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Everything posted by LeeG
I have not completed my Load Controller test bed as yet. Got distracted with another problem and also found I did not have a 240V On/Off switch in my scrap pile. Have everything in hand now and will have that set up today. I see your point about the difference between the Load Controller controlling a normal Responder versus controlling Scene 1 and Scene 2 Responders based on the state of the load On/Off. I will link up responders for all three conditions and see what the Load Controller is using to differentiate a “normal†Responder from a Scene 1 and/or Scene 2 Responder. Yesterday I was pretty sure there was no support for Scene 2 Responders. Now I’m pretty sure there is no support for either Scene x Responders. Much more objective results later today.
robandcathy First, immediately unstack the units. They cannot dissipate heat buildup when that many units are back to back. You will cook the one in the middle. Okay to stack two total although that is not recommended by Smarthome. Plug in the PLM, then piggyback one unit into the PLM, Run Event Viewer with Change level 3 - Device Communications Events. Run a Query and then an On/Off sequence and post results. Lee
Sorry I was not able to resolve the problem. I think the problems start when the popup with instructions and the Finish button do not display. The ISY and the PLM are in linking mode which is interfering with other functions you are trying to exercise, ie PLM Info, which cannot be done while the ISY and the PLM are trying to detect Insteon devices that have their Set button pressed while in linking mode. It looks like various things are not working when I think it is limited to the fact that Linking mode is active with no visible sign (beyond PLM LED blinking) the Start Linking function was selected. If you want to pick this up in the future I would start with a different browser, perhaps IE, and see if the popup comes up when selecting Start Linking. EDIT: Now that we know it is Vista, is this a 64 bit system. I think I saw a post where both 32 and 64 bit Java has to be installed on a 64 bit machine. I thought it was in the context of Windows 7 64 bit but it may also apply to Vista
ingeborgdot Define an ISY Scene. Add the KeypadLinc button and the RemoteLinc button as Controllers of the Scene. The ISY assumes a device is also a Responder if the device has responder capability. Once the Scene is created either the KeypadLinc button or the RemoteLinc button should control the KPL load. If that was not the desired effect please add some additional information. Thanks. Lee
Okay, great. Once the PLM is put into the mode where it is listening for a device to identify itself (Start Linking) it may not be able to handle other functions. Lets look at what is happening if we stay within the scope of Start Linking. The PLM LED should be blinking and a popup is displayed with instructions to press the Set button on an Insteon device, then click Finish. What happens when you do that. I personally prefer to go the other way. Select New INSTEON Device, enter the device address, name and use Auto Discovery. Might try that approach as well.
Sorry you are having such difficulties. My ISY has been rock solid. UDI has a great warrantee if it turns out something is defective. Was it purchased from UDI or some other source. If you bring up the ISY and do a PLM Info without trying the Start Linking function does the popup display showing Connected or Not Connected. Is the ISY PLM more than a few feet away from the PLM? What operating system are you using?
The other Insteon devices that have/had a Sense line to turn on the device do not have a separate node in the ISY device list. The Sense line is just another way of turning the device On and Off. I am setting up a test bed for my 240V Load Controller NC. There is only the basic node defined in the ISY. The Load Sense capability is just another way for the device to be turned On or Off. The base node can be used as a Controller or a Responder in an ISY Scene, just as a SwitchLinc or InLine Linc w/sense. The Responders linked to the Load Controller node using an ISY Scene would be considered Scene 1 Responders. I don't think the ISY has support for Scene 2 but that is not verified as yet. I linked a device to Scene 2 and can see that the Controller link record in the Load Controller generated by the Set button process is a little different but not sure I did the Scene 2 link correctly. The LED showed the expected color change at each step but the Quick Start guide called for a double blink which I did not get. Not sure if the device I linked as a Responder for Scene 2 was really set up for Scene 2 or just another Scene 1 Responder. I will post again when I have better information.
