that they were replacing it with a 2.5. But it's probably a pretty good bet this time that it is what they say. As soon as I get it I'll take a side by side phones of the board.
Is Insteon the only home automation lighting solution where there is no middle man when it comes to scenes?
I heard from Smarthome today. One of the engineers called me directly to confirm my address so he could send me a 2.5. Different than the normal advanced replacement thing where they have you send me back the old PLM. He asked me to destroy the 2.4 unit instead of sending it back. He said that the capacitors in the 2.5 unit have been upgraded over the 2.4. I guess it goes without saying that I'll open it up to do a quick side by side with the 2.4.
I was told last week by Insteon support that 2.5's are not yet released. Without reading through all 20 pages of this thread, is there a single place one can goto that has a good summary, parts list, step by step, etc on how to make this repair? Mine is a version 2.4 and it's the second 2.4 that has failed on me.
Well drat, nearly everything you said that z-wave doesn't do or do as well as Insteon pretty much makes z-wave a non starter. Will RadioRA2 work with ISY?
It's plugged directly into an outlet in a well ventilated non enclosed area. The location of the PLM and the ISY have changed locations in the house several times since PLMs replaced PLCs. The failure rate is unchanged on the current PLM vs older PLMs and other locations. I've never had the previous PLC fail in the roughly 6 or 7 years prior to having PLMs. In the 1000+ electronics I've had in this house, I've had very few fail and I've never had any device fail repeatedly like the PLM has. Are 2.4 failure rates really almost non existent?
Reliablity of hardware and communications? Scenes? Insteon scenes have always work really well and the ability to link devices to each other so that basic scenes and ramp rates etc all work without the need of any controller.
I'm at the end of my wits with Smarthome. Every PLM I've had since they came out has failed. Smarthome has always replaced them if still under warranty which means that the first failure more than two years after a purchase I have to pay out right and then start the warranty clock all over. The last one I bought was in March of last year. That one failed in January. It was a 2.4 and they replaced it with a 2.4(although they told me they were replacing it with a 2.5. The replacement failed a few weeks ago. The symptom is the typical lost-all-links issue where the PLM's memory gets wiped and you stop receiving unsolicited events from devices. You can still control devices from the ISY but the ISY won't respond to sensor opening or lights switch status change events. Doing a count on the number of PLM links shows zero. I then do a restore on the PLM and the links are back and everything works for a few days and then the links get wiped out again. The problem often starts several weeks before it gets bad and a restore works for a few weeks. Then it it accelerates and only lasts a few days. Smarthome said that 2.4 doesn't have this issue like 2.3 and earlier revisions and that they've already replaced the unit. My case has been referred for additional evaluation. I was initially told I'd be notified in 24 hours of their decision. That was nearly a week ago and 3 emails later asking what's taking them so long have been met with silence. I'm ready to go full z-wave replacement at this point. It was one thing to have a PLM fail every 6 months to a year and for me to have to call just once to get an advance replacement but now they are wasting a huge amount of my time.
Fired up the Fibraro unit last night, paired with the ISY and started playing. The z-wave range is not very good. It had to be within 15 feet or so of the ISY to not constantly lose the link. Perhaps that's because I don't have other z-wave devices to form a mesh. So minus one for the z-wave solution so far. First thing I did was side by side comparison of the minimum light level. I set both MH and z-wave to 1% for WW. The z-wave at 1% actually looks like 1%. I needed to go to about 7% to get it to be as bright as the MH controller at 1%. So the PWM mapping curve of percent to actual output is far better on the z-wave controller. No comparison. Now perhaps 1% on the Magic Home app isn't really 1%? Is there tcp binary NR command that would set WW to 1% from the ISY on the MH that I could quickly test out? If new for sure that I couldn't get the strips dimmer on the MH controller, than there's no reason to mess with getting polyglot up and running as that takes the wifi mh controller out of the running. Other z-wave plus - It seems like I can get a z-wave touch panel remote which my wife would actually use. She won't use an app and that appears to be the only way to use the MH controller if you want to just set a color by eye. One the downside, it seems there's no app or z-wave to wifi gateway that would allow me to pick colors on my phone. I prefer the app. My wife prefers the physical touch pad remote. Scenes are someone messed up and there's only one aspect scenes that actually work at all. I can add RGBW channels to a scene and say call it purple and set the on percent for blue and red and off for green and white. If I select the "On" button in the scene, all channels go to their specified presets. That works. All the other buttons (fast on, fast off, brighten dim fade up/down, etc all ignore the presets and just turn on or up or off all channels together. It's totally busted. If I add a switchlinc dimmer to the scene as a controller. It sort of kinda of works but not really. I press and hold to dim up, the strip brightens and then dims and then brightens multiple times as the switchlinc heads up to 1%. I also can't set the on level (tap up once) on the switchlinc in the scene. I of course undertand why. This is not a level that is actually stored in the switch but in the responders in that scene. This is why you can have multiple controllers with different on levels in the same scene where the responders respond to each of the controllers to their initial tap up once on values. It has nothing to do with the ISY. The ISY is just programming the many to many mapping links in the insteon devices so all the scene stuff would still work even if you unplugged the ISY. BUT, there's no reason the ISY can't simulate all of this in a mixed z-wave/insteon scene. It would just require the ISY be up and running. If I set the scene to x% in a program, it just turns all channels on 100%. Totally broken. What I was able to do was create a program that sets whatever RGBW channels I want to follow the status % of the switchlinc, so in that way, I was able to link a switchlinc to control the RGBW strip and have it follow precisely the on level of the switchlinc, but it delays until you stop pressing the switchlinc at which point it then sets the strip to the value of the switchlinc. No continuous following(can he mh via polyglot do that). The biggest thing the z-wave controller has over the MH right now is that it can start at very low brightness and I can create a very gradual dim up or dim that has no sudden on or off at the bottom. Are there any other MH compatible controllers that might use a different mapping? is it possible there's a command in the protocol that would allow modifying the on % to PWM output level that I could send with an NR?
