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Everything posted by LeeG

  1. TJF1960 Great Job! That is the best evaluation a device problem I have ever seen. Thanks for the effort and the feedback. Lee
  2. This is more an FYI in case you ever go back and try the EZIO6I again. When you factory reset the EZIO6I and then linked it back to the ISY PLM, that would have lost the Group number assignments to the Inputs. Without that the EZIOxx device will send Broadcast messages which the ISY does not trace. The SHN Utility is not designed as a general Insteon message trace. Without the setup left over from some previous SHN Utility function in that session the Broadcast messages would not be traced there either. Just some possibilities if you every do go back. Once a factory reset is done the Group numbers have to be manually set to the Group number convention used by the ISY (different than the default used by the EZIOxx device) or the device deleted and added to the ISY so the ISY will set the Group numbers. Once Inputs 5 & 6 were set back to the default digital mode, connecting the Inputs to GND should have locked those inputs to an ON state and stopped even the Broadcast messages. Could well be an issue with the EZIO6I but it is an odd symptom for both the digital and analog circuitry to fail. If you ever do go back I would be glad to work with you to see if we can get the problem resolved.
  3. TJF1960 Is the EZEye digital or analog output being used and on what EZIO6I Input. If using one of the analog Inputs and you set the Configuration Register to Enable Analog Inputs, what are the Analog Trip Point values for that specific Input. Could be an EZIO6I problem but it sounds more like the EZEye digital output is being used or the analog output is being used and the analog trip points are set too close together. Lee
  4. There is a My Lighting Scene that contains the devices in the My Lighting tree. Set the My Lighting Scene Off in the Away Program.
  5. Define an ISY Scene with KPL button G and H as responders. In the Program turn the Scene On or Off as desired to get both KPL button LEDs On or Off.
  6. CopyRon Depends on the firmware level of the KPL (I do not know the exact firmware level where it changed). Older KPLs used the On/Off state of the LED to control whether the button press resulted in non-toggle On mode or non-toggle Off mode. Later KPLs maintain the non-toggle mode state in internal memory which is not affected by whether the LED is On or not. If you have newer KPLs it will likely work. Lee
  7. jdbaker You want any of the first three If conditions Anded with the From Sunset to Sunrise If ( Control 'PIR Exterior / PIR Chimney' is switched Off Or Control 'PIR Exterior / PIR Garage' is switched Off Or Control 'PIR Exterior / PIR Front' is switched Off ) And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Without explicit parens the result looks like the following with parens ... If Control 'PIR Exterior / PIR Chimney' is switched Off Or Control 'PIR Exterior / PIR Garage' is switched Off Or ( Control 'PIR Exterior / PIR Front' is switched Off And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) ) Then Lee
  8. Without parens the And ony applies to the statement immediately above it. The remainder of the If is evalueted without the From Sunset to Sunrise. Or Control 'PIR Exterior / PIR Front' is switched Off And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day)
  9. TJF1960 When one KPL button does not show Event messages when pressed either a link record in the KPL is missing or in the ISY PLM. Since restoring the KPL did not fix the problem it must have been a missing link record in the PLM. The solution there would be to restore the PLM. Some folks have had success creating a new Scene with that KPL button as a Controller, then delete the new Scene. I have seen this happen before but do not know why the PLM loses the link record. The ISY simply tells the PLM to add/update a PLM link record based on device address and group (Scene) number so it appears to be a PLM issue but that is a very unproven conclusion. Lee