I unplugged my 2412 PLM, removed the Port A cable, plugged in an external power supply and brought the ISY back up without a PLM. The Power LED and RX LED are On solid which is the expected result when there is a PLM problem. The Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Info popup shows PLM not connected. Since you do not have the RX LED On and I think you said the PLM Info popup is not displaying I am thinking more along the lines of a Java issue (either Java level or cache not cleared) or Admin Console not at the ISY image level. What platform are you on and did the Java cache clear without problems. Nothing using Java can be active or the cache will not be cleared. How are you invoking the Admin Console. If you just enter the IP address of the ISY into a browser window do you get the basic ISY panel. If so try invoking the Admin Console from that initial ISY panel. The select PLM Info.
You are using an external power supply with the ISY? What LEDs are illuminated on the ISY? The PLM Info does not show Connected? There is no setup to the PLM. Simply plug it in. The ISY Port A to the PLM, the ISY Network port to the router, and an external power supply to the ISY power jack since it is a 2413 PLM. Nothing will work correctly until the PLM shows Connected.
Make sure the cables between the PLM and the ISY device are in the correct connectors. The PLM cable is installed in Port A and be sure fully clicked into place on both ends. Might try clearing Java cache as well. Not sure that can be related to PLM connection but it is a common directive. What type PLM are you using? EDIT: did the PLM LED start blinking when Start Linking was selected?
jzgersten Very sorry that did not resolve the problem. As you pointed out in the first trace two of the switches are not showing Insteon traffic and that continues to be the case in the second trace. That either means, as oberkc indicates, there are powerline communication problems that prevent family-rear and family-main switches from communicating with the ISY PLM or somehow the link records were not restored properly. Oberkc has provided good suggestions for identifying a powerline communication issue. There are two things I would like to verify if you are willing. Using Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table display the family-main switch you did a Restore Device for and confirm there is a link record pointing to the ISY PLM. It will look like E2 01 0F.9D.D1 FF 1F 01 This is a Controller link for a paddle press with the PLM address 0F.9D.D1 which should be your PLM address. The FF 1F 01 are information only and not actually used by Insteon. Then do a Tools | Diagnostics | Show PLM Links Table and look for the following …. A2 01 14.A2.4E xx yy zz The is a Responder link where xx yy is the New INSTEON Device, Device Type pulldown [xx.yy] value for the family-main switch, and zz is the family-main switch firmware level. The xx yy zz fields are information only. Insteon does not look at that information to generate a message to the PLM. The 14.A2.4E should be family-main switch Insteon address. If both of these link records exist then there is a powerline communication problem. If either of these link records is missing something has gotten lost in what ISY knows about family-main switch. Lee
jzgersten Great set of information. Thanks. So many times an Event trace is posted and we don't know the addresses of the devices we are looking for. As you concluded the two switches that are not triggering the Program are not showing activity in the Event Viewer. That explains why the Program is not triggering with those two switches. The first step is a right click on one of the switches under My Lighting, selecting Restore Device. The ISY will rebuild the link database in the specific switch. Now see if the Program is triggered by that switch or run the Event Viewer and see if the switch now generates Insteon traffic when the paddle is pressed. If that does not fix the switch, do a File | ISY Backup to get a take a current backup and then File | Restore Modem (PLM) to have ISY restore the PLM link database. Now repeat the switch test again. If the Restore Device resolves the problem the device lost its link records for some reason. If Restore Modem fixes it the PLM lost some link records. Did you replace your PLM recently? Lee
The 02 52 FF 80 (02 52) is the PLM primitive indicating an X10 message segment received from the powerline. There is no way to know the source of the X10 segment from the 02 52 PLM message. The FF byte looks like noise is a possibility. Shutting off breakers or unplugging devices is as good as any technique.
jzgersten If the symptom is still the two ICON Dimmers are not triggering the Program, run the Event Viewer with Change Level 3 - Device Communications Events. Press the paddle of either ICON Dimmer and see if there is Insteon message traffic from the ICON Dimmer. If not, likely a link record problem in the ICON Dimmer or the PLM. Both link records are required for the ISY PLM to be notified of a paddle press. Lee
Illusion An item just came up on the Powerhome forum with a similar situation. A light is turning On with no physical switch interaction. The trace shows the Group Cleanup was sent by the device (at least the PLM message would indicate that) but the initial Group Broadcast message is missing. Did you get any Event Viewer traces of your situation that showed actual device message traffic? I've asked what type of device and firmware level. Lee
Is the NTP server option enabled. Perhaps it is getting the time from NTP and the location is not yet been set to reflect your actual location.
