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Everything posted by LeeG
The address is located on a label affixed to the lower vertical edge of the battery compartment. The lower/bottom battery has to be removed to see it.
The ISY will see each change in Input state without the use of Broadcast messages. Are you having trouble seeing the Input state changes with the ISY. Broadcast messages have the short coming of not being ACKed by any responder so there is no way to know that all or any responder will see a Broadcast message. With a good powerline they work okay but using link records (as the ISY does) and Group commands (which are ACKed and retried if not acknowledged) are the most reliable.
vandede First, if the EZIO6I has been added to the ISY it will not send Broadcast messages. The ISY establishes links with all the EZIO6I Inputs which suppresses all Broadcast messages. Even if the links were not there the ISY does not process the Broadcast messages. With the link records that are automatically written you should see all Input state changes which can be used in Program If statements. Regarding the SimpleHomeNet Utility Suite you would have to move the ISY PLM to a Serial port on the PC and then Connect to the PLM directly using the SHN Utility. This can be done as NO changes are made to the PLM by the SHN Utility but you would not have a functional ISY while the PLM is directly connected to a Serial port on the PC. Lee
The first two bytes of the REST tag x.y…. relate to the value in the [xx.yy] field of the New INSTEON Device Device Type pulldown. The REST value is in decimal. The value displayed in [xx.yy] is in hex.
Kris One – I’m sure this can be done but I’ll leave this to someone who has experience with IR stuff. Two – Correct. Since you are planning a dimmer here, be sure of the load type. Incandescent loads are the type Smarthome supports. Some CFLs will dim to some degree. Some CFLs and low voltage lights should not be dimmed. Also some CFLs generate noise on the powerline which interferes with powerline communication. Three – keep in mind that both switches in a 3 way circuit must be insteon. One can be a KeypadLinc, one can be a SwitchLinc (or ICON). They do not have to be the same type of Insteon device and only the load control device needs to be a dimmer. Four – I have this arrangement with my garage doors. I can close them from the KeypadLinc. Five – Easily done with the ISY. Six – the only problem with water detection is the water sensor itself. Smarthome had a water sensor that was unreliable and withdrew it. I feel certain a reliable sensor can be found. The ISY PLM will likely be a Dual Band device which has the ability to send/receive RF as well as powerline. In theory that means only one other Dual Band device is needed to accomplish 120V leg coupling. However, I recommend using 2 Access Points for coupling in addition to any other Dual Band devices you may have. For the initial install you can probably start without an ISY and do the device linking manually. However, if the budget allows I recommend including an ISY from the beginning because of the device link management capability that can be done from a computer when an ISY is available. It is a great device which you will find more and more uses for as your Insteon usage grows. Pick up a couple of FilterLincs. Devices such as UPSs and PCs may have power supplies which attenuate Insteon signals, particularly where the ISY PLM will be plugged in. Other devices such as some cell phone charges, flat screen TVs, etc can generate noise on the powerline that interferes with Insteon signals. FilterLincs are inexpensive compared to the total Insteon investment and are worth having on hand to resolve powerline issues. Lee
The Insteon architecture does not have a device or Scene disable function. The ISY Disable suspends the ISY activity with the device but does not stop Insteon devices from communicating directly with each other (Scene). One approach is to set the Motion Sensor into On Only mode which suppresses the Off command. The On command from the Motion Sensor will continue to activate the responders without the latency associated with a Program. Then use a Program(s) with whatever override logic needed to turn the responders Off.
I can confirm the Query of the Low Battery node does reset the node to Off. Thanks Rand. Much better than having to Remove the device.
jcanter Thanks for the trace. It looked like mine except for the values of specific options. I then set up the Motion Sensor with a low battery so that it would generate the Low Battery message. It did generate the Low Battery message and I could find no method for getting the MS to send the Off variant to Low Battery. Installing a new battery did not result in generating an Off message for Group 3. I’m beginning to think the MS does not generate an Off message. The only way I could get rid of the Off status was to Remove the MS and add it back. Lee
Unless you have an ISY Program that is reacting to the OFF message coming from the KeypadLinc Dimmer and turning the KPL back ON at some dim level, turning the KPL OFF with the OFF button is all hardware/firmware in the KPL itself. So long as there is no ISY Program involved you likely have a defective KPL What type of load and wattage is connected to the KPL, incandescent bulb, CFL, LED, etc. Some devices are not meant to be handled by an Insteon Dimmer.
Justin, Running 2.8.4 with ICON Dimmer 2876DB v39, I was able to define an If Control with Fast On and confirmed the Program works as expected. Lee
Is this a V2 Motion Sensor? Is Jumper 5 in place? Run Tools ! Diagnostics ! Event Viewer and select Change Level 3 Put Motion Sensor into linking mode. Click on the Set Options button. Post the Event Viewer trace. Let’s see if the Motion Sensor is still saying battery is low.
