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Everything posted by Jamison_IO

  1. Is it feasible or at all likely that the currently hosted portion of the feature (that impacts speed), would be allowed to be hosted locally?
  2. What does this mean? As far as the constraint - is that removed somehow withe the "connected home" that I've read about? Sorry to veer off but I am so confused with all of this stuff - I start reading one thing then start going down another path! Echo, nodes, IR, skills, portals, mobilinc, - i wish there was a big diagram showing how all of this stuff worked together.
  3. I just got my echo (haven't even plugged it in yet) - i want to try it with my ISY, but before I spend the 50 on the portal, can you tell me how many beta spots are available?
  4. ordering one today!
  5. I just saw that! Thanks.
  6. From the dead... Has there been any updates on this topic? It appears that Insteon is doing some really great stuff with their hub and it would be nice to use it in conjunction with or in parallel with the ISY - thanks.
  7. I clicked on your profile and didn't see any links.
  8. I'll give that a look. I just looked that the reviews for the hub "Pro" and they are terrible. Is there a difference between the Pro and the "II" that you mentioned? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Sounds good. I am planning on doing just what you suggested. Get a couple switches installed and go from there. I may pick up some stuff that could include the hub. Is there any need for the hub of i have the ISY and PLM? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Awesome info guys. Thanks. And I have the 994iz IR pro, FWIW. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Since I started this with some very vague questions, i will ask some specific ones, too. Thermostats: it seems like the venstar ones are preferred, but I can figure out why. I want to be able to program, adjust based on motion and/or some sort of "away" scene. Data tracking would be fun, too. Thoughts? Cameras: sounds like these are pretty independent of the isy. In order to use these remotely, I plan on using mobilinc. Is that accurate? Can the isy control other wifi connected devices, with or without the hub that is associated with the devices (e.g., smart things, wink) Can I assume when I see "Z-Wave" I will be able to use those in the same manner as I can with the insteon stuff? When wiring a traditional three way switch, it would seem to me that there would be a way to not need both switches to be "smart". Isn't it possible to use one smart switch that can know the status of the light and also know whether or not the other switch has been activated based on a shift in electrical current to the smart switch? Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Thanks everyone for the really great insight. It is much appreciated.
  13. Hi all - I was all set to dive in with Insteon and ISY-994i (bought the ISY994iZw/IR PRO), but am getting concerned with a few things. The availability of Insteon stuff - very hard to find in stores, but Smartthings, Hue, Nest is everywhere - why? Is Insteon fading in light of all the other new companies introducing their new platforms? Is it too expensive ($50 for a switch, when other platforms offer them for much less)? If it is controllable with Insteon Hub, can i assume I can control it in the same fashion with the ISY controller? In this video Dada mentions controlling Sonos, Homekit, Nest, etc. "We want our customers to know that when they bring it home it will work not only with our own branded products but with each other." Is this true? Can I go by a Nest or Ecobee thermostat and control it with little or no tweaking via the Insteon/ISY controller and view it on MobiLinc? What about Sonos? The only thing I can find about controlling Sonos is a 2 year old thread (http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/11716-insteon-and-sonos-with-isy-994i/), that still seems like a lot of extra work for the founder of the company to be acting like everything just works. Is this due to using the ISY and not the Insteon Hub? I guess what I am looking for is a list of the devices/protocol/brands, etc. that I can go and buy in a store and use with my hardware (controller mentioned above and PLM) without having to do a ton of coding and without having a ton of separate apps, interfaces, etc. Perhaps a description for us newbies on how the various pieces of the puzzle fit together (ISY, PLM, Insteon Devices, Z-Wave devices, IR devices, Wi-Fi cameras, and other platforms (Smartthings, Nest, Echo, Siri, etc.)) Thanks for any help.
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