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Everything posted by shadowb

  1. After migrating from isy to eisy I have multiple duplicate scenes and Alexa says "I found more than one device with the name ..." I cannot find my Scenes in the Alexa App - according to some posts, they have suspended support for Scenes. You can see them if you create a Group and I can see the duplicates but I cannot find any way to delete the duplicate scenes. Many posts say to create a Group with the duplicate scenes in them then Edit, select the duplicates and use the Delete icon - but that Deletes the GROUP not the selected Scenes. Help!
  2. I am considering migrating my isy994 to eisy with Z-wave. 1) My isy994 seems to have PLM built-in but the eisy requires an external PLM, is that correct? 2) Is Z-wave built-in eisy or do I need to buy and add-on? Sorry, I don't have time to research these at the moment. Need quick answers to decide to research further. Thanks!
  3. Thanks to all for the excellent suggestions especially the one about the tuning slug. I am very familiar with such tuning coils and slugs. BUT in the meantime, I found a wireless motion sensing door chime on Amazon for only $25.98. It is simple and works great. I still have the Insteon motion sensor and can use it to trigger other events if/when I want.
  4. Thanks to all for the great answers and suggestions! I will now dig into them.
  5. I have ONE remaining X10 device - a chime I use to report motion via an Insteon motion sensor on a rear door. It has been working fine for years but recently stopped working. I can run the Event Viewer and see the command being sent to the X10 device but it does not respond. Tried plugging into several different outlets in case something was blocking the signal - no help. It does chime when I unplug/plug it so I know that part of it is still working. Has UDI/isy changed anything in the updates that would stop X10 from working? Is there now an Insteon chime device - last I looked there was not. Thanks. I find this forum indispensable.
  6. It's a small fist-size pump on a fountain and the problem is it fails to come on daily at 700a only a couple of times a month. It's a 2663-222 dual outlet. The 2 sec delay between commands to the Top and Bot outlets may solve it. The pump is on the Top outlet, nothing on the Bot. I'll have to give it a month or so to know. This is the only problem I'm having throughout the entire house and yard of Insteon devices.
  7. All helpful info. Because I like to understand things completely I'll seek the details with Insteon / SmartLabs. In the meantime I'll wait and see if the 2 sec delay between commands to the Top and Bot outlets solves it. I've never noticed the Off command failing, but then it would be near midnight and the fountain would run all night unnoticed. : )
  8. The Event Viewer section 11.1.1 and Appendix J give an overview and example of an Excel formatted log. Here's an example of the actual log data that I formatted to make it easier to read. I can pretty well figure out much of it ... 3D BE 9C is the outlet address... I think 3D C7 BE is the ISY address. Not sure what 'I2CS', 'SRX' and some of the other codes mean. Any source for this level of detail? What would I be looking for if there were a communication error? This is a 'normal' On sequence. FOUNTAIN PUMP BOT ON COMMAND Wed 06/08/2016 02:29:15 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 3D BE 9C 1F 11 FF 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE Wed 06/08/2016 02:29:15 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 3D.BE.9C 1F 11 FF 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE 06 LTONRR (FF) Wed 06/08/2016 02:29:16 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 3D.BE.9C 3D.C7.BE 2B 11 FF LTONRR (FF) Wed 06/08/2016 02:29:16 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 3D.BE.9C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Wed 06/08/2016 02:29:16 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [3D BE 9C 2] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1 Wed 06/08/2016 02:29:16 PM : [ 3D BE 9C 2] ST 255
  9. Good suggestion about Event Viewer Level 3 ... where can I find a key to reading it? I can figure out some of it but not all. Will search the Wiki unless there is something better. I have tried an Off/On sequence to see what a Level 3 trace is supposed to look like and will monitor now to try and catch a failure. I have now successfully replaced all but two X10 devices with Insteon throughout the house and yard. Very pleased with all of the quick responses and help from this forum. Thanks!
  10. It's a Program that gives direct commands to both outlets to turn On (one at at time of course). I just added a 2 sec Wait and turn on again to see if that makes it more reliable.
  11. I'm using an ISY994i and have a program that turns on both outlets in a 2663-222 located outside in a water-proof box to control a fountain pump. The program turns on both outlets at 700a each day ... the problem is the pump has failed to come on about 3 times in the past couple of months. When I open the ISY application the status always shows On for both outlets. If I click On in the app the pump will come on. I thought Insteon was essentially fail-safe with its two-way response system. For the time being I modified the program to Wait 2 secs and send On again. Right now this unit is not as reliable as the X10 unit I used for many years. What's up? I also posted on the Insteon forum but the only answer so far is to ask this forum. Thanks
  12. Outstanding DennisC! \ Works perfect - no need to pay MobiLinc and I only wasted $1.00 for their trial. Thanks!
  13. Mobilinc - a bit pricey for occasional usage, but would suffice, I'm trying the Lite 30-day version. ISY Ajax - can't find much info about it. Something about it being replaced by UDAjax ... where is it, how do you use it? iRule and Roomie are favorites but appear to be more UI builders than simply pre-built remotes.
  14. Images 17 & 18 show the corrupted link tables BEFORE I removed and reinstalled the mini-remote. Images 23 & 24 show AFTER the reinstall when the two link tables now match. I didn't show the images after the first reinstall attempt when the device links table was cleared to only an EOF line and the ISY links table was unchanged.