Good info there. Question, can I set the the RGBW levels of a led strip in a program? For instance, I can set an insteon device to the value of a variable and I could simulate a very slow ramp down but running a program from 100% down to 0% if I had to. If I wanted the RGWB strip to slowly dim over the course of 5 minutes, would I be able to use an Insteon program looping to decrement each channel a little every 5 seconds?
Going PWM dimmable power supply certainly ups the cost: https://www.amazon.com/PowerNex-PWM-120-24-output-power-supply/dp/B01515L67E x 4 ...although they don't need to be anywhere near that kind of power since one for each channel. Hopefully a good search will turn up smaller less expensive units.The NR would certainly be a feasible work around for some aspects but you can't set the ramp rate in the formatted NR or can you? Would really love to hear from folks using polyglot or z-wave. I did order the Fibraro z-wave unit to try it out and it does what i need including mixing with insteon scenes, then I'll just stick with that. The LEDenet MH controller is very unimpressive. Setting WW to 1% on the app results in about 10% illumination. No flickering but a very hard start when turning it on.
Ultimately, in the end, if I can't get the kind of scene level control that I have with insteon, I'll buy 4 of these, https://www.amazon.com/PLUSPOE-Dimmable-Transformer-Flexible-Standard/dp/B075Y2RFTD, and combine them with 4 Insteon inline dimmers and then I'll have complete scene level and ramp level of control of each and every channel.
The scenes I'm referring are the one's I make on the ISY. So far, from my research, it appears that z-wave devices will work perfectly as responders when added to scenes with Insteon devices. Will the LEDenet controllers do the same? Also, does anyone know the answer to my question above about getting notified by either z-wave or MH controller so I can disable my motion triggered program?
Does that mean scenes will work as expected with RGBW where the RGBW (all 4 channels) can be set for that light strip node dropped into an insteon scene? Also, I activate different indirect lighting scenes around the house via motion detection. The motion sensors aren't part of the scene. The motion sensors trigger programs where I'll turn a scene on for a ramp up over several seconds. I'm in the process of replacing these lighting devices with RGBW strips. When I manually set a color, say from the Magic Home App, is there any way to detect this in an ISY program so I can override the motion activation program and ignore it for a set period of time?
OK, so I have a bunch of LEDenet strips installed using the Magic Home LEDenet controller: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DY56N8U Fairly unimpressed at this point. The app doesn't allow you to create scenes for the W, just RGB so I can't set a ramp rate when turning on the WW leds. Perhaps this is just a limitation of hte app itself. So it occurs to me I should have done a bit more due diligence when choosing a solution. Fortunately the RGBW led strips can be run off pretty much any RGBW controller. It's nice to have an app or remote where I can select a custom color quickly. But I also absolutely need the following and NRs aren't going to cut it given how much time I'd spend messing with them to deal with scenes mixed in with other insteon devices. What I need is a solution where I can add an RGBW light strip to an ISY scene with other insteon devices and be able to set the RGBW levels and ramp rates for the that RGBW device in the scene that I've added it to. Just like I can with any other insteon device that is a single channel, but in this case 4 channels per device. Before I go and spend the time to get the polyglot Magic UFO stuff in stalled on my Synology in a docker container, I'd hate to go through the trouble only to discover that I can't mix RGBW lights in basic ISY scenes. Will either the polyglot or z-wave solution allow this? Will both or do neither offer this?
Lots of good info. Question, I don't see magic home in the nodeserver list. Running v0.9.31.
So my problem is that when I was selecting the little right arrow for the source to assign to the variable, it was cycling between Number, Variable, and System. After restarting the UI, I now see a fourth option which is the device pulldown along with status. So with that I can do what I wanted.
Using either CAI 8 or Insteon thermostats. Same issue. There is no way to assign the temperature value from either of these to a variable.
Such a seemingly simple task that I can't figure out how to do. I need to activate a program when the difference between two temperature values exceeds a threshold...say greater than 10F difference. I can easily check a temperature value in an if statement that it is relative to some absolute value or even another variable.. If I could just assign a variable the value of the temperature sensor + an offset, then I'd be able to do it. So what's the trick? What am I missing to be able to do something so basic?
Just for reference, the z-wave module: https://www.amazon.com/Fibaro-Micro-Controller-Z-wave-Strips/dp/B00P1N68FW
Been waiting for Insteon to come out with a low voltage x 3 output device that could be attached to RGB controllers that have low volage RGB inputs but I haven't seen anything. Besides using an IR linc or something which I'd rather avoid doing, are there any hardwired solutions using either Insteon or z-wave that would allow me to control RGB strip lighting and set 0-255, 0-255,0-255 levels arbitrarily from scenes so I could create different scenes with specific RGB values?