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Everything posted by kohai

  1. I'm not sure a blanket statement that Ubiquity is junk is accurate. I think the two companies bring different things to market and based on the person's needs, they can choose. For a simple inexpensive setup, Ubiquity can work well. If you want 20 access points, then Ruckus brings more tools.
  2. I just installed two UAP-AC-PRO units here at my house and I manage a small network of them at my kids' school. I like the Ubiquity products. I haven't tried the one you are referring to. I also have an Edgerouter Lite that is really configurable. I don't see how an access point would conflict with a ISY since they are different frequencies (z-wave/zigbee vs wifi).
  3. I have three Windows 10 machines. Two work, one doesn't and I haven't ever dug enough to figure out why the one doesn't work.
  4. Hot H2O Circ Pump 15 min - [iD 0010][Parent 0001] If From 11:00:00AM To 5:59:00PM (same day) Then Repeat Every 1 hour Set 'Hot H2O Circ Pump On-Off Swit' On Wait 15 minutes Set 'Hot H2O Circ Pump On-Off Swit' Off Else Set 'Hot H2O Circ Pump On-Off Swit' Off I'm not really trying to answer your question but will throw out how I do an interval program. I have a circulation pump in my house for hot water and I turn it on for 15 minutes every hour between 11 am - 5:59 pm. I realize you have one extra complication in tracking whether your heater is on.
  5. I too would favor reliability over fiddling, however I totally hate being at the whim of someone to fix something I already own and could deal with myself. For example, a local company installed my alarm system with the previous owner. For some reason on 8 zones they didn't do home runs back to the main wiring area and did a single run of the bus. I can't find WHERE that 8 zone expander is and 3 of the zones aren't working. I've called the installer, I've emailed the installer, and I get no response about where the expander is. I've climbed around one attic looking for it and failed to find it. It's probably buried by insulation. I'm sure they know where it is because this home was the personal home of a very well respected builder and they did all the maintenance on the system. They made sure he was taken care of because of his influence on their future business. But for me, they won't give me the time of day to even say where the expander is. I hate that.
  6. I am trying to do something similar. I have the sonos part working but not the doorbell part (waiting for z-wave multi-channel support... ugh, been waiting since November when I realized my sensor was not compatible). http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/17615-sonos-alert-message-pause-music-alert-play-music/
  7. I find the UDI java admin console very good -- much better than a crappy web interface.
  8. Yeah! I feel better now about the 5 units I bought a few months ago (before I decided to get into home automation).
  9. My units occasionally say they have lost their wifi connection and then later pick it back up (2 of 5 do it quite a bit and it seems to be location specific not thermostat specific). At some point I hope to find a spectrum analyzer to borrow to test why.
  10. I'd put my name on that petition too. I've got 5 of these thermostats.
  11. I think those doing anything using ISY are using IFTTT. (I think I read that somewhere)
  12. It's not as intimidating as it seems. I'm sure someone here would walk you through it.
  13. This is now what you're all doing at home: Picard: Tea, earl gray, hot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2IJdfxWtPM
  14. Congrats! I know a lot of people are hot about the echo. My wife said she doesn't want a device in her house that is always listening. I'll get her a tinfoil hat for her birthday.
  15. The Wall Street Journal has a rumor going that Amazon is going to release a smaller, battery based/portable unit.
  16. There's definitely a knack to develop for these. I think seeing and understanding the flows are important. Thanks for taking time to walk me through it.
  17. Ahh, I get it. Jumping from the THEN to the ELSE -- kind of like an old fashioned GOTO. This does seem to behave correctly. I've extended my 'wait' commands a bit since my motion sensor seems to want more time. I'll tweak and try all use cases. Thanks for the info.
  18. I originally was not using 2 programs, but I found with 1 program that the ELSE was always running. If someone turned the chandelier on inside using the switch, the motion detection would trigger the IF and cause the ELSE to run. What advantage does the "not 0" add if the only two possible values are 0 and 1? I've seen this approach on others examples but I though it was due to the way dimmers report values.
