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Everything posted by LeeG
mr4js It is expensive but Monterey Instruments makes an X10 Power Line Signal Analyzer. This is a tool specific to X10. Shows noise levels, X10 signal strength, records a history of X10 activity. I have had this one for years. Lee
oskrypuch There is no need to poll the Inputs for status of the EZIOxx device. Prior to 2.8.1 the varying size of internal PLM memory was causing the link records the ISY established for receiving Input state changes were not working. Starting with 2.8.1 the ISY determines the internal PLM memory size when an SHN device is added to the ISY. There is a hole in the EZIOxx device support. The ISY supports configuring the output relay delay time on the I/O Linc. This is necessary when controlling the garage door opener. The ISY does not have support to configure the EZIOxx output timers. The free Simplehomenet Utility Suite can be used to do the configuration. The SHN Utility requires a PC running windows software and a PLC, PLM or EZSrve for powerline interface. Lee
detrotdr There should be no linking of devices directly. The “Start Linking†is for adding a device to the ISY. It is not used for anything else. Use Link Management | New Scene to define an ISY Scene. Then right click on a ControLinc button and select Add to Scene .... Select the Scene name the ControLinc button should be added to. It will be added as a Controller as the ControLinc is a controller only device. Then right click on the device that you want to act as the Responder to the Scene. Select Add to Scene ... and name the Scene. Depending on whether the Responder device is responder only or both a controller and responder, set the Responder device as a Responder to the Scene. When the Scene information is written into the respective devices, Controller and Responder, the ControLinc button will control the Responder. Also the ISY status display for the ControLinc button and the Responder device will change as the ControLinc button is pressed On and Off. The ISY PLM is both a Controller and a Responder. You do not define the ISY PLM specifically in an ISY Scene . The ISY will automatically add the necessary links to the ISY PLM that are required for it to be notified when device state changes occur. EDIT: it is not necessary to feel your way through this process. The ISY User Guide on page 20 describes how to define an ISY Scene and how to add Controllers and Responders to ISY Scenes. Lee
mjtyson Don’t know when it happened but at 2.8.13 the On only mode: is backward from the description in the popup. Put a check in the middle box to get On and Off commands. When unchecked the motion sensor is operating in On only mode. I confirmed this with both by checking the option bit that is being set in the motion sensor configuration and I get On and Off commands when the middle option is checked. I'll pass this on to UDI support. Thanks for finding this change. To enter linking mode, press and hold the motion sensor Set button for 5 seconds. Do not press the Set button again until the options have been read and written. You can let the motion sensor time out of linking mode or press the Set button twice. EDIT: the wording regarding checked/unchecked for On Only mode on the popup was reversed at 2.8.13 (which actually makes more sense) but the code was not changed to match the wording change. Lee
mjtyson There are differences between V1 and V2 motion sensors. V1 MS do not have a functional Jumper 5. The 2.8.13 image supports the V2 Motion Sensors. What are the exact options for each of the 6 motion sensor options. It sounds like they are in On Only mode when no Off commands are being issued. Or perhaps in Night Only mode so no new motion commands are sent until dusk setting is reached. With Jumper 5 in place press the MS Set button until the LED is flashing (linking mode) and then click Set Options. That will read the current options in the motion sensor. Lee
smurt For any Controller to cause a Responder to turn On or Off directly (not under ISY Program control), the Controller must have a Scene defined which contains the Controller device as a Controller of the Scene and the Responder device as a Responder of the Scene. For the Motion Sensor example it is a Controller of a Scene and Switch is a Responder of the Scene. The ISY is not aware of the Motion Sensor turning on the Switch unless the ISY PLM is also a Responder to the same Scene. The ISY automatically makes the ISY PLM a Responder for all the ISY Scenes that are created. Then the Motion Sensor not only turns on the Switch, it also notifies the ISY PLM (and therefore the ISY) that the Scene has been turned On and the ISY will reflect the necessary device status changes based on the Scene definition. Links that have been established by other than the ISY will not have this automatic notification of the ISY. It sounds like the ISY PLM links may have been lost during the process of updating the various images. Do a Tools | Diagnostics | Show PLM Links Table and then click on Compare when the Show is complete. This will compare the links that exist in the PLM against what the ISY thinks should be there. If there are missing or mismatches, do a File | Restore Modem (PLM). This operation could take some time to complete. Lee
If there are Scene updates pending all devices have to be updated at the same time to complete the Scene. Perhaps requesting a Write Updates to Devices for each device that has pending changes will allow all the pending operations to be completed.
All Scenes (links) must be done by the ISY for it to be aware of device state changes by another device. Don't know how far you have gone with establishing manual links outside of the ISY. Suggest deleting all the devices from the ISY, doing factory reset on the devices (NOT the ISY), add the devices back deleting existing links. Then use ISY Scenes to link devices together. Do not do manual linking outside of the ISY.
How were the Scenes (links) established between the Switch (controller) where the paddle is pressed and the device that is changing state which is not reflected in the Admin Console?
I would have thought that all pending operations would have been done but maybe not. Try doing the same Write Updates to Device again. Perhaps there are multiple changes pending and only one at a time will be attempted. What firmware level is running on the ISY?