  10. jwshome You are correct on all points. The Local values shown when the Lamp 1 s selected apply when the device is controlled by the device itself (thus Local designation). It is the values the device documentation refers to a Local settings. With Insteon every Controller of a Scene has a unique Responder link record in each Responder device. It is these Responder link records that contain the Bright Level and Ramp Rate in effect when that particular Controller operates the Scene. Thus a potentially different set of values is displayed and saved for each Responder based on the Controller selected. When you click on the Scene name, that represents the ISY (actually PLM) as the Controller. Whenever the ISY, either through the Admin Console or through a Program turn On the Scene, these Bright Level and Ramp Rate values apply. When you click on the KeypadLinc button, that represents the KPL button as the Controller. Whenever the KPL button is pressed, these Bright Level and Ramp Rate values apply. Hope this helps. Lee
  11. You need parens to AND the first If condition with all the others If Status KPL Button is On And ( On Sat From Sunset + 20 minutes To 10:30pm (same day) Or On Sun From Sunset + 36 minutes To 10:43pm (same day) Or On Mon From Sunset + 16 minutes To 10:25pm (same day) Or On Tue From Sunset + 5 minutes To 10:49pm (same day) ) Then Set 'Kitchen Pendants' 70% Else Set 'Kitchen Pendants' Off
  12. mikebreece First, remove the If 12:01am. I don't think you want the motion sensor to trigger the Program only if motion is detected at 12:01 am. From there it depends on what you are trying to accomplish. With the remaining If statements the motion sensor will turn On the Master Bath Main to 30 % between 12:02am and 5:45am when motion is detected. If that is not what you want, what are you trying to accomplish with the Program? EDIT: perhaps this will help. When you AND If conditions, all the conditions must be True for the Then clause to run. Should the Then clause run under multiple conditions, those should be ORed together. If A OR B OR C would run the Then If A is True or B is True or C is True. If A AND B AND C would run the Then if A is True and B is True and C is True. All three conditions must be True for the Then clause to run. Lee
  13. Teken You cannot control a KPL Secondary button individually from the Admin Console. A KPL Secondary button has to be a Responder in an ISY Scene and the Scene turned On and Off to see the KPL LED turn On and Off. Was not sure what you mean by the cleanup messages. The ISY does not use Group Cleanup messages when an ISY Scene is turned On and Off using the Admin Console or Program. If you are running a Scene Test there should be a cleanup message from each responder device. Lee
  14. mikebreece The Program can run only at 12:01am with the first IF condition specified which is not what you want. Plus that is Anded with a window of time 12:02am thru 5:45am which means it will never run because 12:01am does not fall within the 12:02am thru 5:45am window of time. First, does the Motion Sensor Sensor node show On and Off status as motion is detected and the timeout interval expires. Default timeout value is 30 seconds. If the Sensor node is changing from On to Off to On to Off then the motion sensor is telling the ISY about motion and you can rework the If condition. Lee
  15. mikebreece That little Green Icon indicates the ISY has pending changes for the motion sensor. Put the motion sensor into linking mode by pressing the Set button for 4 seconds. You now have approx 4 minutes to right click on the motion sensor node and select Write Updates to Device. Was the mention of the EZSnsRF a finger check? That is a Simplehomenet device for receiving Dakota Alert wireless RF messages. It is not related to the Smarthome Motion Sensor. Lee
  16. Mikebreece Did not know what this means … “So I added this motion sensor to my console when I installed it†When the Motion Sensor is added to the ISY the links necessary for the motion sensor to communicate with the ISY when motion is detected are automatically created. No additional Scenes are necessary. The motion sensor must be in linking mode when added to the ISY. If you invoke Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer and select Device communications events the motion sensor message indicating motion sensed will be traced in the Event Viewer. If the motion sensor messages are in the Event Viewer then the Program is in question. If Insteon messages are not seen in the Event Viewer window when the motion sensor indicates motion (LED blinks Red) then the motion sensor was likely not in linking mode when added to the ISY. Do you see a Green Icon to the left of the motion sensor nodes under My Lighting?