If the event is not traced likely not being seen by the PLM. What if you do a simple single tap, does that show in the event viewer trace. Be sure to set Change Level 3. Sounds like the PLM link records may have been lost for some reason if multiple devices have the same problem. If single tap does not show up try restoring the PLM link database.
What ISY firmware are you running? It looks like the Low Battery logic was added in the 2.8.x update that added support for additional Motion Sensor options. Went back to 2.7.15 where the Low Battery node was NOT updated. reinstalled 2.8.4 where Low Battery node is updated.
Regarding the Motion Sensor Low Battery status, put the Motion Sensor into linking mode by pressing the Set button for 4-5 seconds. Then click on Set Options under the Low Battery node. The Event Viewer trace looks like the battery status is retrieved when the Motion Sensor options are retrieved. Cancel the options display pop-up. Should be no need to change any setting. Post back if that does not work and I will look for some other way. I am running 2.8.4.
Justin, I recommend learning how Insteon works, then interpret the results in that light. All those INST-xxx notations are useful to understand when looking at it from an ISY perspective. However, if you understand basic Insteon commands, the sequences associated with them, what Insteon expects and what response from Insteon to expect, it makes much more sense. It is daunting in the beginning but well worth the effort. There is an insteondetails.pdf document accessible through the public space on the Smartlabs web site. It is an old document but the discussion about Insteon Direct commands versus Insteon Group commands, the flag byte in each Insteon message and just how much information those 4 leading bits tell you about each Insteon message, the link database, all that still applies. Some basic information from an Insteon perspective. All the common messages to and from the PLM start with 02 6x and 02 5x. 02 6x are outbound messages from the ISY PLM to the powerline. The Event Viewer does not trace the actual outbound call itself but does trace the "Echo" of the outbound command the PLM sends back to the ISY when an outbound command is issued. This Echo normally ends in a 06 with a 15 on the end indicating the PLM was not ready to accept the outbound command (rarely seen). 02 62 xx ....... xx 06 are outbound Insteon Direct commands 02 61 xx ....... xx 06 are outbound Insteon Group commands 02 50 xx ....... xx are inbound Standard Insteon messages 02 51 xx ....... xx are inbound Extended Insteon messages 02 52 xx xx are inbound X10 messages. Once these messages are understood from an Insteon perspective then you can understand traces that may be posted on other forums. The Smarthome forum, the Powerhome forum, the Simplehomenet forum, all good places to gain information on Insteon messages. There is not one forum topic, you have to look through many forum posts. Discussions on the Smarthome forum about the SmartLinc and the use of Custom Commands discusses raw PLM commands, showing the hex strings and what they accomplish. All of this applies to any application using a PLM to interface to the powerline. It can take lots of time but once you understand how Insteon works you know how the world works (chuckle) . You DO NOT have to know this level of information. The ISY is very good at masking the complexities of Insteon and I think that is one of ISYs strengths. However, if you want to know how things work under the hood, knowing Insteon itself in invaluable. Lee
When the RemoteLinc button is pressed it sends a Group Broadcast message in the blind. That is, the Insteon message is sent not addressed to any specific device. All devices that have a Responder link record that matches the RemoteLinc Insteon address and Group number of the specific RemoteLinc button will react to that Group Broadcast message. Because the new responder was updated it is reacting to the Group Broadcast message. The issue with what I have said so far is that there is no guarantee that all the responders received that Group Broadcast message. To insure reliability Insteon controller devices (RemoteLinc in this case) follow up with a Group Cleanup Direct message sent to every responder device the Controller button is aware of. If the powerline is clean this Group Cleanup Direct is redundant and ignored by each Responder device. However, because the Group Cleanup Direct is sent to a specific responder that responder must ACK the Group Cleanup Direct regardless of whether it was redundant. If the Controller does not see the ACK it will repeat the Group Cleanup Direct up to three times which insures the responder does react unless the powerline is really trash (or the device is turned Off, unplugged, etc). The new responder device is reacting to the initial Group Broadcast from the RemoteLinc because the new responder device link database was updated. When the RemoteLinc is updated it will start sending a Group Cleanup Direct to that new responder to insure it is responding to the RemoteLinc button press. Hope that helps. Lee
Using Tools | Diagnostics | Evevt Viewer Change Level 3 – the command codes indicate the type of button press ON Command Thu 11/04/2010 09:29:04 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.71.3C 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00) OFF Command Thu 11/04/2010 09:29:10 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.71.3C 00.00.01 CB 13 00 LTOFFRR(00) Fast ON Thu 11/04/2010 09:29:14 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.71.3C 12.9F.E4 41 12 01 LTON-F (01) Fast OFF Thu 11/04/2010 09:29:20 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.71.3C 12.9F.E4 41 14 01 LTOFF-F(01) Start Dim UP Thu 11/04/2010 09:29:29 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.71.3C 00.00.01 CB 17 01 LTMCON (UP) Stop Dim Thu 11/04/2010 09:29:34 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.71.3C 00.00.01 CB 18 00 LTMCOFF(00) Start Dim DOWN Thu 11/04/2010 09:29:44 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.71.3C 00.00.01 CB 17 00 LTMCON (DOWN) Stop Dim Thu 11/04/2010 09:29:48 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.71.3C 00.00.01 CB 18 00 LTMCOFF(00)
Since the load is not connected to the KPL there would be no light flash if all load On and Off was done through a Program. That introduces a small delay as the Program issues whatever is necessary to turn the load On. If the KPL buttons are directly linked to the responder load such that you get instant On response then more Scenes are necessary to turn insure the remaining KPL buttons are turned Off by turning the appropriate Scene Off. Unfortunately KPLs have worked this way forever. This is not a limitation or restriction of the ISY itself.