Mainiac Look at Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Info/Status. The popup should show the PLM Connected. Right click on a node with the green icon and select Write Updates to Device. It should not be necessary to delete a device and add it back. Lee
One is simply retrieving information, the other is writing information (query command). From another post that was solved .... Would you please try the following on the computers with Kaspersky: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=4306
jkraus The RemoteLinc may have locked up rather than actually lose the link database. Next time it happens remove one of the batteries for 30 seconds to see if it works after restoring the battery. Could try a new set of batteries as well. Odd behavior is not uncommon when the batteries are low. Lee
mr4js You have a powerline communication problem with X10 signals. The X10 messages would have appeared as entries in the event viewer if the X10 signals were reaching the ISY PLM. Could be a coupling problem. Insteon devices do not couple X10 signals. Could be poor communication between the KeypadLinc and the PLM location. The X10 messages must appear in the event viewer trace before they can be used in ISY Programs. Lee
mr4js use Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer selecting Device Communications Events. Send the X10 message and post what is shown in the Event Viewer. Lee
With no regard to anything specific to your installation there are a set of things to consider in all cases. ISY PLM plugged into a surge suppressing power strip. PC/UPS power supplies attenuating the Insteon signals at the source (ISY PLM). Test for this is to change the plug point of the PLM with an extension cord. Noisy appliances. Unplug (not turn Off) as many as can be. CFLs, LEDs, fluorescence’s can create interference. Insure none are On. Wired Insteon devices can be easily isolated by pulling the air gap switch. This removes the device and any associated load from the powerline.
The ControLinc is a Controller Only device (same as a Remotelinc). The Admin Console is showing the last command issued by the respective ControLinc button. The ControLinc has no Responder capability. It cannot be assigned as a Responder nor can its status be changed by another Controller.
Ditto. Perfect install.
What is the Program doing when triggered by 13.ed.1a? What are the Scenes doing if invoked from the above Program? Michel, There is a 0x46 command sent to a motion sensor. My OLD command document lists that as an I/O command and the Event Viewer trace tags the command as IOOFF Wed 01/26/2011 05:23:23 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 14.1B.2E 0F 46 00 06 IOOFF (00) Why would that command be sent to a motion sensor? Lee
There is nothing from 14.1B.2E that looks abnormal at the beginning of the trace. At 05:23:20 PM a sequence from 13.ED.1A starts. This looks like a motion sensor motion On. What is 13.ED.1A ? At Wed 01/26/2011 05:23:21 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.23 CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00) Scene 0x23 decimal 35 is turned On. At Wed 01/26/2011 05:23:22 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.23 CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00) Scene 0x23 decimal 35 is turned On again. What is this Scene doing? At Wed 01/26/2011 05:23:23 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 14.1B.2E 0F 46 00 06 IOOFF (00) a command is issued to 14.1B.2E you indicate is a motion sensor. The command code is 0x46 which is an unusual command in and of itself and the motion sensor cannot react because the motion sensor is sleeping.
Jcanter As Michel has already indicated that is a Scene (Group) Off for Scene (Group) 0x17 decimal 23. The 00 00 17 is the Scene (Group) number. You can issue the following command in a browser and get a list of the Scenes in the ISY. Look for an entry with a 23. The devices listed below it will be the devices in the Scene. If MS messages are being block during this Scene for 5 seconds it normally indicates one or more of the responders is not responding to the Scene (Group) Off. It takes a few seconds for the Controller to retry the Off command multiple times to a non responding device. A Scene normally completes very quickly. Example of a Scene displayed by the above Rest command 16833 SceneKPL3Ramp30 59 K07 - 14 71 3C 1 B 4A AD 4 I issued the following Rest command which turns Off the above Scene SceneKPL3Ramp30. This Scene has a deviceGroup 59 hex 0x3B which produced the following Event entry Wed 01/26/2011 02:14:10 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.3B CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) By knowing the Scene you should be able to determine what is turning the Scene Off. Scene On/Off activity is normal. Just depends on whether that Scene should be turning Off at that point. Lee
If you can run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer and select Device Communications Events. Post the event output after walking past an MS. Perhaps by looking at the commands executed we can tell what is happening.
Jay Do you have small green icons to the left of the motion sensor node entries in the My Lighting tree? It sounds like there are pending updates to the motion sensors which cannot be completed until they are put into linking mode and a Write Updates to Device is performed. Lee
aanthony There was a link record missing in the KeypadLinc. For two Insteon devices to stay in sync with the LEDs and load control, the two devices have to be cross-linked. The KeypadLinc Secondary button is linked as a Controller with the SwitchLinc as a Responder. Also the SwitchLinc is linked as a Controller with the KeypadLinc Secondary button as a Responder. It is this link that was not functional. It is very rare for a link record to get lost or corrupted but it does happen. A power glitch that causes the KeypadLinc to lose power for a very small amount of time. Linking outside of ISY can also create link record problems. Probably never identify why it happened and again it is a very rare occurrence. The solution is exactly what you did, restore the KeypadLinc link database. Lee
The steps you listed are different from the steps UDI published at the beginning of this topic for installing 2.8.11. Have you tried doing an install following the steps UDI published?