  17. SoCal Rob As a side question, are those low voltage transformers rated for dimming without a special dimmer. Many are not and dimming will shorten the life span of the transformer. Lee
  18. matapan The end user makes the decision which switches should be linked and/or cross-linked. The Insteon device has no knowledge how it will be used. Linking (a Scene) is one way in its most basic form. One Controller and one or more Responders. From Insteon hardware perspective this is called a Group. Switch A – Controller SwitchB – Responder SwitchC – Responder If these three switches are part of a logical 3-way circuit such that they all should stay in sync with each other and all three should be able to control the load then two more sets of links (Scenes/Groups) need to be established. SwitchB – Controller SwitchA- Responder SwitchC – Responder SwitchC – Controller SwitchA – Responder SwitchB – Responder Each of these three link combinations (Scenes/Groups) are independent as far as Insteon hardware is concerned. Put together they logically cross-link the three devices such that any switch can control the load and all three switches stay in sync regarding their status LEDs. The ISY makes this definition very easy. From an ISY perspective define one ISY Scene. Make SwitchA, SwitchB and SwitchC Controllers in that one ISY Scene. That is all that is necessary for the end user to do when using the ISY. When that one ISY Scene definition has been rolled out to the three switches, from the Insteon hardware perspective, three independent Controller/responder Scenes/Groups have been established. Just one of the ways ISY simplifies link management. In some software packages it would be necessary to define three separate link (Scene/Group) definitions. Hope this helps. Lee
  19. matapan You are absolutely correct regarding Scenes and Devices. Sending an Insteon Direct command to an individual device produces very different results from sending an Insteon Group (Scene) command to a Group of Insteon devices. The Insteon architecture does not support a Controller to Responder with the Responder than becoming a Controller to its Responders. Until automation software/firmware became popular there was no Device specific (Insteon Direct command) control. When a button or paddle is pressed it always generates a Group (Scene) message to control the responder(s). As far as device to device control is concerned, a button/paddle press cannot send an Insteon Direct (Device only) message. In a multi-way configuration a Scene (Group) must be used to keep all the devices in sync. Just the way Insteon works. Not something the ISY decided to arbitrarily implement. I am using the term Scene and Group to mean the same thing. The term Scene appears in all the Smarthome sales/retail level documentation because someone thought it made more sense than the term Group. Looking at things from Insteon hardware you will not see the term Scene even appear in the Insteon command document or PLM interface document. Everything is a Group from the perspective of Insteon hardware (which is a Scene in external terms). If the ISY chose a different method of showing a Scene/Device relationship it would be something unique to the ISY, different from all the Smarthome/Smartlabs documentation. Not sure but that might be more confusing. Hope this has not added to the confusion level. Lee
  20. oberkc I agree completely that the Program should work. Knowing if Events are received when the KPL button is pressed would determine whether to back up and look at links and device communication or forward at a Program/Scene issue. Michel is also right in that the solution can be done with a Scene and non-toggle mode eliminating the need for a Program altogether. I think Tom was the first to note the blinking KPL button feature went away. I was sorry to see it go. Likely made room for more functional capability in the KPL. Lee
  21. The flashing KPL button LED when a device fails to respond has been removed from later KPL firmware. A KPL button in non-toggle Off mode will flash a few times to confirm the button has been pressed. So will a non-toggle On mode button. Just the non-toggle Off mode button starts from an LED Off state.
  22. simonsez The Insteon protocol does not have a concept of blind All Off command. Insteon devices must be linked to a Controller (or turned Off individually). The ISY defines a Scene "My Lighting" which can be referenced in a Program. Set Scene My Lighting Off. Lee
  23. LeeG

    How to Video?

    boatfevor Post your Program, there are many helpful folks that will look at it. Also, what type of load is being turned On. Some loads generate enough noise that once turned On, interfere with the Off command. Lee
  24. eddyk I have the same results. The Insteon Direct command issued by a Program or Admin Console does not specify the Ramp Rate. Only the Bright Level can be specified with that command. This Ramp Rate reaction is totally controlled by the KeypadLinc hardware/firmware. Lee
  25. The Battery Devices Icon should be Gray. This stops the ISY from writing to the individual battery devices. The updates are not lost. After the other changes have complete, right click on an RF device, select Write Updates to Device. I don’t have any pending writes but I'm pretty sure a popup will come up directing the device be put into linking mode to wake it up. Do each RF device individually. The only thing that happens if the Battery Device Icon is not Grayed is the ISY will attempt to write, the attempt will fail and the writes will be queued. After that the same right click and select Write Updates to Device is done after putting the RF device into linking mode. By Graying the Icon ahead of time the writes are not attempted to begin with. Just avoids the errors on each RF device because they are asleep. Be sure NOT to Remove PLM.
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