  15. I would like an interface to my ISY994i/IR Pro from my Android tablet and/or phone. With my X10 system I was able to use the X-10-RT504 remote to control absolutely any device just by dialing the House Code and pressing the appropriate Unit code button. With Insteon and ISY everything has to be preprogrammed and assigned to a controller - there is no general purpose access except the ISY computer program. If there were a tablet/phone version of the ISY program it would provide this general purpose access to all my devices. Local Wi-Fi access is adequate. I don't need to get into remote Internet access and additional no-IP DNS handling, etc. Anyone doing something like this? Richard
  16. LeeG, ISY 994i/IR PRO (1110) - OpenADR (21010) Firmware: Insteon_UD994 v.4.3.26 (2015-10-13-11:35:11) UI: Insteon_UD994 v.4.3.26 (2015-10-13-11:35:11) Yes, I suspect I set up one or more scenes with the devices before installing the ISY. See attached images. The troubling aspect was after I realized the two link tables were out of sync (images 17 & 18) I reinstalled the mini-8 picking the Delete all Links option but the ISY Links Table was NOT changed - it still had all the old links while the device table was cleared but had ONLY the EOF entry. That's when I completely removed the device and reinstalled it (images 23 & 24). BTW. There is a bug in ISY console - while capturing these images when I did Diagnostics / Show Device Links Table it would simply open an empty Device Links window and NOT prompt me to put the mini-8 into communications mode. I tried several times. I then exited the program and restarted it - then it worked properly. Thanks
  17. Because a Restore would have corrupted the device with the WRONG links from ISY, which had the incorrect links table, that's exactly what I did ... removed the mini-remote and reinstalled it. So I guess the net of all this is there is no way to correct an ISY link table that is totally wrong - have to uninstall and reinstall the device.
  18. Restore would have been wrong because it was ISY's Link Table that was incorrect. After the Factory Reset the device's link table was correctly cleared but ISY's link table still had lots of entries in it. This may have happened by using the device in scenes that I may have set up outside of ISY before I realized that is a no-no. But that does not explain why a Factory Reset worked on device but not the ISY link table for that device. What I needed in this case was the ability to "Restore" ISY's link table to match the reset device's link table. Right?
  19. I had a mini-remote in some scenes and triggering some programs. When triggered from the mini-remote different lights in the scene would fail to turn off. When triggered from the ISY program the scene worked every time. I discovered the device's link table and ISY's link table did not match - so I did a Factory Reset on the device. After Factory Reset the Device Links Table was cleared to one line (wrong, more later) but the ISY Links Table had lots of links still in it. I could find no way to clear the ISY Links Table. So I removed the mini-remote completely and reinstalled it. This time the Device Links Table has 9 entries, one for each of the 8 buttons and the end-of-file, and the ISY Links table now matches. THEN I had to remove and replace the IF statements for each of the 8 programs triggered by this remote's buttons. How could I have made the ISY Links table match the Device Links Table after the Factory Reset. I searched and found no way to delete/remove links, hence the brute force approach I used. BTW. I found this problem when one of the programs turned off the lights it was supposed to then many more, including X10 devices that were NEVER in the original scenes nor in any of the programs this mini-remote triggers.
  20. Very good LeeG - Thanks! I suspected it was normal behavior because I'm sure they are wired and programmed correctly, but I had not thought about trying double-tap. So marvelous getting almost instant answers to my questions - I'm very impatient! : ) Richard
  21. I have two sets of 3-way Switchlincs 2477D fairly new that behave exactly the same way but not quite correctly. I linked them before I got my ISY994i and after I installed the ISY I reset them, removed the links and relinked them via ISY - still getting the same behavior. The Switchlinc where the load is connected will go from zero to the preset Dim level on the first press then to Full on on the second press, as intended. The other Switchlinc will go from zero to the preset Dim level on the first press but on the second press only the LED's go to Full on, the lamps stay at the Dim level. Before I start trying to decode Link Tables anyone have an explanation/solution? Richard
  22. I second Michel's "Thanks"! It's great to know there is a forum with good activity and a lot of experience and understanding. Humorous aside ... during further exploring today I encountered "Flex Alert" ... Wow! I wondered how ISY knew I have a Flex Radio 6300 SDR (software defined radio). (tongue in cheek) ... a Google led me to California's energy alert "Flex Alert" ... and of course when I Google anything "Flex" I get lots of results from Ford.
  23. Techman, thanks for that article - it does address several of the key issues with IF/Then/Else evaluation - such as precedence. That was often an issue I ran into going from one programming language to another. Left-to-right and explicit use of parentheses seems to be most common. I have saved the article in my folder of cheat sheets.
  24. larryllix and stusviews - yep, you are both in tune with the issues, glad to know I'm talking with the right guys. I had not yet explored the nested IF's ... I had assumed they were possible. Thanks for the tip-off. I'm sure that once I've got everything running and don't visit ISY for 6 months I'll have to reread these posts! : ) I have also started writing my own "user's guide" as a refresher. Thanks again, Richard
  25. Techman, just saw your post. Thanks! Will carefully read that article tomorrow.
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