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Everything posted by jgcharlotte

  1. Late to the game here, but very interested.
  2. When the event occurs, she does not need to be queried. There is a different method for notifications, where she has to be queried, and that works very well for that use. It uses Network Resources.
  3. Ok I see it now. It's a separate step in the routine, not a setting in the 'say' part. That works. It would be nice if they would give the option to use that setting for just this routine, so it would return to the previous setting when the routine finishes. Just a check box in the Device Setting step.
  4. Is it only for that announcement or does it change the volume for everything after that? I use notifications for my outside motion sensors since it automatically plays on all Echo's.
  5. Really, I didn't see it. I'll look again, thanks!
  6. I don't suppose there is a way to set the volume when setting up an ISY triggered announcement in Routines? Like maybe embed a volume setting in brackets or something since there does not seem to be a setting in the routine setup to do that. Sometimes we have the volume set very low and an announcement comes through. Can't hear it, then it's gone. It would be nice, too, if you could select more than one echo to play the announcement. I'm going to try adding one in the ISY to see if both will play. Sounds like a good feature request to Amazon!
  7. Hmmm, when I asked her for the status of a certain device, she responded 'that's not supported yet. You can get the current temperature from thermostats, though.
  8. This is so true. Imagine doing all of your scheduling and programming in the cloud. "Oh, gee, a glitch on their server set my furnace to 100 degrees"
  9. It is a pain, and I don't have close to 500! I make the first part of the variable name something constant for the variable use. At least that way they are grouped together when sorted by name. Fortunately, the variable names can be fairly long.
  10. Looks like it went away on it's own last night. With a programmer's help of course.
  11. Building on larryllix response above, what I do is set flags using state variables, then use the flags to trigger certain messages using the motion sensor/routine method.. garage door is open > set state variable 'door open' to 1 garage door is closed > set state variable 'door open' to 0 you always know whether the door is open or closed by the value of 'door open' Then you can compare the verbal command/action taken to the 'door open' flag to see if it is valid and trigger the appropriate message. I think that would work, if I understand what you're trying to do. I do kind of the same thing with a bathroom heater. I have an open/close sensor on the bathroom door. If the door is open, the heater doesn't heat up the bathroom too well (it is upstairs, we usually turn on the heater from downstairs) 'Alexa turn on the bathroom heater' If the door is closed, she replies 'the bathroom heater is on' If the door is open, she replies 'the bathroom heater is on, but the bathroom door is open'. Then somebody needs to run up and close the door. I also set a flag high when either of those 2 messages is played that disables any more until the heater has been turned off and then on again. This prevents messages from being played every time the door is opened while the heater is on. Hope this helps!
  12. I'm using routines (not notifications) in Alexa to announce various things; 'garage door is opening', etc. Was working great. All of a sudden, in addition to the intended message, she is spouting a bunch of other gibberish, sounds like 'Amazon selection blah blah blah, then my message, then the gibberish again. Anyone else having this problem?
  13. But don't they just change numbers? I don't even answer any more unless I know the caller. If it's a client or legit potential client they will leave a message.
  14. Agree and I'm sure that's where I'm headed. I would do it a lot sooner if I know it will fix my DNS issues!
  15. This is great feedback, thanks all for taking the time to respond! My router is a leased router from Spectrum, the account (200/10) is not a business account. It is separate from the modem, not a combo. They said it would be no problem at all to replace it if I decide to do that. Or I can get my own. One reason that I think it may be the router itself is that they replaced one for me a few years ago when I was having trouble getting on certain sites. When they replaced it, he said it was DNS issues. Anecdotal troubleshooting by association I know, but I'm about out of ideas. I have tried the Google DNS addresses 8's and 9's. Same result. I have it hanging in free air now. Seems a bit better, may be coincidence, still getting errors I figure if I just go out and buy my own and have the same problem, I can just return it and re-install the original. Or just keep it since it's probably a better router anyway. Sounds like Asus is the way to go. Thanks again!
  16. I continue to have DNS issues with my Spectrum supplied router (Sagemcom F@st 5260). Tried alternate DNS lookup addresses, no luck. Does not appear to be a heat problem. Updated the firmware yesterday, same thing. Sometimes emails go through, sometimes they do not. Very strange. I decided to replace the router with my own to see if that fixes the problem. Does anyone have a router recommendation, possibly someone who has had similar issues and found a router that worked. If not, just a recommendation on a solid router would be appreciated. Thanks.
  17. Actually, it's working now. ?? Thanks.
  18. I just get: Portal Error Log shows no errors. I don't know if that is the same error log. Any ideas? I've tried closing/re-opening Admin Console. Thanks.
  19. I don't know if anyone has run into this before, but I recently installed an IP camera over my garage right next to an existing Insteon motion sensor. Well, lo and behold I started getting false motion alerts. Since it started at night, I though maybe it was the IR LED's in the camera bleeding over to the motion sensor. Turned them off, same thing. I finally repeated the problem reliably. When I would go the the camera in the app, I would get the motion alert. So the only thing I can figure is when the camera turns on and starts sending RF it is causing the interference. I moved it several feet away, no problems. Just a heads up for a possible issue when they are close to each other. This particular camera is TP-Link Kasa Outdoor Camera. Side note, I have 5 Kasa IP cameras. They are great. Cost-effective, easy to set up, reliable, great quality.
  20. Seems rather counter-intuitive! I put a wireless thermostat in that closet just measuring ambient away from any active devices. It's up to 84 now. This closet shares a wall with the garage, which right now is only 78. The wall is insulated, but still . . . When a car gets parked in there it gets up to over 100 in warmer weather.
  21. Yes, that's about what I figured, thanks.
  22. I have an Insteon motion sensor (model/version listed below), that turns on fine when there is motion, set for 30 minute timeout, but when it times out, it sends 'off' but then immediately goes back 'on', even if there is no motion. Has anybody seen this? The is is the setup, typical occupancy.
  23. Wow, @larryllix sorry I didn't reply earlier, I don't recall getting an email that there is a response. I have all of my network stuff in a closet under the stairs. Modem, router, switch. As well as NVR for my CC camera system (with a monitor that is on 24/7) and router for my security company cameras. And of course the ISY. So that is a lot of stuff and it does get warm in there. And yesterday I got this stuff. Maybe just my broadband dropping out, I don't know. I will definitely look at getting things cooled down and I'm sure I can come up with a new P.S. for the ISY. Thanks!
  24. Back to the same old crap. Did fine for a day, no DNS errors anyway. Now today they started showing up again. Still using and Along with another one that is not even in the list: 170001. This is nuts.
  25. Hmm, yeah, I did set up the Gmail server. It did not help my problem, but of course it was a DNS problem at the time. So I went back to default. I guess I'll do it again. I don't like using gmail because when it hits my phone it doesn't get differentiated from other Gmail messages. Using the default I can set a different alert tone, etc. But if it is more reliable, it is worth it.
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