Yes. The primary tstat node plus 3 more for receiving tstat notifications for heat/cool/fan events. That may not be the correct order of the event types to nodes
Paul Great news. Thanks Illusion. Be sure to go back to Automatic mode. That is the exact device I am using on 2.8.6 so you can expect things to work better if/when you upgrade. Lee
The level 3 trace shows the ISY did not actually issue a command to make the change. I guess at 2.7.15 the Event Viewer trace does not show all the activity but if that trace reflects actual events, nothing was actually written to the KeypadLinc. You can try what lllusion did, switch the link management mode and do the toggle mode change again, being sure to change the link management back to automatic regardless of the success or failure of the next button mode test. Another option would be to move to 2.8.6. Exactly what type of Keypadlinc and 6/8 button mode are you using. Another variable could be something different is done with a relay KPL versus the dimmer I am testing with. I don't think 6/8 button mode would matter but I will try that option if that is what you have.
The Midland WR300 is <$50 from several internet sites. I've been using it for 6 months with good reception and reliable alerts. Some times to reliable alerts. My geography is such that 4 counties ( 2 in state, and 2 out of state ) have to be covered with the SAME codes. The Midland radio has an internal alarm for alerts which is loud enough to wake out of a sound sleep. I think the external alert jack is supplying 12V DC during an alert which would directly trigger any of the EZIOxx devices opto-isolated inputs. If using an I/O Linc a relay would be required between the radio and the I/O Linc. I have not found it necessary to turn on lights but I like that idea.
I don't have the weather module so no experience with how real time or local the values are. The problem I see with that approach is lead time. By the time conditions have reached a point of concern it may be too late. Weather radios alert ahead of storms reaching an area. With SAME codes the alerts can be localized. My Midland radio has a jack for an external connection which triggers when an alert is issued. Connecting the radio to something like an I/O Linc or SHN device could provide the Insteon message with more time to react.
paul Next step would be to run Event Viewer in Change level 3 – Device Communications Events. The following trace is from 2.8.6 using 2486D 6 button KeypadLinc Dimmer at v36, setting Secondary Button C to non-toggle Off mode. Tue 11/30/2010 09:36:24 AM : [15 9A F9 1 ] Memory : Write dbAddr=0x0249 [10] Tue 11/30/2010 09:36:24 AM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 15.9A.F9 1F 2E 00 01 08 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) Tue 11/30/2010 09:36:25 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 15.9A.F9 12.9F.E4 2B 2E 00 (00) Tue 11/30/2010 09:36:25 AM : [standard-Direct Ack][15.9A.F9-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Perhaps posting your trace for comparison. Lee
I did not run 2.7.15 long enough to know if there was a problem at that level. I am running 2.8.6. It was not necessary to air gap the v36 level. Had to press the button twice to get it into the proper configuration after setting the non-toggle mode. You are selecting the button in the toggle popup before changing modes? Perhaps someone running 2.7.15 can verify at that image level.
The KeypadLinc button is not in non-toggle mode. After setting the mode try pulling the air gap switch for 30 seconds. Be sure not to push it in past flush to avoid an unexpected factory reset. Did not think toggle mode changes required a power cycle. What firmware level is the KeypadLinc? EDIT: also is the KPL in 6 button or 8 button mode EDIT: I tested a 6 button KPL at v36. Set button C to non-toggle Off mode, after cycling the button once the LED is Off. It flashes when pressed then remains Off. In non-toggle On mode, after cycling the button the LED is On. If flashes when pressed returning to On.
87squirrels That is correct. You will find lots of good information on Program execution in the UDI Wiki. The following is an excerpt from that Wiki .... Statement Execution Order Within the Then or Else clause of a program, statements are executed from top to bottom in the order in which they occur. When a statement calls another program, the called program begins executing, and the calling program immediately continues execution with the next statement in sequence--it does not wait for the called program to complete before continuing. Lee