  19. Here's an example of a program I'm trying to get to work but failing to do so even though it seems simple. (None of this is insteon, so I'm limited a bit in what I can see of the systems. This is DSClink plus a serial command to my lighting system.) The goal: IF the front door is opened, turn on the chandelier. IF the door was opened and there isn't any motion in the entry anymore, after 15 seconds turn the chandelier off. Front Door - Chandelier - [ID 000C][Parent 0001] If $sAlarmZ01_FrontDoor is 1 Then Resource 'Centralite-EntryChandelierOn' Run Program 'Front Door-Chandelier Off' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Front Door-Chandelier Off - [ID 000D][Parent 0001][Not Enabled] If $sAlarmZ17_FrontEntryMotion is 1 Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else Wait 15 seconds Resource 'Centralite-EntryChandelierOff' Using a nested program structure is needed to avoid a problem I had where someone could turn on the chandelier inside with the switch and then the program was turning it back off. The chandelier doesn't get turned off in the example above because I think the 2nd program THEN executes and the ELSE does not due to motion. I haven't found a combination that works yet moving the wait around to different parts of the program(s). Any ideas?
  20. Oh yeah, the nested if! At 4 am last night I woke up and was thinking about my simple front door light I'm trying to get the program working right. I kept thinking I needed a nested if and then I remembered people were calling other programs and I realized that was why they were doing that -- essentially a nested if via programs.
  21. Right. In a normal if/then/else world, that isn't expected but I do see the need in the case of an ISY (e.g. motion sensor). It seems to me though, there could be a need for the ability to 'sleep' without being surprised and having the execution jump from the THEN to the ELSE. Maybe it is a simple counter that is in the IF that gets incremented in the THEN. Anyway, that wasn't the main point of my post. My point was that the IF/THEN/ELSE in the ISY world is substantially different than normal programming logic and documenting the details of it on a wiki or in the user guide (or preferably both) would be helpful to newbies like me. I found this thread by trying to understand the process. There's been some discussion on the forums the past couple days about how to make it easier for people to start using the ISY and I think IF statements are one of those areas that people stumble.
  22. The info and examples in this thread should be put up on the wiki. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it (it is not like a normal programming language). This is a very common topic on the forums and more how-to info somewhere would be helpful. (At least I didn't see anything on the wiki or in the user guide at this level of detail.) BTW, I think there should be a 'sleep' command that does not cause a re-evaluation of the IF.
  23. This was just being discussed the other day, see this thread too: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/17717-is-logitech-harmony-hub-compatible-with-isy/
  24. Looks like there is an RESTful api? "Harmony API is RESTful and leverages OAuth 2." https://www.myharmony.com/en-us/harmony-api Thread discussing frustration with not getting access to API: http://forums.logitech.com/t5/Harmony-Hub-Based-Remotes/Ultimate-Hub-API/td-p/1049607/page/7 A couple of unofficial methods: HarmonyHubControl (Python, based on pyharmony) http://sourceforge.net/projects/harmonyhubcontrol/files/ Pyharmony (Python, older) https://github.com/jterrace/pyharmony/ harmony-java-client (Java, based on Pyharmony) https://github.com/tuck182/harmony-java-client BWS Systems Java Version: https://github.com/bwssytems/restful-harmony A discussion on this forum about the API (Michel indicates UDI has requested API access and has not received it): http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/15193-harmony-api/
  25. I think the key is scratching an itch. I was talking to my mother about what I'm messing with in HA. It is all pretty specific to me so there's that "eyes glazing over" look. I mentioned a few things that HA could do for her. e.g. She has a lamp post that is on a Christmas tree timer which doesn't follow sunrise/sunset. She asked if there's a way to have the TV turn off when my father falls asleep sitting in front of it. I might need a noise sensor to detect snoring.
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