KeypadLinc mutex button relationship only works when a KPL button is pressed. The KPL firmware does not honor/acknowledge the mutex relationship when KPL buttons are turned On/Off from another controller (ISY in this case). Also Secondary KPL buttons cannot be turned Off when turning On a Scene (which is why no sliders). That is, the ON Insteon command will not turn Off a Secondary KPL button (the load KPL button is the exception). When a KPL Secondary button is a Responder to a Scene, turning the Scene On turns the Secondary button LED On, turning a Scene Off turns the Secondary button LED Off.
Michel, I think the problem started when he replaced his 2412 PLM with a new 2413 PLM. The PLM link count does not suggest of overflow of the PLM. Perhaps something happened during the replacement of the PLM. Lee
The 2414 PLC uses the Smartlabs SDM3 device manager interface between the application and the PLC. The SDM3 does not use a COM port as was noted in the post by kingwr. Smarthome lists SDM3 as not supported on Windows 7 64 bit in case that is a factor. The SHN Utility works with a 2414 PLC and a 2412 PLM. It also works with the SHN EZSrve but I doubt that applies here.
With a 2412U USB PLM connected to the PC you can run the SimpleHomeNet Utility Suite (designed to run on XP, tested on 32 bit Vista successfully and may run on Windows 7 but not tested) and set the EZFlora Configuration register option that makes Zone 8 a Pump/Master Valve controller. There are drivers available from Smarthome that are required for a 2412U PLM. Although connected to a USB port, the Smarthome device driver makes the USB connected PLM look like a Serial connected PLM and will assign it a COMx number. Usually starting with COM4 or COM5 but it can vary from system to system. The ISY with its Serial PLM has no problem coexisting with another PLM on the same powerline. The ISY cannot physically connect to a USB PLM as the ISY is using a true Serial connection. It is correct that the EZFlora does not allow two Zones to be turned On together. Turning on Zone x turns all the other Zones Off. The initial screen of the Simplehomenet Utility accepts a COMx number for a PLM, select the Use PLM radio button and then click on Connect. If the COMx number is correct the SHN Utility will connect to the PLM with a status message at the bottom left of the SHN Utility screen saying Connected to the PLM with the device address and PLM revision level. Select the EZFlora tab, enter the device address of the EZFlora device in the Insteon ID: field which should then show a Connected message just under the Insteon address field. Click on “Zone 8 is a Pump†button. This will cause the EZFlora to energize Zone 8 when Zones 1-7 are turned On. When all Zones are Off Zone 8 will turn Off. Do not control Zone 8 from the ISY. EDIT: missed one. yes, once the Zone 8 is a Pump option is Set you can use the ISY to turn each Zone On/Off and Zone 8 will turn On/Off automatically. You can also use the SHN Utility to manually turn on the Zones either for testing or for actual watering. Don't suggest trying to use both at the same time as they will not know each other is controlling the same device. The EZFlora will respond but the ISY nor the SHN Utility will be aware of the others activity.
Between when the Remove device option was presented as an option and when it was not did you initiate some activity such as removing the device from one or more Scenes? It may not present the Remove device option while the ISY is performing other tasks related to that device. The status at the bottom of the ISY window may say something other than Ready if it is working on something. The links necessary for the ISY to be aware of a button press so that a Program can be triggered with a Control On for example are established when the device was originally added to the ISY.
I have no suggestions regarding how the Admin Console is operating. It still sounds like the link records are not correct either in the KPL itself or the PLM. Using Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer, set the change level to 3 and press button C. I expect you will not see messages in the Event Viewer window. The Remove is still the suggested next step. Someone with more insight into the Admin Console will have to address its current operation. It is not necessary to remove the device from Scenes before doing a Remove device. The ISY does this automatically. It does not delete the Scene, simply removes the device from each Scene before removing the device entry itself from the My Lighting tree. What level firmware are you running in the ISY?
In the My Lighting tree, right click on the device and select Remove.