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Everything posted by LFMc

  1. thanks, but as I mentioned in my needs, I have a motion detector via Blue Iris cameras and it is next to impossible to tune them to be highly sensitive and not have lots of false positives. Now I want to augment BI with a beam type sensor to have a trigger that can eliminate almost all false positives without eliminating the true positive event.
  2. Thanks, I have been looking at this brand, but had forgotten about this model. 25' distance is on the edge for me, but it might be worth a try.
  3. Well, it finally happened to me. Someone walked up my drive through my open gate, opened my unlocked truck and stole my 8 year old, not recently backed up laptop (probably worth $50 on ebay) that wasn't supposed to be in my truck. Too many coincidences to not get my attention. Ok, I leave my auto gate open, but I always lock my truck (I can blame this one on my wife) and I have a Blue Iris camera pointing right at the truck with a trigger for my yard lights. But he managed to not trigger them. If I boost my sensitivity, I get 100's of false triggers, so I lost my laptop instead. Soooo, I have been contemplating way too long on putting in a driveway sensor that triggers when anything comes thru my open gate, car or pedestrian. To do so, I need a minimum range of 30 feet. I only have power on one side, but if I have too, I can add power to the other. It would just be a lot more work than I want to do. Of course it needs a dry contact, NC or NO to hook up to my Insteon IO link. The advantage of the driveway sensor is to have more accuracy for triggering cameras, lights, etc. with a lot less false alarms. I assume also this would need to be a photoelectric IR beam and not a buried sensor, besides my concrete drive would limit me from burying it and I think they don't work on pedestrian traffic. Does anyone have a driveway sensor suggestion of something that works well for them?
  4. November, 2016, really? I think they found these NOS PLMs in a shipping container that fell off a cargo ship from China that floated on to shore a couple of years later.
  5. Just got a "new" PLM in from Smarthome. The version is still 2.4. Being the date code is 4716, I guess they sent me a 2-1/2 year old unit as a "new" one. Buyer beware. Now to decide if I want to waste time and breath arguing with their support over it or not.
  6. Reliability, seriously? I'm running full on Insteon on everything. Why would I start now worrying about reliability? :-9
  7. Maybe someone should just program a "Insteon Node server" with a Pi RF interface to avoid the PLM altogether. Then they could do a Z-Wave node server next so I can add Z-wave to my full ISY 994i-ZS Zigbee unit. Imagine, no more PLMs and no more modules. We could use Robert's RF Node server as the starting point:
  8. Smarthome has the 2413S currently at 50% off with no sale expiration date. Has anyone gotten a V 2.5 yet from SH? Or are they dumping 2.4 inventory?
  9. Ditto on the tape being trash. No matter how much they tell you how good it holds. I had new baked on painted aluminum cleaned with alcohol and it fell off within 12 hours. Just get out the silicone glue the first time.
  10. LFMc

    What is an ISY994iX?

    Thanks Michel. I'm just looking for some spare/redundant hardware parts to start my switch to V5, etc.
  11. LFMc

    What is an ISY994iX?

    Thanks all, so it is a kit that includes the X10 module. Obviously a hot seller. (-;
  12. I ran across one for sale and can't find any details on what a 994iX is. Nothing on the UDI sales site or even Google. The hole in the label is the screw access to open it up.
  13. After converting all KPL buttons to programs only, create a program that automatically shuts down the KPL associated programs: (using pseudo code...) add 1 to static variable xx (Sxx) when any KPL buttons are pushed. If Sxx > 0, decrement Sxx by 1 every 5 seconds If Sxx > 5 disable all associated programs for 1 hour. (adjust to your needs) Flash KPL background lights for 5 seconds, sound buzzer for 5 seconds. Flash all lights on/off multiple times. Tell Alexa to say "Stop screwing around with the switches kids or the boogie man in the basement will come get you". That should do it or else make it more fun for them to keep doing it. (-:
  14. Ditto on that. I use this to monitor my freezer. Works great. And the light sensor can probably give you a heads up to doors being open before the temp drops significantly.
  15. Thanks Chris for bringing up this topic. While the DSC and Eyez-on solution would be great as a lower cost entry for the high tech hobbyist, I wouldn't probably recommend it for your sister. That would probably mean you become her service person and would be attached at the hip to her security.
  16. Thanks for the reminder. I think I looked at EYEZON a while back. Not sure why I didn't pursue it. My DSC may be so old it doesn't support it either. It would be nice to get rid of that old Hayes 1200b modem that I keep to program this old panel. I was correct, I have the PC1550 panel and they don't list it as compatible.
  17. I don't disagree with Taken at all on this. If you are waiting for the police now days, the game is over before they show. I had a 911 call 3 weeks ago and the police took 4 hours to respond. and yes there was a real threat on property at the time. They had a "work slow down" going on in protest of their retirement funding. So much for protecting and serving. So use Taken's advice to slow them down and get her a .357 with CHL training to stop them as a last resort. When I finally talked to the police, they agreed that I need to be armed next time. It is a shame that it has come to this in society.
  18. There are a lot of decisions. I need to replace my old DSC wired system also. I am heavily invested in Insteon and ISY, so it would seem obvious that I would choose ELK, but it is way over priced, IMO, and I don't see the need for most of it's features. I just need a simple wired and wireless panel to replace my old one with internet access for reporting and controlling it (i.e. no land lines). One thing I am not going to do is to buy a system that is locked into one monitoring company. I want to have choices for monitoring and that means competition. I have had three DSC systems in my homes and office, so I am used to the programming features, so replacing my existing DSC with a DSC (from Amazon) would be much simpler and allow me to use my existing sensors and keypads. Everyone's needs are different so you have to figure out whats best for your sister and you. FYI, my old DSC hasn't failed, it is using a very old protocol that isn't being supported by some of the new (less expensive) internet monitoring companies, it requires a land line and doesn't have the wireless features for remote access/monitoring.
  19. Nothing in my experience leads me to think that they are. Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
  20. I am having exactly the same problem. Just replaced my PLM a month ago and both my powered thermostats are not reporting correct temps or status to the isy unless I query them. I'll try restoring them. Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
  21. Shouldn't it also work if you only query one or two insteon devices per hour, i.e. not all of them? Something as critical as the plm should have a heart beat that can be monitored anyway, but I'm just dreaming. Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
  22. It appears this 2476S switch may have partially failed, if that is possible. It does not send DON, DOF or DFON, DFOF when pressed locally. It turns on and off the light locally and responds to all inbound requests from the ISY. I tried factory reset, did a restore device and it is still acting the same way. I am going to yank it and put in a newer dual band unit. Then I can test it further off line. Sorry for the confusion.
  23. Ok, yes, mine has the fast on/off buttons on the Admin console also, but I spent a lot of time trying to get a program to respond to the fast on/off from the switch and gave up. I have that same type of program working else where with dimmer switches that work great. I just programmed (for grins) it again and still doesn't work. Mine is a 2476s v.41 switch which I think is a bit older and powerline communications only. I just chalked it up to all on/off switches not have the fast features. what is really interesting is even if I issue the fast on from the admin console, the program still doesn't run.
  24. Paul, your double taps must be faster than mine. Lol. Never got it to work. Research on my switches showed there is no such response on my on/off switches. Maybe you have a different model? Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
  25. My insteon on/off switches do not have fast on/off options. Only dimmers have that feature. Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
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